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Endless Paperwork with Early Head Start

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  • Endless Paperwork with Early Head Start

    Do any of you have either Early Head Start or Head Start children? We have 6 Early Head Start and 6 community. The insane amount of paperwork with Head Start is driving me insane! It just seems like we are spending so much time doing observations, individualizing for each child, home visits, parent-teacher conferences, monthly goals for each domain for each child, setting family goals with the parents, riding the parents about dental visits, doctor visits, proof of employment, schooling, etc.

    I believe in the program. I believe it serves our community. But the idiots in charge of the program have NO clue how doing all this paperwork gets in the way of our real job of caring for, teaching, and nurturing these young lives. Not to mention that Head Start Centers have many employees to manage all of the paperwork, whereas the family childcare home generally has 1 or 2 total people handling it all. Grrrrr..... end rant.

  • #2
    Wow-do you TEACH Headstart? I guess I am confused by the question-as a provider whose kids leave for Headstart, I have never been asked to do anything.


    • #3
      Can someone explain Head Start to me ? I know it`s a type of pre - school. That's all I know. Thanks.


      • #4
        Yes. We are contracted for 6 Early Head Start (0-3years) children. I presume the paperwork/requirements are similar to the Head Start Centers. It is A LOT of work. Plus Head Start office staff comes to our home several times a year to observe us, grade us, review our files, etc.


        • #5
          Originally posted by se7en View Post
          Can someone explain Head Start to me ? I know it`s a type of pre - school. That's all I know. Thanks.
          Head Start is a program that encourages early education & family services & support for low income families. I believe you have to financially qualify for their services.


          • #6
            I've had foster children in head start. I HATED the paperwork for head start. I only ended up sending one child to head start due to the amount of paperwork, home visits, scheduling pickups/drop offs - a HUGE PITA!! It's wonderful for parents who can't afford a traditional preschool or don't have access to a great daycare provider, etc. but the ridiculous paperwork is just too much!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by butterfly View Post
              I've had foster children in head start. I HATED the paperwork for head start. I only ended up sending one child to head start due to the amount of paperwork, home visits, scheduling pickups/drop offs - a HUGE PITA!! It's wonderful for parents who can't afford a traditional preschool or don't have access to a great daycare provider, etc. but the ridiculous paperwork is just too much!!
              Do you mean the paperwork for you as a parent, or you as a provider that had Head Start children? The paperwork that we have to do with the parents is nothing compared to what we as providers have to do that has nothing to do with the parents. My own child was in head start and I never minded one bit doing whatever paperwork the provider asked of me because I was getting wonderful care for my child and whatever they needed, I provided no problem. But as a provider (well, i am the assistant who does much of the paperwork), it is absurd, and overkill as many of the forms are basically asking the same things, just worded differently.

              It just seems like we are supposed to be doctors (we actually have to take their height and weight and make sure they get their physicals, dentals, shots, etc). social workers (must know how the family is doing -- do they need anything, have to invade their home, make sure they arrive by a certain time, call them if they don't show, give them resources on anything they need, and so on. It's endless.


              • #8
                No...she is an early head start PROVIDER. Basically, sub-contracted by Headstart to provide the services in her home center, vs. them going to a commercial-building program directly through them.


                • #9
                  I was part of a Head Start family child care program about 15 years ago. It was for kids 3-5 yrs. it was a pilot program. It lasted two years and there wasn't any paperwork....can you believe it

                  For the person who asked Head Start is a federal gov. Preschool program.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dbslas View Post
                    Do any of you have either Early Head Start or Head Start children? We have 6 Early Head Start and 6 community. The insane amount of paperwork with Head Start is driving me insane! It just seems like we are spending so much time doing observations, individualizing for each child, home visits, parent-teacher conferences, monthly goals for each domain for each child, setting family goals with the parents, riding the parents about dental visits, doctor visits, proof of employment, schooling, etc.

                    I believe in the program. I believe it serves our community. But the idiots in charge of the program have NO clue how doing all this paperwork gets in the way of our real job of caring for, teaching, and nurturing these young lives. Not to mention that Head Start Centers have many employees to manage all of the paperwork, whereas the family childcare home generally has 1 or 2 total people handling it all. Grrrrr..... end rant.
                    Prior to being a family care provider I was a teacher supervisor at a Head Start/Early Head Start program. I agree that the paperwork is more than cumbersome. It was difficult to comply with all of the demands with teachers, a nurse, social worker, and myself all pitching in - I can't imagine doing it all on my own as a provider and still being able t supervise and interact with the children like I'd want. I think the program is wonderful but obviously something needs tweaking.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Leanna View Post
                      Prior to being a family care provider I was a teacher supervisor at a Head Start/Early Head Start program. I agree that the paperwork is more than cumbersome. It was difficult to comply with all of the demands with teachers, a nurse, social worker, and myself all pitching in - I can't imagine doing it all on my own as a provider and still being able t supervise and interact with the children like I'd want. I think the program is wonderful but obviously something needs tweaking.
                      I also worked as a teacher in Head Start prior to child care.

                      The paperwork was ridiculous....

                      I do not support or believe in the program though. Like a lot of things, everything looks great on paper but isn't at all or even close in real life.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post

                        I do not support or believe in the program though. Like a lot of things, everything looks great on paper but isn't at all or even close in real life.
                        Really? Interesting. Do you mind sharing what aspect(s) of the program (other than paperwork!) you don't like or don't agree with? Just curious.


                        • #13
                          The were looking for family childcares to participate in early Head Start here. I believe in the program but there was no way I could do it and still serve other children . Yet I would need the others to make an income.

                          Sis is the administrator at our district early childhood program it includes and early headstart for teen moms. parents have to jump through tons of hoops because a good part of the success is changing the family . So if they have to do lots there is always a paper trail and you know who does that.

                          When I decide to scale back in a few years I may actually do it if they still include Family childcares. I think I would have to get reaccredited first.
                          It:: will wait


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Leanna View Post
                            Really? Interesting. Do you mind sharing what aspect(s) of the program (other than paperwork!) you don't like or don't agree with? Just curious.
                            I do not agree with the push to academically educate children so young.

                            I think that the program should focus on the basic necessities and since so many families that participate are low income, the focus should be on teaching families how to become independent and self-sufficient verses just keeping them in the system.

                            I can't say that ALL Head Start programs are the same but where I worked, the gossip, condescending attitudes about enrolled families and their personal lives was astounding.

                            We were out right "trained" to think that NO parent participating had more than an 8th grade education. We were "rewarded" every time, we convinced a family to enroll or use a government program.

                            The program is THE biggest waster of funding with catered lunches, outings and conferences. Grant money that was spent on things that weren't needed and outright against the rules.

                            But's a grant right... If we didn't spend it all, we didn't get as much next year.

                            I could go on and on but honestly the biggest thing for me was that even Head Start doesn't think their own program is successful but yet the government insists on spending billions on a program that can't even prove it's own worth and effort.


                            • #15
                              Here is the findings of Head Starts own study on the program's effectiveness.

                              VERY clearly it says that based on the information available, the results show that providing access to Head Start did not appear to have much impact on children and their academic success beyond 1st grade and no impact beyond grade 3.

                              So for $7+ BILLION dollars per year, that is the results.

