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  • #16
    I'm a baby room teacher and we only have a crock pot. Fresh water is put in each day at opening and it is kept on low all day.


    • #17
      At the risk of being flamed... I totally heat my dd's bubs in the microwave. As a matter of fact, we have a second microwave in our room so we don't have to run down and heat bottles in the main floor kitchen microwave in the middle of the night if she gets up.

      My mom heated my formula bubs this way and my MIL heated hub's formula bubs this way. We're fine. We just shake the bottle and check it every time to make sure it doesn't have hot spots.

      I KNOW I'm not the only one here either ::


      • #18
        Originally posted by Willow View Post
        There have been studies C2C where water and or soil heated in a microwave then used to grow plants drastically alters the life sustained within it compared to the control group that received to exposure.

        I'm not sure if that's what tratliff is talking about but those are a couple I know of in regards to what you're asking.

        I'm not usually one of those paranoid types but with cancer striking younger and seemingly healthier people everyday I do buy into the idea that it could be a reason. Especially because near everyone has a microwave, if not access to several (home, work, activity groups, family members homes, friends homes etc.)
        ahhhhhhh well being as just stepping outside of my house can dramatically alter my life.... I guess I can't worry too much about microwaves.

        Don't get me wrong, I grew my own food. Including chickens. I buy beef and pork etc local and know what they eat and how they are slaughtered and packaged. I can my own veggies. I wouldn't even know the newest boxed products. I am not so sure I do it because that's how I grew up and that food just tastes better or if it's because I truly do believe our food is contaminated.

        Point being though, I can't spend my life being paranoid. I used to be like that and all it got me was ulcers and emergency ulcer surgery and I just can't be that way anymore.

        As my granny always says, ya gotta die somehow. and believe me, after avoiding sure death 12 years ago, things like microwaves just dont' bother me too much anymore.


        • #19
          oops double post


          • #20
            I could definitely live without ours, and we have two. I might use it once a week.

            And I always heat dds bottles either on the stove or in a container of hot water.


            • #21
              Originally posted by littlemissmuffet View Post
              At the risk of being flamed... I totally heat my dd's bubs in the microwave. As a matter of fact, we have a second microwave in our room so we don't have to run down and heat bottles in the main floor kitchen microwave in the middle of the night if she gets up.

              My mom heated my formula bubs this way and my MIL heated hub's formula bubs this way. We're fine. We just shake the bottle and check it every time to make sure it doesn't have hot spots.

              I KNOW I'm not the only one here either ::
              You are NOT the only one


              • #22
                Ok, so I know I've heard it before, but please remind me...

                WHY is it bad to heat a formula bottle in the microwave?
                WHY is it bad to heat breastmilk in the microwave?

                I know about heating plastics with food and never do that. In fact, we just threw out all of our China made plastic plates, bowls, and cups that were not marked with their safety information and purchased all new plain white Corelle dishes for the kids.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by littlemissmuffet View Post
                  At the risk of being flamed... I totally heat my dd's bubs in the microwave. As a matter of fact, we have a second microwave in our room so we don't have to run down and heat bottles in the main floor kitchen microwave in the middle of the night if she gets up.

                  My mom heated my formula bubs this way and my MIL heated hub's formula bubs this way. We're fine. We just shake the bottle and check it every time to make sure it doesn't have hot spots.

                  I KNOW I'm not the only one here either ::
                  You aren't ! I have had parents drop off telling me how many second to microwave a bottle for. Now, I don't do it because it's against licensing regs. but there are a ton of parents who do it.

