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DCM Says My Child Has Autism

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  • DCM Says My Child Has Autism

    My 5 1/2 year old daughter has behavior issues. She has been in therapy for 2 years and been to multiple different doctors for diagnoses. All come back with ADHD and ODD. We have been working with her. She does amazing at school it's just when she is at home and usually when other daycare kids are still here. She is much better when its just me, dad and brother. One DCM told me I need to get her tested for Autism because her anger issues look similar to one of her family members that has it. I personally haven't had much experience in autism. I know all parents say how smart their children are but she really is smart and her memory is better than mine! I am a little upset that a DCM said something like that. But im wondering what your experiences are with autism.

  • #2
    My oldest is autistic and sounds to be very similar to your dd. He's very smart. Remembers everything. Has some behavior issues. Does best with just our family of 4. Likes the one on one.

    There are so many variations of autism. They actually refer to autism as a spectrum and autistic children are often called "on the spectrum" since there are so many "degrees" or "forms" autism can take. It won't necessarily look the same from one individual to the next.

    I'd be a little put off if another parent made that comment to me too. I'm sure they meant it in the best of intentions, just as we daycare providers do when we have to make recommendations or suggestions about our daycare children.

    Also there is no clear cut testing to diagnose autism. We got our diagnosis after years of struggles and many evaluations done by several professionals.



    • #3
      Autism has little to do with how smart or how good their memory is, unless they are very b low functioning. Most children with autism are very smart and their main issue is social. They have a hard time interacting with people dont make good eye contact and like routine. But everyone is different


      • #4
        I have a cousin that is autistic but not all children with autism have anger issues. It sounds more like ADHD and ODD like you said but im not a expert.


        • #5
          There are so many levels of Autism because it follows a spectrum. Children on the spectrum can come in many different forms from extreme and low functioning to barely noticeable. Generally they tend to have trouble in social situations but could act out in a lot of different ways. They tend to be extremely intelligent (and with great memories) and less severe forms could be considered intelligent with some behavior quirks. A lot of them tend to act out aggressively as well but from what I've seen those tend to be more severe with other issues going on as well like ODD. If you are concerned it would not hurt to get it looked into, as you already seem extremely willing to help dd in every way possible. Its also possible that DCM thought she was being helpful as Autism rates are growing and early intervention is the best thing you can do. Although, if she said it in a nasty snarky way I'd be having a talk with her. Good luck!


          • #6
            The best thing you can do for your child is to have them tested, that way you know one way or the other. The higher level functioning autistic children that I know are VERY intelligent (i.e. reading at 3) but have social issues, sensory issues, problems following sequential directions...

            Early intervention is best! Good luck! And if she is autistic, there are great resources out there now and I am sure you could find great help/therapies in your area.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Unregistered (logged out) View Post
              My 5 1/2 year old daughter has behavior issues. She has been in therapy for 2 years and been to multiple different doctors for diagnoses. All come back with ADHD and ODD. We have been working with her. She does amazing at school it's just when she is at home and usually when other daycare kids are still here. She is much better when its just me, dad and brother. One DCM told me I need to get her tested for Autism because her anger issues look similar to one of her family members that has it. I personally haven't had much experience in autism. I know all parents say how smart their children are but she really is smart and her memory is better than mine! I am a little upset that a DCM said something like that. But im wondering what your experiences are with autism.
              I can see why you are upset, but she is just trying to help. :hug:
              It's worth looking into. You never know.


              • #8
                sounds stupid, but sometimes its other people notice it before you do.


                • #9
                  Thank you. I had no idea! I really don't know much about it! With all the help she has seen could it go unnoticed for so long? I started to notice issues when she was 2. Her social skills are not like other children her age. She loves being with other kids in a small group but will absolutely be bossy and won't let anyone else be the leader. I just figured it was normal girl behavior. The last 2 years I have only had boys in my daycare!! The girls I have had previously were more shy. Would I talk to her pediatrician? Therapist? I was misdiagnosed my whole life. I was told I had depression for 15 years! 5 months ago I was correctly diagnosed with ADD and all my issues have been solved. So I know a misdiagnose can happen but I guess I figured that autism was something doctors picked up on early.


                  • #10
                    My son has Asperger's (it is on the autism spectrum)

                    He has a really high IQ and is considered a genius.

                    His long term memory is impeccable and sometimes a little freaky....

                    He suffered from some major anger issues....I think due to the frustration levels some really smart people deal with.

                    My son seemed to have no issues with complex things but simple things were often difficult.... I think he over thinks things, thus the frustration and a lot of times frustration is exhibited as anger.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Thank you. I had no idea! I really don't know much about it! With all the help she has seen could it go unnoticed for so long? I started to notice issues when she was 2. Her social skills are not like other children her age. She loves being with other kids in a small group but will absolutely be bossy and won't let anyone else be the leader. I just figured it was normal girl behavior. The last 2 years I have only had boys in my daycare!! The girls I have had previously were more shy. Would I talk to her pediatrician? Therapist? I was misdiagnosed my whole life. I was told I had depression for 15 years! 5 months ago I was correctly diagnosed with ADD and all my issues have been solved. So I know a misdiagnose can happen but I guess I figured that autism was something doctors picked up on early.
                      Yes, In my experience very easily could have went unnoticed or rather undiagnosed. My son also is very bossy in a group. He's very by the book and if someone isn't following the rules to a tee he gets a little off his rocker trying to get everyone to do things the exact right way.

                      I would talk to your pediatrician, also talk to the school district. Our school district was actually the most influential in helping us find a diagnosis which then helped us get additional services within the school, etc.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kelsey's kids View Post
                        Autism has little to do with how smart or how good their memory is, unless they are very b low functioning. Most children with autism are very smart and their main issue is social. They have a hard time interacting with people dont make good eye contact and like routine. But everyone is different


                        • #13
                          I have talked to her pediatrician. She is referring us to the University of Iowa. It's a very long drive for us but she said they are the best. So we will see!


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                              My son has Asperger's (it is on the autism spectrum)

                              He has a really high IQ and is considered a genius.

                              His long term memory is impeccable and sometimes a little freaky....

                              He suffered from some major anger issues....I think due to the frustration levels some really smart people deal with.

                              My son seemed to have no issues with complex things but simple things were often difficult.... I think he over thinks things, thus the frustration and a lot of times frustration is exhibited as anger.
                              Great, now I KNOW my 12 yo is an Aspie... No, seriously, the older he gets, the more obvious it is that he's atypical, but not so atypical as to get a diagnosis.

                              This year he is in a project based school and already he comes home smiling. It's day 4 today. Please, please, let this be right for him!

