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Does Anyone Work With Their SO?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by daycare View Post
    I love him dearly, but I carry a lot on my shoulders too. BUT in his defense, I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to doing everything by the book so I would not be ok with delegating any paperwork for him to do. I would probably go back and either check it all or redo it.......

    I do about 95% of all of the house hold
    This is me too- I am MUCH more picky about how things are done so I end up doing them all myself- as much my fault as his I know!


    • #17
      My hubby is my sub. I joke with him and tell him we could add 2 more kids and he could work with me, but he is going to school full time so that isnt going to happen. I think we would work well together though.


      • #18
        OP here: You all have given me much to think about. I know I would do all the paperwork, scheduling, etc. I can breeze though it. I'm a go getter & he is laid back. It works for us, but I don't want all the responsibilities & none of the fun if we do this. I also don't want all the poopy diapers either, .


        • #19
          I do. We are partners. The pros are we get to work together. The cons are we have to work together. ::
          ......but seriously now, we do enjoy it, but being around each other 24-7-365 gets tense occasionally. We make sure we do separate things on the weekends a lot.

          I have tried to fire him once or twice. I've also been fired a couple times. Funny, he/me always shows up the next day. ::


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sugar Magnolia View Post

            I have tried to fire him once or twice. I've also been fired a couple times. Funny, he/me always shows up the next day. ::
            LOL! ::::


            • #21
              I'm so glad you posted this. My husband has been unhappy at his job for a long time and I could tell it was starting to wear on him. He said he wanted to do something else, but wasn't sure if he could (been at this job for almost 16 years) One morning, I woke up and it hit me that he could work with me. I suggested it to him and he said he would think about. After about a week, he was seriously considering it and now we are just planning when. happyface He is great with the kids, very hard working and efficient. I'm excited and so is he. I will let you know how it goes when he actually starts


              • #22
                Originally posted by Patches View Post
                I'm so glad you posted this. My husband has been unhappy at his job for a long time and I could tell it was starting to wear on him. He said he wanted to do something else, but wasn't sure if he could (been at this job for almost 16 years) One morning, I woke up and it hit me that he could work with me. I suggested it to him and he said he would think about. After about a week, he was seriously considering it and now we are just planning when. happyface He is great with the kids, very hard working and efficient. I'm excited and so is he. I will let you know how it goes when he actually starts
                We decided to have him take some vacay time & try it out before he leaves his job & benefits. He really is good with kids too, but he needs to be around a bunch of screamers with poopy pants to get the real feel of it before he puts in his notice.::

