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How To Get A Child To Interact?

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  • How To Get A Child To Interact?

    I have a child 2.3 years old he has been with one year now.

    Ever since he goes through mood swings never seen this but he is violent to his mom at home and when she picks him up.

    He tried to bite and hit me and I said straight no not allow he has never tried it back.

    At drop off he screams every morning.

    His mom treats him like a baby, carrying him around and doing everything for him which is all fine but I have asked her before can you teach him to like feed himself and she said he won't do it instead throw his food, so when it comes to food to use spoon or fork he will not eat, I have tried encouraging him he will not eat. He pick one piece of pasta at a time with two fingers. He does not like sensory things.

    He stand and stare at the kids having fun inside or outside. I have tried to get involve him alot like block play, reading, crafts and more of group and individual activities nothing works.

    He can speak but refuses to do it here. I have heard him speak to his mom clear.

    Mom knows i am trying my best but today she texted me asking how is M?
    I texted her to say I give up meaning he is here and if he don't want to be involve i will let him be.

    Mom said she cannot afford to seek help for him.

    Any advice how to get this child involve or do anything with us.

    Is this ADHD or autistic?

    So i have said to him when we come inside to take your shoes off he will stand or stare me for half hour before i go ahead and do it. Everything i do gave myself extra time for him to do. i have one child three months older than him and another child five months younger than him.And they both play and can do for themselves.

    Now i know every child is different.

    What can I do?
    Last edited by Blackcat31; 07-09-2013, 11:53 AM.

  • #2
    It sounds like he is on the spectrum from what you posted. To get him evaluated by your state would be free as would services to assist him (therapies). You need to contact your school district and they should be able to give you a phone number to give to Mom.


    • #3
      I think he has what is now called a "spirited" temperment (used to be called "fiesty"). And I think his mom does enable his behavior by not trying to correct it or set limits. When there is too much conflicting messages from adults (you and his mom) some kids try to test the limits. Some kids just prefer to keep to themsleves (I was like that as a kid too). Does he not make eye contact with others? That could be another sign.

      I used to babysit 4 year old boy who was very delayed in some of his behaviors/speach and was very picky about how to eat (wouldn't use a spoon by himself) and what to eat (only wanted beans and tortillas) and sometimes wouldn't want to play with his sister. But after a while when I watched him I noticed he would try more foods and do more things on his own and would try to include his sister more in games. But if he knew his dad was home when I watched them he would start crying and wanted his dad to feed him or read to him and alot of his behaviors would regress (especially with potty training). But I also noticed that if I hadn't been there in a while it would feel like I had to start from the beginning. BTW his parents did have him tested but he wasn't diagnosed with anything, yet.


      • #4
        I told mom straight out i have give up by text today. So i will see what she says at puck up today


        • #5
          is the child full time or part time?


          • #6
            Originally posted by daycare View Post
            is the child full time or part time?
            Full time fom 7 to 5 everyday


            • #7
              mom picked up a hour early and I said maybe M does not like here at daycare, maybe a daycare setting is not for the child she said did not make any eye contact with me but just kiss her child and said are you ready to go hme


              • #8
                Originally posted by littleblossoms View Post
                mom picked up a hour early and I said maybe M does not like here at daycare, maybe a daycare setting is not for the child she said did not make any eye contact with me but just kiss her child and said are you ready to go hme
                its hard to hear stuff like this about our own kid.....

                I have a CHILD THAT is here PT been here for 2 years and does this. BUt he is very part time and I know that this is the reason why.

                Is the child ESL?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by daycare View Post
                  its hard to hear stuff like this about our own kid.....

                  I have a CHILD THAT is here PT been here for 2 years and does this. BUt he is very part time and I know that this is the reason why.

                  Is the child ESL?
                  No he is not ESL


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by littleblossoms View Post
                    No he is not ESL
                    It really sounds like something is not right here, but it could just be the simple fact that the parents over do everything for him...

                    ready for SIL has a daughter who is 6. She still feeds my niece at every meal like an infant....NO JOKE. her old DC and the school call and tell her all the time she will not only self feed, but she will not do most things on her own. My SIL still lives at home with her parents, so my niece has 3 adults that cater to her every need..... She came to my DC once and if I didn't know any better, I would have thought that there was soemthing really really wrong with her.....BUT she would just stand there and wait for me to do everything for her, because that is what happens at home.......

                    I was jaw dropped on Fathers day when we all went to a nice sit down meal and my SIL sat there and fed my niece every single bite she ate, including getting her a cup with lid and straw and held it for her to drink, even put the straw in her mouth.....

                    Ridiculous...........MY SIL knows that the school complains, I asked her why she keeps doing it and her response was well she's just used to it so if I don't she would never eat..............UGH

