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4 Yo DCB With Barbie Doll

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  • #16
    Please, please, please do not take this as rude...


    Have you taken a Child Abuse/Neglect class? Mine was required for licensing and included identifying, reporting, and preventing child abuse/neglect. It specifically stated that if you suspect in any way that a child is being abused in any way that you report it. It's not your job to investigate or determine how severe the abuse is... if it's suspected, you report it.

    Also, it specifically state that it's very common for nothing to be done at all by CPS... but to just keep reporting it if you keep suspecting it.

    What I'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter what your opinion is on the severity of what's going on.. you're obligated to report this. You've suspected it.. now you need to report it.

    :hug: This is a tough situation!

