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Daycare Name

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  • Daycare Name

    I am in the process of opening a daycare in the fall in Texas. Wanted some input on the name we are thinking about.......Love ‘em & Leave‘em Daycare. Our slogan being......You Love‘em but you got to leave'em. Any comments are appreciated

  • #2
    Something about the name doesn't scream "daycare" to me. As a parent it may even make me feel a little guilty. JMO though!


    • #3
      Honestly, I don't like the name so much. "love them and leave them" is kinda cute, and I get it, but that phrase has a negative connotation. Ask anyone who has been loved and left.
      Maybe something like "Love and Learn" . Or "Loving Hands Child Care".
      Sorry, hope that was helpful, didn't mean to offend.


      • #4
        I'm unfortunately not a fan either, I understand where your coming from and it's creative but it just doesn't work for me. I think more of the negative things behind that phrase. Plus the "leave 'em" part makes me picture parents dropping them off with a suitcase for some reason, I want my parents to know they have to pick up! ::::

        Good luck!


        • #5
          Sorry, don't care for it either. I just picture the first time moms who are really, really nervous about leaving their child anyway so that name would possibly not work for them.



          • #6
            To be perfectly honest with you .. if I had seen a daycare with that name I'd be laughing about it and telling all of my clients and my provider friends about it and I think we'd all have a good laugh about the poor choice of a name. I am NOT trying to be mean in any way, just saying what I would feel.

            As a parent I wouldn't leave my child at a daycare like that if only because many parents are already feeling guilty about leaving their children in daycare while they have to work or are worried about what other people are going to think about the daycare that they choose. If I was a new parent I'd pick a daycare that would make me feel better about my decision to leave my child, not worse KWIM? I don't want to feel like I'm dumping my kid off someplace and that's the feeling I get when I hear "Leave-em".

            For example my FCC is name Helping Hands Childcare and my spin on it is that I am my client's helping hand ... as in I help them with the care of their child. I make it clear that they are the parent and are the most important person to the child and I just help them by watching over their child while they are away. It helps them feel better about leaving their child. The other spin is that I help guide their children to be helping hands themselves by encouraging self-help/adaptive skills (washing hands, toilet training, cleaning up etc), manners and cooperation. Parents then feel like it's ok to leave them with me because I'm not just going to let them run around like wild hyenas all day and I'm also not just focusing on academic learning etc. The fact that manners like saying please and thank you, talking through their problems, helping to clean up after themselves etc. is like a bonus and a happy medium for them between academic focused daycare and free-range daycare.

            You should first think about what type of daycare you want to present then the name should reflect that.
            Do you want a "green", natural, organic, nature based program = Paradise Daycare, The Monkey House, Green Beginnings Daycare etc.
            Do you want a play-based learning daycare with less structure that's more like a second home = Susan's House Daycare, Grandmas House Child Care, Tender Hearts Daycare etc.
            Do you have a pre-school curriculum which is a main focus for your program = add preschool at the end of your name instead of Daycare or Child Care etc.


            • #7
              Not to be rude, but I agree with that being a poor choice of words. Parents already have a difficult time letting go (especially if it will be their first DC experience). Leaving has a negative connotation. Let us know what direction you'd like to go in and I'm positive that plenty of us are happy to help!


              • #8
                Originally posted by KnoxMom View Post
                Let us know what direction you'd like to go in and I'm positive that plenty of us are happy to help!
                Yes please. Tell us about your daycare. What type of program will you have? Structured? Less structure? No structure? What is your goal? What will you offer your clients? Will you have a preschool curriculum? No curriculum? Planned activities? What is your mission statement? What do you want to accomplish? etc.

                Then we can brainstorm ideas with you


                • #9
                  not a fan...sorry. Do you have a special program, educationally focused, or something that stands out about your a large garden, lots of trees?

                  Like, something to go off of?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                    Yes please. Tell us about your daycare. What type of program will you have? Structured? Less structure? No structure? What is your goal? What will you offer your clients? Will you have a preschool curriculum? No curriculum? Planned activities? What is your mission statement? What do you want to accomplish? etc.

                    Then we can brainstorm ideas with you


                    • #11
                      Thanks for all the input. I appreciate it so much. It has really helped and I do see what everyone is saying. My daughter loved the name but I was not so sure about. Will keep researching for a name. Thanks so much


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by My Nana View Post
                        I am in the process of opening a daycare in the fall in Texas. Wanted some input on the name we are thinking about.......Love ‘em & Leave‘em Daycare. Our slogan being......You Love‘em but you got to leave'em. Any comments are appreciated
                        How about "My Nana's" ? Or "Nana's House".... "Nana's Childcare"....


                        • #13
                          I agree with the others. I understand the concept but I think most working parents feel guilty enough leaving their kids to go to work, especially new parents. Especially if they come from old fashioned families who conceder daycare "letting someone else raise your kid". I think it would turn off potential clients. Plus, the slogan doesn't sound like it is particularly for your program, it sounds like its just a slogan for daycare period; unless your slogan was "You love 'em, but you gotta leave 'em, so you might as well leave them here"

                          Maybe if you want something similar how about "Love 'em, Teach 'em daycare" and the slogan can be "You love 'em, We'll teach 'em" or something like that. It would make more sense if you have a type of curriculum or preschool program- doesn't have to be too structured.

                          Other possible names [possible slogans]:
                          *Teach, Love, Play (or Love, Play, Teach) daycare ["Teaching children the love of play"]
                          *Love, Play, Learn daycare ["Where children love to play and always learn", "Where children love to play and learn", or "Where children play and love to learn"]
                          *Hearts, Fingers, and Toes daycare ["where every child leaves with a smiling heart, painted fingers, and twinkling toes"]
                          *Hugs and kisses daycare ["where every child leaves with a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek"]
                          *Caring Hearts daycare ["where every child feels cared for"]
                          *Granny Nanny's (or Fanny's/Franny's) daycare ["As warm and caring as Granny's house"]
                          *Young Minds daycare ["Educating young minds for the future" or "Preparing young minds for the future"]

                          A slogan also doesn't even have to match the business name, it can just be something that is part of your child care philosophy or something catchy that grabs their attention.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by My Nana View Post
                            Thanks for all the input. I appreciate it so much. It has really helped and I do see what everyone is saying. My daughter loved the name but I was not so sure about. Will keep researching for a name. Thanks so much
                            I actually gave up my trade name recently.
                            "Just Like Home" Family Child Care. LOTS of compliments on the daycare name when I was running it. I just left it because I was making WAY more at another job and our family was in need of more stable income.

                            If you like the name, I would not mind letting you use the trade name. It should be available by now since I closed last year.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              I actually gave up my trade name recently.
                              "Just Like Home" Family Child Care. LOTS of compliments on the daycare name when I was running it. I just left it because I was making WAY more at another job and our family was in need of more stable income.

                              If you like the name, I would not mind letting you use the trade name. It should be available by now since I closed last year.
                              The only thing is depending on what state she is in it may be taken. Also if you both are in the same state and you registered it (from my understanding of what a teacher told us about registering business names- at least in my state) is that no one else in the state can use it or anything too close to it if it's registered and the registration name is locked for about 5 years. I am not sure if you can transfer a trade name over to someone else unless you are "selling" a company or until after those 5 years are up.

