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Do You State The Obvious?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
    No good provider can EVER EVER be called lazy. We work with 6+ kids most often, 50+ hours a week plus off hours time for cleaning, activity prep, shopping, etc. It is RIDICULOUSLY insulting. Just because a provider doesn't want to take on a special needs kid DOES NOT MAKE THEM LAZY it makes them smart enough to know that they have limitations.

    Do you seriously believe that your asd AND deaf daughter required NO extra attention/supervision/training then a neurotypical child? Have you ever ran a home daycare just to see the level of work and dedication that go into this job with JUST 'regular' kids. Add in ANY special issue (diet, medical, developmental) and it REQUIRES MORE WORK.

    How dare you INSULT a provider that didn't want to take that on. Get off your high horse lady. Just because someone didn't think they could handle your kid doesn't mean they are LAZY.
    I never said anything to the provider but I was angry what she told me on the voice mail and I never called her back..... GOT IT!!!!

    NO I do not want to bring her to that provider... Again she wants a easy job, god darn! She only have two daycare girls in her daycare and they are normal kids... Why the heck is she tells me she wants my daughter who is normal and she have special needs experience?????? She is wasting my darn time!! It doesnt matter I didnt want her because i felt something fishy about her. maybe she would put the kids front the tv time all day, who knows... I asked her what is her schedule and she said she dont have one. Yes, I have take care of special needs children in my home in the past and I work very hard to be with them but I am lucky that I have a lot of patience with the kids... They have been with me until they started kindergarten.... You dont know me, anyways! I am not going sit my butt to let anyone control what my daughter can or not about her special needs. I have been fighting my daughter's school for 7 years about her rights (autism and deaf) and I had a due process against school and we won... Do you think it is ok for the provider or anyone insult my daughter about her deaf and autism???????? That is unacceptable!!! I am sure you wont like that if someone insult you about your son... I am overprotective of my daughter and I am making sure she have her rights... I learned to stand up myself because I have been seeing a lot of people are like that to special needs or deaf people when I grew up. I am not letting it happen to my daughter...

    Get off high horse lady, really, I do not think I act better than you or anyone... No one is perfect, anyways! That is how I feel...


    • #62
      Oh boy, I get to wear my moderator hat!

      This thread is getting heated and a bit off topic.

      The name calling needs to stop on both sides, please. I think there's some judging going on...on both sides.

      Safechner, I understand why this topic is striking so close to home for you, but it might be time to step back and take a deep breath.

      Everyone, step back and calm down, please. I think this is a thread with a lot of good information and discussion and we would rather not have to lock it.
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #63
        Originally posted by safechner View Post
        I never said anything to the provider but I was angry what she told me on the voice mail and I never called her back..... GOT IT!!!!

        NO I do not want to bring her to that provider... Again she wants a easy job, god darn! She only have two daycare girls in her daycare and they are normal kids... Why the heck is she tells me she wants my daughter who is normal and she have special needs experience?????? She is wasting my darn time!! It doesnt matter I didnt want her because i felt something fishy about her. maybe she would put the kids front the tv time all day, who knows... I asked her what is her schedule and she said she dont have one. Yes, I have take care of special needs children in my home in the past and I work very hard to be with them but I am lucky that I have a lot of patience with the kids... They have been with me until they started kindergarten.... You dont know me, anyways! I am not going sit my butt to let anyone control what my daughter can or not about her special needs. I have been fighting my daughter's school for 7 years about her rights (autism and deaf) and I had a due process against school and we won... Do you think it is ok for the provider or anyone insult my daughter about her deaf and autism???????? That is unacceptable!!! I am sure you wont like that if someone insult you about your son... I am overprotective of my daughter and I am making sure she have her rights... I learned to stand up myself because I have been seeing a lot of people are like that to special needs or deaf people when I grew up. I am not letting it happen to my daughter...

        Get off high horse lady, really, I do not think I act better than you or anyone... No one is perfect, anyways! That is how I feel...
        I said get off your high horse because you continue to call two providers lazy.

        I have a son with asd, I KNOW he can be a handfull, I would never fault or insult someone for not wanting to take that on.

        You seem to think your daughter should be treated like she isn't disabled, which is great in theory. NOT realistic in practice. I wouldn't enroll her either, my response would be "I don't think it's a good fit for my program at this time"

        I have also fought the school district/sued them for therapy for my son and won. I know EXACTLY what you have gone through, been there, done that.

        What I fail to understand is your attitude toward these women who were honest with you about not enrolling your child. Everything isn't discrimination, but you seem to be on the look out for it.

        We once were kicked out of a church because my son refused to participate in a sunday school craft. They blatantly said that HE couldn't come back, but they would be happy to have my DD and younger DS. WE didn't go back, obviously. I didn't sue them, nor do I badmouth this church to ANYONE. It was up to them if ds could be in the sunday school room. They said no, their choice.
        Last edited by daycarediva; 05-02-2013, 11:24 AM. Reason: typos


        • #64
          Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
          This thread is getting heated and a bit off topic.

          The name calling needs to stop on both sides, please. I think there's some judging going on...on both sides.

          Safechner, I understand why this topic is striking so close to home for you, but it might be time to step back and take a deep breath.

          Everyone, step back and calm down, please. I think this is a thread with a lot of good information and discussion and we would rather not have to lock it.
          Sorry, I'll stop! I'll put myself in hula hoop time.

