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I'm So Tired Of Dealing With These Annoying Bags Of Breast Milk

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Mama2Bella View Post
    I had a DC mom that would do that to me, too. I told her that she would have to bring milk for the day Pre-bottled and it worked great. You don't need to do any extra work- just send the dirty bottles home so they wash and refill ( just make sure to have a little formula for the baby JUST IN CASE . That's what I did when my girls were in DC- I never expected the DCP to handle my milk or wash bottles- they're busy enough!

    They can only bring it in bottles to my house also. I keep an emergency bag in the freezer though. I rinse the bottles and send them home. The pouches are a pain to me.



    • #17
      I have to emphasize! I'm breastfeeding my son, and I hate pumping and storing breast milk in those bags. I rarely feed him from a bottle--it's just so much easier and nicer to nurse--but when I have to go out for awhile, I leave my husband with the pumped milk. It always spills whenever I'm pouring it when it's in bags!

      You could request the mothers to bring breast milk already in bottles or in storage container bottles. I totally understand the leaking and spilling issues!

      Plus, I think pouring milk from a bag into a bottle has the potential to become unsanitary because your fingers get all over the top of the bag as you open it and carefully pour the milk out... I always am concerned about sticking a finger into the milk by accident. I wash my hands first, but sticking your finger in someone's drink is gross no matter how you look at it...


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mama2Bella View Post
        I had a DC mom that would do that to me, too. I told her that she would have to bring milk for the day Pre-bottled and it worked great. You don't need to do any extra work- just send the dirty bottles home so they wash and refill ( just make sure to have a little formula for the baby JUST IN CASE . That's what I did when my girls were in DC- I never expected the DCP to handle my milk or wash bottles- they're busy enough!
        I'm just putting in my 2 cents, but I would make sure you ask the dcp if its ok if you give their child formula if you run out of bm during the day. As a mother who breast feeds, I'd be uber pissed if someone did that to my child without asking me.


        • #19
          Originally posted by DaycareMomma View Post
          I'm just putting in my 2 cents, but I would make sure you ask the dcp if its ok if you give their child formula if you run out of bm during the day. As a mother who breast feeds, I'd be uber pissed if someone did that to my child without asking me.
          I agree.
          You would likely never see me as mad as you would if you 1. fed my child formula or 2. vaccinated my child. Those two things will send me off the deep end.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Laurel View Post

            They can only bring it in bottles to my house also. I keep an emergency bag in the freezer though. I rinse the bottles and send them home. The pouches are a pain to me.

            This is what I do too. They bring in premade bottles each day (breastmilk either poured in a regular bottle or a bottle with the plastic drop in liner already in it). I have them bring one bottle worth of frozen milk that I keep here, just in case.


            • #21
              Originally posted by DaycareMomma View Post
              I'm just putting in my 2 cents, but I would make sure you ask the dcp if its ok if you give their child formula if you run out of bm during the day. As a mother who breast feeds, I'd be uber pissed if someone did that to my child without asking me.
              Yes, I agree. In my case it was the DCG's formula- I would never give formula w/o permission, nor do I supply it! I forgot I also had a couple of extra frozen bags in the freezer, just in case


              • #22
                My moms always double-bagged the milk and I thawed it in a ziplock baggie. If the inner bag didn't leak I'd give the outer bag back to the mom to use again (as an outer bag, not one the milk goes in.)

                My issue was that if I wasn't super careful I'd squeeze the bag or it would unbalance and I'd spill the milk all over.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by crazydaycarelady View Post
                  Yes, they are the Lansinoh bags! And yes she fills them FULL - each bag has 8oz in it! Maybe that is the problem. Then she brings a plastic bag full of them and they are all clanking together.
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  I've pumped literally thousands of ounces, and tried probably 6 brands of bags. The Lansinoh ones are my FAVORITE! Out of hundreds of bags, I think I maybe had 3 leak? But I wouldn't fill them with more than 6 ounces. Usually I just did 4-5 (so one bag = one bottle).
                  That's probably the problem. I LOVE Lansinoh (when my clients bring them and when I have used them myself) but like others have said, you can't put more than 6oz in them.

                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                  I do like Silver and warm milk in the bag and then pour the milk into a bottle.

                  I haven't had leakage issues but just in case, I put each bag into a larger baggie and thaw in water so the baggie catches anything that leaks.

                  Someone from the forum suggested it and it solved my issue.
                  I do this also. I have the clients bring me the bags already frozen and pop them in the freezer here at home. Right before I need to thaw them I also put them in a plastic sandwich baggie and then pop that into a bowl of warm water until it thaws all the way through. Then I just pull out the bag of breast milk and pour the milk into the bottle. Easy peezy. I prefer clients bring the bags over them bringing the milk in bottles (like Medela bottles that attach directly to the breast pump) because they take up so much room and are clunky and it takes longer for the milk to thaw.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Mama2Bella View Post
                    Yes, I agree. In my case it was the DCG's formula- I would never give formula w/o permission, nor do I supply it! I forgot I also had a couple of extra frozen bags in the freezer, just in case

                    I understood what you meant.

