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Craigslist Spam?

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  • #16
    I get more scams through Craigslist than I do actual clients. 10 a day at least. Most are moving from another country and need me for a few months. Scam!


    • #17
      I got the same email a couple months ago too. Hope they didn't get any account info from you.


      • #18
        I know this is probably not nice but if the grammer/punctuation or spelling is far off course, I ignore it.


        • #19
          Originally posted by wdmmom View Post
          I know this is probably not nice but if the grammer/punctuation or spelling is far off course, I ignore it.
          yeah....I kind of do the same thing.

          This one was just too, I don't know, inconsistent, I guess. and too generic. I think the generic is what raised the red flag in this case.
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #20
            That is so odd. I wonder how much these scammers make off of doing this with dc providers. :confused:


            • #21
              It's a scam, their phising for your email address. Don't reply.


              • #22
                Scams are everywhere these days!!!!

                Yeah the grammer is way off and the info is just too general just like it was in that E-mail some girl sent my mom on CL (#3) so chances are it is a scam- I wouldn't even reply that only encourages them. Geeze you think all the time and effort these people put in to scams they could be used to get real jobs that are guaranteed pay. Apparently they are too lazy to get real jobs that are gauranteed pay but put so much work to trick people out of their money which is not guarenteed and can land them in jail. Seems to me like they are working hard, not smart.

                Originally posted by Heidi View Post
                mine last year was from another country, moving here for work. When pressed, they just kept asking the same inane questions. Then they offered to pay me ahead of time, but the check would be more than I needed, so I would need to give them the rest back for furniture.

                I told them they should be ashamed of themselves.

                I was pretty sure they were scammers at the first email, but I played along a bit to see what they were after.
                My mom got a scam just like that. Man, lately my mom was bombarded with SCAMS!
                1) It all started about 2 weeks ago. She was looking for a job online and they sent her a check for $2400 and told her to keep $400 but send the rest to someone. They never called her at first they only texted her from a disposable phone because every time she tried to call it there was a message that said its not a valid phone number. My uncle told her not to cash it cuz it's a scam and all they had to do was call the bank and tell them who it was from and they said "Yep, its a scam" so they took it to the police- turns out the scammers were from Nigeria. The cops said she most likely wouldn't hear from them again but then the scammers kept texting her and asking if she cashed it yet and eventual some guy and my mom said that sounded like a thug called from an unknown number was claiming to be the 'secretary' and trying to give her instructions on what to do and started harrassing her asking "did you cash it yet?" and she was just playing along until she knew what the cops said but since she wasn't a victim (meaning she didn't lose any money) they told her just ignore them and to tell them she knows its a scam. and she started teasing them by saying "nah I just decided to keep all the money for myself ::" but she eventually told them "Ok, look. Stop calling me. I know its a scam. I already gave the check to the police" and they would still call her and the other day they told her they were going to call the FBI. She said "Go right ahead!" and she hasn't heard from them since ::
                2) at the same time another company called her saying she owns money for an old debt (like $100) they even tried to get ahold of her by calling my aunt and our current landlady (don't know how they got that) and that they were going to have her arrested and the police were on their way she asked them what adress they had (we moved alot) and the guy hung up and called her back and told her she was being rude and then had the nerve to ask her for her SSN she told them she doesn't give that info over the phone and hung up- hasn't heard from them since.
                3) Earlier this week we were looking for a roommate and some girl emailed my mom and said she was out of state right now and will be traveling and wanted to have a secure home for when she comes back and it was really long to make it seem like she was 'telling her life story' as my mom said and that her dad will get a cash order. I just read it and said "its a scam" and she got mad and said "not everything is a scam" but we had to approve roommates through my uncle (also our property manager) and he said 'no, it looks like a scam'. BTW we got real roomates a few days later .
                4) turns out that same day we read that email that my mom and uncle were involved in another scam that they actually fell for. Apparently my uncle heard that if you buy a bunch of those disposable visa gift cards that you can get a loan for $3000 or something so they bought about $100 worth of gift cards and got scammed. I still have no idea why they would want a loan for $3000 that they have to pay back when they are just barely getting by right now:confused:.
                5. Yesterday some place called my mom and told her that she won a $100 gift card or something for a store but they wanted her credit card number "to verify"- yeah okay .

                Before my boyfriend and I met (over a year ago) he said there was a girl online he talked to who said she needed money to visit him and that her dad will pay him back and he got scammed out of thousands of $$$ (nigerian scam). He said thats why he was kinda afraid to talk to me at first or meet me because he thought I was a scam too.

                My bfs mom and I once talked about Publishers Clearing House, she said she always buys the magizines and everything but never won and I always to the online things but never buy and never win either. She said she had one friend who got a call from PCH saying she one $1 Million but they were asking her about her SSN and telling her that she needs to pay the taxes up front Yeah- why would PCH think you have 1/2 of $1M to pay upfront? If thats true than no one would even bother with it because they would have to go bankrupt before their first check comes in and then just barely be able to break even.

