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Craigslist Spam?

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  • Craigslist Spam?

    I just got this email in reply to my Craigslist ad. I don't get many spams through these days, but this one looks really suspicious. Thoughts? The subject line was an email address...and I took out a couple names and emails, just in case.

    Hello. I am looking for Responsible Childcare/Babyitter and great with kids! I do a daughter she was 22 months her name is Janet. Please let me know if you can takecare of Janet at your home or at our house (WE ARE OK IF ANY) also schedule the day and time you are available. PLease do not click on reply, try and compose a new message to me at [email] Please note: Don't reply back with your craisglist reply, If you are serious make sure you copy my email and email me at plain text email not via craigstlist.

    I look forward to your email. Thanks

    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    I'd ignore that one! Seems too strange!


    • #3
      I do think its a scam. For one, the wording on the top portion is very bad another country? And the bottom is written with knowledge. It's strange they don't want you to reply to the email....
      I wouldn't respond!


      • #4
        It does look a little weird but not like the usual scams I see...It might be a language issue. I don't think it could hurt to send a response to the email they provided, it might just be one they check more often. I'm not sure what your ad says and it almost looks like they didn't read it (assuming you have a lot of info about your daycare) otherwise why would they mention going to their house/calling you a babysitter?

        I would probably respond but keep it short and sweet.


        • #5
          IGNORE IT!!!! It's a scam. I just got one a couple weeks ago except mine was a text. After the second time they contacted me I responded and asked them if they wanted me to add their name to the known list of scammers or report them to my local police...haven't heard anything back.

          They try to find ways to get money from you...


          • #6
            Oh, they said they were in Singapore, but when I did a reverse search of the phone number, it turned up from Florida


            • #7
              i vote scam!!! once you reply they will have your email address and then people start getting spam emails that look like they come from you!! not sure how it all works but I won't even sell stuff on CL anymore because of it!


              • #8
                mine last year was from another country, moving here for work. When pressed, they just kept asking the same inane questions. Then they offered to pay me ahead of time, but the check would be more than I needed, so I would need to give them the rest back for furniture.

                I told them they should be ashamed of themselves.

                I was pretty sure they were scammers at the first email, but I played along a bit to see what they were after.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Heidi View Post
                  mine last year was from another country, moving here for work. When pressed, they just kept asking the same inane questions. Then they offered to pay me ahead of time, but the check would be more than I needed, so I would need to give them the rest back for furniture.

                  I told them they should be ashamed of themselves.

                  I was pretty sure they were scammers at the first email, but I played along a bit to see what they were after.
                  This is the spam I always get! The OP's is strange too but different from any scams I have seen.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                    I just got this email in reply to my Craigslist ad. I don't get many spams through these days, but this one looks really suspicious. Thoughts? The subject line was an email address...and I took out a couple names and emails, just in case.
                    Ignore. I get the EXACT same one! I get quite a few from CL that are worded exaclty the same with different names. I can usually tell which are real and which are not right away. Just the way they word things is suspicious.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Heidi View Post
                      mine last year was from another country, moving here for work. When pressed, they just kept asking the same inane questions. Then they offered to pay me ahead of time, but the check would be more than I needed, so I would need to give them the rest back for furniture.

                      I told them they should be ashamed of themselves.

                      I was pretty sure they were scammers at the first email, but I played along a bit to see what they were after.
                      I get this one too. Never replied to it though. It just didn't seem right and then I got it again, different names, different country, but same everything else and I knew then, yep, scammers


                      • #12
                        Thanks guys. I was hoping someone else had seen this same one and could confirm. :P Reported!!

                        I use CL constantly for advertising and so few scams get through...but this just seemed to fishy. Or possible Phishy.
                        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                        • #13
                          Oh yes...I also forgot to say that ever since this happened I've been getting notifications about unauthorized attempts at getting into different types of accounts I have...ebay, google etc. Had to change all my passwords.


                          • #14
                            This is so scary! And it makes me so mad I don't know how people can do this to other people and still sleep at night. I have been scammed before out of a little over $500 while I was in the hospital having my second son! (not through craigslist, something completely different) I felt soo stupid and I had a bad feeling about it in the first place but I ignored it. Now I always go with my gut.
                            Sorry to rant, it just makes me so mad.


                            • #15
                              I have received several texts that sounded like a scam, from the same person saying the same thing. I think it was the same message someone else had asked about on a previous post so I finally texted back and told them that I knew it was a scam and so far they haven't texted me again. It's been a couple of weeks so let's see if they text me again! They used CL so it doesn't make sense to me for them not to want you to communicate through CL, at least the first time!

