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Decided To Term Accusing Family

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  • Decided To Term Accusing Family

    I posted another thread- 'Accused of restraining child' and now this is what is happening.

    I have made the decision to term this family they are scaring the heck out of me. I was sent a text message demanding a meeting and that they would not be sending their child to my home until we meet and discuss all of their concerns. I didn't know there was a list of concerns!

    I have decided I am not comfortable having the child and the parents in my home. I don't think I can meet their unrealistic needs.

    The problem is my contract requires a two week notice by either party. However, I do have a clause in my contract that states 'As your provider, I am not required to give advance notice of termination under the following circumstances: non-payment of fees, non-compliance with policies, failure to meet immunization requirements and unsafe behavior by your child that is physically unsafe for other children in my care, myself or my home environment.'

    The situation with them would be 'non-compliance with policies'. They are disputing whether I can temporarily put a child in a high chair or pack n play if the child is ill and waiting to be picked up. I am backed up my our state 'rules' governing daycare on this issue. They also did not pay me on time last week, which would be a non-compliance with policy issue. They are also putting the other child at risk by not complying with my illness policies in the contact we all signed.

    Does this seem right to you? Like I said before I did talk with my Licensor and she actually suggested I term the family. Do you think this is grounds for immediate termination. I am actually afraid they are going to try to sue me or something (slipping on the ice etc.). They are really scaring me....

    They are paid through this Friday, by the way.
    This whole thing is making me sick to my stomach!

  • #2
    I wouldn't worry about giving them a reason in compliance with your policies.

    I'd simply state care is terminated effective immediately because you feel uncomfortable with their feeling that you're mistreating their child by having them in a high chair during meal, snack and certain activity times. You would never want a family to stay that wasn't completely certain you were caring for their child in a kind, responsible and competent way.

    Let them know you've contacted your licensor and this is what was the recommended action.

    I would probably include the phone number of mine so they could reference her if they felt it was necessary.


    • #3
      First off, I agree with willow that I don't think you need to give them a reason. However...

      if you are going to seek payment for the final two weeks, then you need to offer care for those two weeks. "Dear DCF, As of March 29th, 2013, I will no longer to able to provide care for Child. Payment is due as usual on March 18th and March 25th regardless of whether the child will be attending. I wish you best of luck in the future, Sincerely, You."

      If you are not going to seek payment by terminating immediately, then you simply say, "Dear DCF, As of March 14th 2013, I am no longer able to provide care for Child. Please contact me to arrange pick up of Child's belongings as soon as possible. Best of luck in the future, Sincerely, You."

      Then I would amend your contract to give you the permission to terminate immediately in any circumstances you deem necessary.
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Willow View Post
        I wouldn't worry about giving them a reason in compliance with your policies.

        I'd simply state care is terminated effective immediately because you feel uncomfortable with their feeling that you're mistreating their child by having them in a high chair during meal, snack and certain activity times. You would never want a family to stay that wasn't completely certain you were caring for their child in a kind, responsible and competent way.

        Let them know you've contacted your licensor and this is what was the recommended action.

        I would probably include the phone number of mine so they could reference her if they felt it was necessary.
        all the way!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Willow View Post
          I wouldn't worry about giving them a reason in compliance with your policies.

          I'd simply state care is terminated effective immediately because you feel uncomfortable with their feeling that you're mistreating their child by having them in a high chair during meal, snack and certain activity times. You would never want a family to stay that wasn't completely certain you were caring for their child in a kind, responsible and competent way.

          Let them know you've contacted your licensor and this is what was the recommended action.

          I would probably include the phone number of mine so they could reference her if they felt it was necessary.
          Exactly this!


          • #6
            Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
            Then I would amend your contract to give you the permission to terminate immediately in any circumstances you deem necessary.

            I have a statement in my contract that I make parents initial that states I can terminate care at any time. I also suggest you amend your contract. The way I see it you're letting these people into your home, around your family and you need to be able to keep yourselves safe.


            • #7
              I also have the 'can terminate for any reason, at any time, without refund of fees'.

              I am ALWAYS fair about giving out refunds though, but it's for that ONE family that is going to burn me. Imho-providers NEED that 'out'!

              I would offer to continue care for the next two weeks, make sure everything is done through email/text and keep copies. Forward any issues in the last two weeks with your licensar. Although I HIGHLY doubt that if they actually thought you were restraining their child, they would continue to bring her back.


              • #8

                I termed them this morning after an accumulation of ridiculous expectations from them. I did not give them a 2 week notice and my contract states non-compliance with policies is a reason for immediate termination.

                They have not been bringing their child since Monday. They brought her to Urgent Care on Monday evening and claim that by Tuesday morning she was sick from the people at Urgent Care. Funny, she had a fever here on Monday afternoon, and they can't see that maybe she was getting sick then? So odd. If my child had a fever as often as she does, I would insist that she be checked out for other problems, like allergies or an immune system issue. I would not keep masking it with Tylenol.

                I termed immediately because I am uncomfortable with them. They have whined about 1/2 inch of snow on my driveway before and frankly, they are the kind of people that would fake a slip and fall just to sue me. I will not allow that to happen.

                They also did not pay me on time last week and I told them I needed the check to be brought over at 5:30 so I could make my bank deposit. They live 5 minutes away and she acted like it was a huge inconvenience to do that. I insisted, and she was pissed. She could not see that it they had paid me in the first place on time, that it would not have been an issue.

                The sad thing is that I will miss the little girl. She had some cute spunkiness to her when her parents were not around and I thought she was fun to have around.


                • #9
                  You did the right thing!

                  Did you mention that your licensor recommended that you term? I think that would really take the wind out of her sails if she was threatening to "turn you in!"


                  • #10
                    Great advice given. I'm glad you are terming because it seems like they are "building up a case" against you.

                    I termed a family last summer for failure to pay and a failure to abide by many, many policies. She sent a message discussing many, many "issues" she had. While I could have responded to her laundry list of complaints that she all of a sudden had now that I wouldn't take her daughter back into care (because all of them could have easily been answered and she knew that), it wasn't worth it. She continues to bad mouth me almost 1 full year later although she begged for me to take her daughter back on several occasions. But, the small community I live in has come to recognize her entitlement issues amongst other things and she isn't very respected here.

                    All of that to say, this lady will likely badmouth you but it will be okay. happyface Report what is happening to your licensor as a heads up (they will appreciate it) and know that you are much better off!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      I termed them this morning after an accumulation of ridiculous expectations from them. I did not give them a 2 week notice and my contract states non-compliance with policies is a reason for immediate termination.

                      They have not been bringing their child since Monday. They brought her to Urgent Care on Monday evening and claim that by Tuesday morning she was sick from the people at Urgent Care. Funny, she had a fever here on Monday afternoon, and they can't see that maybe she was getting sick then? So odd. If my child had a fever as often as she does, I would insist that she be checked out for other problems, like allergies or an immune system issue. I would not keep masking it with Tylenol.

                      I termed immediately because I am uncomfortable with them. They have whined about 1/2 inch of snow on my driveway before and frankly, they are the kind of people that would fake a slip and fall just to sue me. I will not allow that to happen.

                      They also did not pay me on time last week and I told them I needed the check to be brought over at 5:30 so I could make my bank deposit. They live 5 minutes away and she acted like it was a huge inconvenience to do that. I insisted, and she was pissed. She could not see that it they had paid me in the first place on time, that it would not have been an issue.

                      The sad thing is that I will miss the little girl. She had some cute spunkiness to her when her parents were not around and I thought she was fun to have around.

                      Good for you how did they handle the termination news?


                      • #12
                        good for you.


                        • #13
                          update again

                          I sent them an email telling them they were immediately terminated. I told them I would pack up her belongings and include a 2013 receipt for payments as well as a hard copy of the termination notice and deliver her belongings to their home. I do not want them on my property again.

                          I made it very clear that I had alread contacted childcare licensing and they supported my illness policies along with supporting my termination.

                          They were looking for trouble. And they got it. I am relieved. I have never had a complaint before with Licensing. I run a good program. They will not find any violations here!


                          • #14
                            another thing...

                            I have not received a response to the email. They rarely responded to any of my emails anyway, even when I asked them to.


                            • #15
                              Ooooh, please post if you hear from them!

