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Pets & Fleas !

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  • #16
    After you vacuum, empty the canister or bag, they can survive in there.


    • #17
      sprinkle Borax on your carpets and doorway entrances. Dawn dish detergent, the original one helps to wash your animals, just don't get it in the eyes.

      If you bathe your animal wait 72 hours before applying the advantage or frontline. They also have a pill you can give them- forget the name of it.

      Vacuum often and good luck. Anyone can get these you don't have to have a pet to get fleas, they can travel in on host and they love carpets and furniture.



      • #18
        Diatomaceous Earth is a very effective natural repellant, but do NOT just go sprinkling up a dust storm around your house. It can be incredibly caustic when inhaled and can be severely irritating to mucous membranes.

        If you go that route use a mask and enclosed safety glasses, and vacuum/sweep it all back up when you're done. Make sure you're using food grade DE and not filter grade.

        We don't use chemical flea repellants in our house and have never had a single flea. I largely attribute that to diet.


        • #19
          OPest control did the inspection todayt. It is NOT bedbugs and it is fleas. I will be setting up an appt to have them come treat on Saturday . Also,I will be getting new flea medication for the animals and applying it every 2.5-3 weeks maybe 2X before going back to monthly. We will be bathing the dog in something first,2 days prior. The cat...Um Im not gonna try to bathe him


          • #20
            Originally posted by Holiday Park View Post
            OPest control did the inspection todayt. It is NOT bedbugs and it is fleas. I will be setting up an appt to have them come treat on Saturday . Also,I will be getting new flea medication for the animals and applying it every 2.5-3 weeks maybe 2X before going back to monthly. We will be bathing the dog in something first,2 days prior. The cat...Um Im not gonna try to bathe him
            Please check with your vet before you do that.

            I can't imagine it would be any kind of good for their health to apply more often than recommended.


            • #21
              You can get capstar for your cat. It's a oral flea medication. It works great. Our cats were flea free within 48 hours. Just remember when it jumps off your animals it has to go somewhere, so it might get worse for a little before it gets better


              • #22
                Originally posted by Willow View Post
                Please check with your vet before you do that.

                I can't imagine it would be any kind of good for their health to apply more often than recommended.
                I agree. Our vet strongly recommended against dosing our cat more than the once a month application for Frontline Plus. You may want to double check on that first.


                • #23
                  Ih yeah I know , now . The pest control guys said that the animals will be protected regardless and the problem is the fleas multiply faster in the house , than on them anyway . So I see why that isnt needed ;-)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Nickel View Post
                    You can get capstar for your cat. It's a oral flea medication. It works great. Our cats were flea free within 48 hours. Just remember when it jumps off your animals it has to go somewhere, so it might get worse for a little before it gets better
                    They have capstar for dogs too. I know a few rescues use it but I never have.


                    • #25
                      Something you may want to try

                      I have heard that fleas hate the smell of eucalyptus. I knew someone with indoor/outdoor pets who said that when they heard about this and planted a euculapytus tree in their back yard and never had another flea problems again because even the existing ones will leave and new ones will stay away. Maybe see about planting one in your yard or getting something with a euculuptus smell (like pet shampoo or a lightly scented laudry soap/laudry sheet or a carpet spray/powder) and see how it works before going out and buying a tree and planting it.

                      If you think it is for you do some research on the pros and cons and check in with your local licensing regs to see if it is okay- some trees (like oak) and plants (like tomatoes) are not allowed on daycare premises. It's a natural and little-to-almost-none chemical way to getrid of and prevent the wee pests. Even more wonderful news- it smells great.

                      P.S. I have also heard that many bugs hate the smell lemongrass oil and it is used as a natural insecticide.


                      • #26
                        I have had amazing results with borax. We doused the carpets and furniture Friday night, kept the dog on tile with gates, and vacuumed Monday am. By Friday we had no more fleas


                        • #27
                          Thank you all for all the great suggestions! You have been all so helpful . Unfortunately they wont be gone for good ,(YET) and even if it takes a few weeks or months, it will be a process, because they have a life cycles and after 2weeks the newly hatches ones that didn't get killed will be biting. I work till 5:30 with these kids everyday and last night I couldn't get to the store in time to treat my animals (or vacuum) because after eating dinner I fell asleep on the recliner and didnt wake up until 5am when i had to be up to shower for my 6am arrival.

                          And I can't get pest control out here till Sat because i have kids who dont leave until 5:30 pm . It sounds like Im making a bunch of excuses and I hate people who are excuse makers. Right now I actually feel really stressed about the 15 month old child in my care who is aggressive /biting/pulling hair that I have to separate from the group anytime I need to clean up the kitchen or use thr bathroom. And then she is also the one who her mom said she got new bites on friday. I told her it was fleas ad I was taking care of it, even said exactly what we've done and plan to do to take care of it. So it made me irritated this morning when at drop off dcd had to point out the new bite on her hand and dcm also texted me about it. As if its something that can be taken care of overnight . They can point it out to me all they want and I feel bad but there is nothing I can do until saturday ! Other than what Im already doing. The other day when I had sprayed the carpets and furniture, well the very next morning there were still fleas jumping on us. Im already feeling like terminating care with that one child over her biting and its ironic shes the one getting bit too, just not by another child :/ .
                          Im so stressed over this and the girl's biting I feel like crying.


                          • #28
                            that stinks. Call the vet and tell them what is going on. I brought my cat in thats why I know that I had to give it to him every 2 weeks for 3 doses before I went to once a month.

                            Just keep vacuming, it stinks but you will see less and less. This happened to me in sept. so i completely understand. I did the borax think too on the carpets.

                            I also wouldn't discuss it with the parents anymore, for all you know, that child is bringing it in with them too.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                              that stinks. Call the vet and tell them what is going on. I brought my cat in thats why I know that I had to give it to him every 2 weeks for 3 doses before I went to once a month.

                              Just keep vacuming, it stinks but you will see less and less. This happened to me in sept. so i completely understand. I did the borax think too on the carpets.

                              I also wouldn't discuss it with the parents anymore, for all you know, that child is bringing it in with them too.
                              How do I not discuss it when dcm is texting me "we noticed a bite on her foot and on her right hand last night" And then dcd drops off and asks me to keep an eye out for any new bites she gets (meaning here at my house) .

                              I didn't respond to her text on that. But I'll have to be extra watchful to compare what she has at drop off with anything new before dcd picks up (for my own security) . So if I see nothing new before pick up and they tell me again she has new bites I'll know it wasn't from my house.
                              However, I am bot surprised if it IS from my house because yesterday when the pest control guys came over, one of them witnessed a flea jumping on him! And the very night before we had vacuumed the whole house and sprayed flea stuff everywhere.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                                that stinks. Call the vet and tell them what is going on. I brought my cat in thats why I know that I had to give it to him every 2 weeks for 3 doses before I went to once a month.

                                Just keep vacuming, it stinks but you will see less and less. This happened to me in sept. so i completely understand. I did the borax think too on the carpets.

                                I also wouldn't discuss it with the parents anymore, for all you know, that child is bringing it in with them too.
                                Help ! The mom is still teying to discuss it with it me. If I didnt answer her text she would have just asked me in person at drop off on Monday. She said there were more bites on her lastnight as even on her face. I told her that I saw none on her face yeaterday when she was here. She asked if pest control had come yet so I said yea they were coming oday and told her we have never seen fleas in the house or had anyone bitten in the NINE yrs I had my car and five yrs I had my little dog. I went on to explain how they have bern kept up to do date on flea /parasite control , and we even bought a different kind this time including a pill fr them to have any fleas on them killed imediately AND they were both bathed in shampoo and are flea free. And tht we are vacuuming and doing all we can. Then I forwarded the pdf file that pest control sent me explaining what your supposed to do further to show them we are doing everything it said and hopefully if they have the problem at their house they can maybe learn something if they are not doing everything themselves for their own home.
                                When she first tols me back 1-2 months ago that the bites on her dd were from grammas house I didnt think anything of it.
                                Well also in the same text today, she told me how her mother in law had a flea problem but it has been taken care of now , and she had been sending dcg to my house with bug spray on her skin :0 ! Aren't I supposed to be told if she is medicating her child ? I would have liked to know that she had been applying bug spray on her before her arrival each day .

                                What makes me mad is that she could have had the courtesy to tell me her mother in law even had a problem with fleas . And dcg is a biter and the say she first tried biting when I asked dcm about it she was like oh yeah she has been biting us at home. I was mad that time because I felt dcm should have warned me about the behavior so I could watch out for it at my house. When I emailed her back (after discussing the biting incident) and explained that communication was important to me and I would have liked her to tell me she had this problem so I would have known before, and been prepared for it. She said She was not withholding information from me , so basically she thought I was acusing her of with holding that information as if it was being kept a secret from me. Oh and that her biting was not a problem. because I had used the phrase biting problem. I didnt mean it that way as if I thought he was keeping it a secret. I was just telling her that from now on if there are any issues at home that might agfrct me or the other kids in my home that I need to know.

                                Ok just got a text back and hete is her reply:

                                "Regardless of of the origin of the few fleas at your house and bites I appreciate you taking measures to control them as my mother in law has done. We do not have fleas here have not seen any and have no animals at all and I am we'll aware of the life cycle. Just wanted to let you know that she had some bites. "

                                The thing is she already told me twice dcg had bites, so I already knew .and #2 if shes well aware of the life cycle (I had explained about the life cycle) and I've only had this problem for 2-3 weeks and am doing all I can why continue to tell me ??

