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Pepsi and a Cereal Bar

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    Because if one looks hard enough you can find evidence of anything being good for you (and kids) in one way or another.

    Is Coffee Good for Kids?

    According to one researcher – Dr. Tomas DePaulis – many parents who keep their kids as far away from coffee as possible could be wrong. He says coffee isn’t that bad for kids and, like in adults, it can help improve concentration and may help children do a little better on tests for this reason.

    In an interesting finding from Brazil, kids who drink coffee with milk are less likely to have depression than other children.

    Read more: Kids & Coffee
    Actually, my youngest was a poor sleeper at 2/3. Her pediatrician had us giving her a small amount of coffee with warm milk at night. He said that coffee actually had the opposite effect on children than it did on adults. She liked it then and it worked. Today she hates coffee as does my other daughter.

    I don't see any difference in behavior for my grandson when he gets ahold of "papa's juice".


    • #17
      We had a little girl whose parents would send her with a sippy cup of red or grape "juice" (Kool-aid), a mayonnaise or peanut butter and fluff sandwich, and a mandarin orange fruit cup when she came for just half the day (she had outpatient therapy in the afternoon and left before lunchtime, so we fed her early). I was so disgusted that finally my assistant started making her a box lunch at the beginning of the day and telling DCD we would feed her here to comply with CACFP. A mayo sandwich? Really?!!!
      Angelique Mother of 4, stepmother to 3, foster mom (of none, currently), back at it again! Large license, and almost full!


      • #18
        Originally posted by sharlan View Post
        Actually, my youngest was a poor sleeper at 2/3. Her pediatrician had us giving her a small amount of coffee with warm milk at night. He said that coffee actually had the opposite effect on children than it did on adults. She liked it then and it worked. Today she hates coffee as does my other daughter.

        I don't see any difference in behavior for my grandson when he gets ahold of "papa's juice".
        That's completely differemt from giving a BABY or child an entire bottle or cup of coffee.


        • #19
          Originally posted by SunshineMama View Post
          As if a 3 year old weren't energetic enough...let's send him to daycare with coffee! OMG I think I would turn them awa at the door ::
          Seriously!! I have 2.5yr old DCB that gets his own 12oz mocha when mom goes to Starbucks... really? Apparently "he doesn't like the hot chocolate they serve but loves a mocha!" :confused: I had to say no to that one when he showed up with it.

          Said mom also sends DCB every morning with his sippy cup full of "vitamin water prescribed by dr for iron deficiency" which I recently just discovered is actually either monster or spark energy drink... No way the dr prescribed that! This DCM lies about medical stuff all the time though but energy drink? Really?


          • #20
            Originally posted by Lyss View Post
            Seriously!! I have 2.5yr old DCB that gets his own 12oz mocha when mom goes to Starbucks... really? Apparently "he doesn't like the hot chocolate they serve but loves a mocha!" :confused: I had to say no to that one when he showed up with it.

            Said mom also sends DCB every morning with his sippy cup full of "vitamin water prescribed by dr for iron deficiency" which I recently just discovered is actually either monster or spark energy drink... No way the dr prescribed that! This DCM lies about medical stuff all the time though but energy drink? Really?
            Oh. My. Gosh!!! That stuff (energy drinks) are so high in caffeine and sugar. ICK, ICK, Triple ICK! And a 12 oz. Starbuck and such a young child.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Angelmichelle View Post
              We had a little girl whose parents would send her with a sippy cup of red or grape "juice" (Kool-aid), a mayonnaise or peanut butter and fluff sandwich, and a mandarin orange fruit cup when she came for just half the day (she had outpatient therapy in the afternoon and left before lunchtime, so we fed her early). I was so disgusted that finally my assistant started making her a box lunch at the beginning of the day and telling DCD we would feed her here to comply with CACFP. A mayo sandwich? Really?!!!
              I had to son LOVES mayo sammies! ::

              But he always gets a protein, fruit, and veggie on the side!


              • #22
                Originally posted by sharlan View Post
                Actually, my youngest was a poor sleeper at 2/3. Her pediatrician had us giving her a small amount of coffee with warm milk at night. He said that coffee actually had the opposite effect on children than it did on adults. She liked it then and it worked. Today she hates coffee as does my other daughter.

                I don't see any difference in behavior for my grandson when he gets ahold of "papa's juice".
                That's what my dad gave me on sleepless nights too and it worked! I am an avid coffee drinker now though. :: :: ::


                • #23
                  I must be the odd ball out and maybe too strict, but I don't let the kids bring food/drink from home unless it is special diet food/milk or a treat for their birthday, and those are eaten at snack time.
                  There is no food or drink being consumed away from the table and I don't want kiddos wishing they had what 'Johnny' brought from home.
                  Kids have so much energy as it is, why do they need soda or energy drinks? I'm also a stickler for the nutrition for the kiddos though too, so I wouldn't give that stuff to them, but if parents want to outside of DC, then that's their choice.
                  lovethis daymommy to 7 kiddos - 5 girls and 2 boys


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by amberln30 View Post
                    I must be the odd ball out and maybe too strict, but I don't let the kids bring food/drink from home unless it is special diet food/milk or a treat for their birthday, and those are eaten at snack time.
                    There is no food or drink being consumed away from the table and I don't want kiddos wishing they had what 'Johnny' brought from home.
                    Kids have so much energy as it is, why do they need soda or energy drinks? I'm also a stickler for the nutrition for the kiddos though too, so I wouldn't give that stuff to them, but if parents want to outside of DC, then that's their choice.
                    Most of the providers here don't allow food/drink from outside - but that doesn't maean parents are going to listen. I am VERY strict about my outside food rule and at least 2-3 times a month a parent lets a kid try and sneak in with something


                    • #25
                      Not in my daycare

                      I am enrolled with the food program and children aren't even allowed to bring food into the home daycare's let alone non compliance foods. I would have just taken it and put it away and sent it home with the child and explained to the mom the policy regarding outside food other than food for infants.

                      Miss Dina (Schaefer)happyface
                      Owner of Grandma Dinas Daycare
                      Yreka, California


                      • #26
                        Really wired children (ADD/ADHD) if they have caffeine it will do the opposite of regular people and calm them down.

                        Ridiline is actually subscribed sometimes as a stimulant for people that have a lack of energy!
                        Each day is a fresh start
                        Never look back on regrets
                        Live life to the fullest
                        We only get one shot at this!!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                          Really wired children (ADD/ADHD) if they have caffeine it will do the opposite of regular people and calm them down.

                          Ridiline is actually subscribed sometimes as a stimulant for people that have a lack of energy!
                          I think you might have that part backwards. :confused:

                          Ritalin IS a stimulant but it targets a part of the brain and makes it slow down and work at a much slower pace. It also helps with concentration.

                          I have never heard of someone being prescribed Ritalin for LACK of energy.

                          There are hundreds/thousands of cases where people sell their Ritalin to others as an inexpensive version of speed.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                            I think you might have that part backwards. :confused:

                            Ritalin IS a stimulant but it targets a part of the brain and makes it slow down and work at a much slower pace. It also helps with concentration.

                            I have never heard of someone being prescribed Ritalin for LACK of energy.

                            There are hundreds/thousands of cases where people sell their Ritalin to others as an inexpensive version of speed.
                            No its not backwards. If I had no energy I would want something to get me going so Ritalin would help speed me up.
                            Each day is a fresh start
                            Never look back on regrets
                            Live life to the fullest
                            We only get one shot at this!!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                              No its not backwards. If I had no energy I would want something to get me going so Ritalin would help speed me up.
                              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post

                              I have never heard of someone being prescribed Ritalin for LACK of energy.
                              As I said, I have just never heard of someone actually being prescribed Ritalin for lack of energy.

                              It is usually only prescribed for people who are overly-energetic so they can calm down.

                              I know people take it as a substitute for speed but again, have never actually heard of it being prescribed to them.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                                As I said, I have just never heard of someone actually being prescribed Ritalin for lack of energy.

                                It is usually only prescribed for people who are overly-energetic so they can calm down.

                                I know people take it as a substitute for speed but again, have never actually heard of it being prescribed to them.
                                It's true. I know of people who have been prescribed ritalin due to low energy and extreme fatigue from disorders like depression, SAD, fibromyalgia and norcolepsy!

