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DIY Bad Tasting Play Dough

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  • DIY Bad Tasting Play Dough

    I have made my own playdough (salt dough) for a while now. However, it is just recently my kids realized that is tastes like.....salt. So now, I have been tossing a lot out because they are licking it. Asking them to pretend is not working. Is there a way to make the playdough taste bad without it being toxic or harming the child? I was going to use pepper or hot sauce, but I don't want their mouths burning.

  • #2
    My first instinct is to say that if they are that into getting the salt flavor then perhaps they are lacking salt in their diets. A proper amount of salt is necessary, crucial even, for certain things in the body. Salt is lost through sweating and since it's summer perhaps they aren't getting enough to replace it.

    Second, is it *really* that horrible that they are tasting it? It's technically edible and technically doesn't even spoil, being made primarily of flour and salt. Most kids figure out eventually that it's better to play with than to eat, and since it's homemade and nontoxic I don't think you need to go to extremes to make it taste awful. Plus, you're likely to have that *one* weirdo who LIKES the awful flavor!!

    Rather than doing something to make it taste bad, why don't you just continue redirecting them? Institute a "One and You're Done" rule where if they put it in their mouths ONCE they are done with the playdough for the day. Or annoy them considerably by each time you catch them putting it in their mouths they have to stop, throw away what they put in their mouth, then go wash their hands.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      Please do not put hot sauce in there. Can you imagine what it would be like to play with play dough and then maybe have one of the kids wipe their eyes or nose with that hand???? Not worth the liability, I would think.


      • #4
        Redirect, or one and your done. Keep telling them we play with it we don't eat it. Normal to want to put it in their mouths. It won't hurt them, but do not alter it with things that could be considered abusive!

        I have to tell my kids all the time keep it out of your mouth, we don't eat it, it doesn't really taste good. Then again they like boogers! Maybe it does taste good.

        I don't think salt would be a big concern because there is so much salt in the foods that we eat. Way too much.



        • #5
          Originally posted by My3cents View Post

          I don't think salt would be a big concern because there is so much salt in the foods that we eat. Way too much.
          Well, not in my house. We eat close to 100% home-cooked stuff, so there's NOT too much salt in our food. I was thinking the case could be so at the OP's home as well.
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            Some people just crave salty foods. I happen to be one of them. ::
            Just keep redirecting.


            • #7
              Why not add eggs, shape it boil it, and give it to them? Have them make real dough? Pasta?


              • #8
                Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
                Well, not in my house. We eat close to 100% home-cooked stuff, so there's NOT too much salt in our food. I was thinking the case could be so at the OP's home as well.
                Us too, but if you read labels ( I do) everything has salt in it. Drinks etc...

                The only thing I put salt on is a baked potato and corn on the cob and I use sea salt, and that is not very often. Sometimes I don't even do that.

                I understand what your saying but most likely not the issue. I think kids just like the taste of salt, think boogers. and yes eeewww

                you do need some salt in your diet but not the amounts most Americans consume.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
                  Why not add eggs, shape it boil it, and give it to them? Have them make real dough? Pasta?
                  That is a fantiastic idea! I hate storing Play-doh anyways so if they eat it all then I don't have to worry! But it is a great idea!


                  • #10
                    Bad Tasting additives.

                    For my son, adding vinegar instead of water worked. I have heard some kids like vinegar, so that might not work, I have also heard of adding the stuff you put on babies thumbs.


                    • #11
                      You can try the vinegar method but I'd make sure that if the kids play with the dough and put their hands in their eyes or mouth the new ingredient won't burn. I've never tried to make playdough with vinegar so I'm not sure if that could be harmful or not. I use vinegar a lot for cleaning instead of an all purpose cleaner and never use it when the kids are around them because if they directly get it in their eyes it can burn. Not sure if that's the case if you cook it though so just check and make sure.

                      As the others said ... redirect redirect and redirect. If the kids are playing with the play-dough and one licks it or puts it in their mouth remove the child from the activity and redirect him/her to something else then toss the play-dough that was licked (germs). Explain that play-dough is not for tasting and germs are not for sharing so if they lick it then they can't play with it. This works for me even with my 2yo's.


                      • #12
                        I must be really scary because when I tell my dckids not to put things in their mouth they listen. I have a koolaid playdo recipe so it smells good but in 5 years I've never had a problem with a child putting it in their mouth at all. They do mouth the toys of course, but I speak with a very stern voice when I tell them not to do something and they listen pretty well.

                        I agree that you shouldn't use hot sauce or anything like that or you will have some burned fingers and eyes!


                        • #13
                          there are some kids in my class that LOVE to eat homemade playdough. We have a rule that if you put playdough in your mouth, you throw away the playdough (for sanitary reasons) and you're done. They need to go an play with something else while their classmates play with playdough.

                          This works really well since they don't want to miss out on the fun


                          • #14
                            I am looking too!! There must be SOMETHING bitter yet safe to add! I am about to cut out playdough altogether because I CANNOT get them to stop . I have a VERY stubborn just-2 & it doesn't seem to matter how many times he is cut off he will start off the next day LICKING it ::I worry more about either choking or getting sick tummies from the salt


                            • #15
                              bitter ingredients...??

                              Hi all. Redirection does not work with my special needs class, many if whom are autistic as well as having severe learning needs. Yes please, advice on bitter / unpleasant ingredients which are totally safe would be gratefully received. Thank you )

