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Parents Forgetting Field Trip Fees

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  • #16
    Have you thought about having a special fee for summer field trips? I would have them pay $40 at the beginning of summer and deduct each field trip amount as it comes up. That way they only have to remember the initial fee. If the $40 runs out, then set up another chunk payment.


    • #17
      I would just send home a note and tell the parent in person that from now on if they don't bring the field trip fee then their child will not be able to go on the trip. Otherwise you are enabling them to be irresponsible. Then suggest that if they have a hard time remembering they can deposit $20 into their field trip fund and you will deduct the amount and let them know when they need to deposit another $20.00. Then you always have what you need. But I would not keep paying the fee for them.


      • #18
        Are these fees in your contract, or you just add them based on when you decide to do trips.

        Honestly, if you are asking $1 - $7 each time, is it possible they are feeling nickeled & dimed. It happened once at my ds's daycare, she asked us for $2 to cover a trip. I gave it, but I thought honestly one time in the year she is doing this, all the money I pay her she needs another 2 bucks?

        I would probably figure out how much the trips cost me, how much of the cost I was willing to bear, and re-write the contract to include a trip fee. Ds's aftercare this year included a party fee (it was about $20 for the year) which covered the birthday party she throws them, plus other special parties she does in the year. I would rather just pay it one time then be asked for 2 dollars every week. Here it is standard to ask a supply fee once or twice a year (I get from my parents approx. $75 / year, half in the fall, half in the spring). IMO it makes a lot more sense then saying "I want to do a neat art project, can you send me a buck?"

        I also wouldn't keep a child back because the mother didn't pay.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Rachel View Post
          Are these fees in your contract, or you just add them based on when you decide to do trips.

          Honestly, if you are asking $1 - $7 each time, is it possible they are feeling nickeled & dimed. It happened once at my ds's daycare, she asked us for $2 to cover a trip. I gave it, but I thought honestly one time in the year she is doing this, all the money I pay her she needs another 2 bucks?

          I would probably figure out how much the trips cost me, how much of the cost I was willing to bear, and re-write the contract to include a trip fee. Ds's aftercare this year included a party fee (it was about $20 for the year) which covered the birthday party she throws them, plus other special parties she does in the year. I would rather just pay it one time then be asked for 2 dollars every week. Here it is standard to ask a supply fee once or twice a year (I get from my parents approx. $75 / year, half in the fall, half in the spring). IMO it makes a lot more sense then saying "I want to do a neat art project, can you send me a buck?"

          I also wouldn't keep a child back because the mother didn't pay.
          Fees are payed for by parents and yes, it's in my contract.

          Paying for fees myself would be impossible. I have 16 kids for the summer and if a field trip cost $7, that's $112 out of my own pocket.

          I don't make THAT much money


          • #20
            I can see it from both sides. Its really more the principal of the matter in this case.
            You could put a notice out that as of this date all field trip fees must be paid for by the first of the month or something like that then further it by saying failure to pay will result in the your child having to miss out on the field trip. Some parents just dont get it! There is no easy answer I guess. It is just a dollar here and there.
            I bet all it would take it one time of there child having to stay back and they will understand. Good luck.


            • #21
              Originally posted by queenbee View Post
              Fees are payed for by parents and yes, it's in my contract.

              Paying for fees myself would be impossible. I have 16 kids for the summer and if a field trip cost $7, that's $112 out of my own pocket.

              I don't make THAT much money
              I didn't say you should pay it, I said maybe institute a fee of $100 per summer, or twice a year, or whatever and budget your trips from there (figure out what you are spending so you cover your entrance fees) and get it that way instead of send in $1 tomorrow and $3 on tuesday and $7 on Friday.


              • #22
                I know this is an old thread from 2012 but at our center, we don't do field trips at all because of liability and all of the regulations set up by the department of human resources childcare division regarding this. We do walking trips and we have to fill out a field trip form and we have a spot that states the driver and we put walking


                • #23
                  Originally posted by springvalley112 View Post
                  I know this is an old thread from 2012 but at our center, we don't do field trips at all because of liability and all of the regulations set up by the department of human resources childcare division regarding this. We do walking trips and we have to fill out a field trip form and we have a spot that states the driver and we put walking
                  I don't normally chime in on old threads. But honestly you decide what you do with your child care and if you really want to do field then you should budget for it better. Use it as a selling point for your child care, free trips! Then add the cost into the weekly/monthly fee. That also goes for the art supplies, your art supplies should be added into your fees. It does not make sense to charge extra for art, when most art can be done with recyclables. Plus all supplies and field trip fees are tax deductible, so it just doesn't make sense to not add it into the fees and take the deduction.

                  Also IMO leave the field trips to the parents, it is their kids after all. They should be sharing the experience with there child, and treasuring those memories with them. Taking the kids to the park or library is one thing but some fancy place that cost more money is so not necessary. And if it causing you stress, then is it really worth it??


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by 284878 View Post
                    I don't normally chime in on old threads. But honestly you decide what you do with your child care and if you really want to do field then you should budget for it better. Use it as a selling point for your child care, free trips! Then add the cost into the weekly/monthly fee. That also goes for the art supplies, your art supplies should be added into your fees. It does not make sense to charge extra for art, when most art can be done with recyclables. Plus all supplies and field trip fees are tax deductible, so it just doesn't make sense to not add it into the fees and take the deduction.

                    Also IMO leave the field trips to the parents, it is their kids after all. They should be sharing the experience with there child, and treasuring those memories with them. Taking the kids to the park or library is one thing but some fancy place that cost more money is so not necessary. And if it causing you stress, then is it really worth it??
                    At my former center, we never charged an art fee or any other monthly fee besides tuition.

                    We went on a few field trips during the school year (parents still paid). However it was during the summer that the center made the most money because there was always at least 3 trips a week. So the Owner/Director added the cost of admission, plus gas etc to the cost of the field trip.

                    A number of parents were questioning and a few were angry that the Owner overcharged on these things. BUT the selling point was there wasn't any additional charges (yearly or monthly) besides the once in a blue moon field trip.

