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Do You Have A Trampoline?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Meeko View Post
    Utah doesn't allow them in licensed homes.
    Did it change in May with the few other rules that changed? When I had my orientation in April they went through a huge list of no, no, and yes, yes with it. 3 foot use zone (like everything else), one kid at a time, no ladders or anything that was close enough for them to climb onto to get into it, enclosures all that hoo ha.


    • #17
      Originally posted by countrymom View Post
      I have one and only my children are allowed on it. There is no encloser on it, heck there's no padding around it either. Accidents happen no matter what you do, there are more accidents that happen on swings then on trampolines. Sorry it makes me so mad that people blame everything on trampolines when they have no idea how safe they really are. Everyone hears all sorts of stories and just assume its the trampolines fault, well unless the trampoline gets up and moves, its usually the persons fault.
      I see what you are saying but I do think there are some reasonable safety measures that can make a difference. I mean accidents happen on swings all the time but wouldnt it be better to try a few safety measures like not letting kids jump off swings, not walking in front or behind too close, making sure the set is firmly in the ground, etc. Accidents can happen anywhere at anytime but there are also precautions that lessen the chance IMO and that is why we have compromised in letting our kids have the fun of a trampoline but also put some safety measures in place.

      Ours has a little latch so that kids cant get in or out if an adult has latched it. I like that for keeping the daycare kids out when it is off limits during daycare hours. Dont want any rascals sneaking in there and getting hurt!!


      • #18
        we have one for my own kids, its off limits to daycare kids. My kids love it and we have many safety rules in place for them. I actually DON'T have swings because I feel kids get hurt on them more often than on a trampoline (no clue on real statistics, just my experience).


        • #19
          I didn't read replies.
          I have a 14' enclosed one that DCKs are not allowed on. State doesn't care, but my daycare insurance or homeowners doesn't cover it.

          My DH now doesn't want it because of a recent incident in our area.


          • #20
            Trampolines, pools and wading pools (heck even bird baths) are off limits here. It was a lot of jumping through hoops and installing special fencing to get my hot tub approved for licensing (well worth it though, imo)


            • #21
              Definitely agree that trampolines are dangerous, but if you are going to buy one make sure you buy the enclosure as well. That is a must! Again never ever and I mean ever leave a kid by themself on a trampoline. My two kids love to bounce around in our trampoline that we bought them and I always am out there when they are jumping around. We bought our trampoline and enclosure from this place


              • #22
                I've thought about it but our home owners insurance doesn't allow them. I'm not sure if they'd drop us or we would just get a higher rate etc but it's not really worth it to me to find out heh. We do have a place called the sensory gym here that has a trampoline and my own kids LOVE it. They get to use it there, I don't need to worry about insurance inspections Plus, I'm on the water. Parents are already a bit nervous with that,I don't need to make them even more nervous with a trampoline even though they (the enclosed padded ones) don't really bother me personally.


                • #23
                  How to post

                  Can someone please tell me how to post a new thread on here?


                  • #24
                    There is a blue 'button' that says "new thread" at the top left, just below where it says 'private...'... Hope that helps!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      Can someone please tell me how to post a new thread on here?
                      When in the forum area of your choice, look to the left of your screen for this button

                      Click that button and you can create a new thread


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                        When in the forum area of your choice, look to the left of your screen for this button

                        Click that button and you can create a new thread
                        Also many "how to" tips are answered in the FAQ section of the forum. The FAQ section can be found on the left side of the blue menu bar


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                          When in the forum area of your choice, look to the left of your screen for this button

                          Click that button and you can create a new thread
                          Oooohhh ok, thank you! I didn't know that I had to be in a section already.... Lol


                          • #28
                            Where I live they will not insure the daycare if theirs a trampoline. I think there a danger anyways. My niece fell through the springs of one at diving and she is almost 10 years old.


                            • #29
                              I am not a "trampoline hater", but I would never have one for daycare. To much liability. As a parent I wouldn't have an issue with my child on one with proper supervision. But there is a huge difference between my child and someone else's child. There are lots of things I would do with/or allow my child to do that I wouldn't do with a DCK. Also I think some things are up to each parent to decide on a case by case basis.


                              • #30
                                I have a question about trampolines, but not those big ones you put in the yard, the smaller ones, but with the enclosure. I loved them all my life, I practically grew up on them and I wanted to ask you; do you think that those small ones are also dangerous? I am referring to the small ones like the ones in the post? I am sad to hear that you don't approve trampolines, I have 3 sisters and a brother (big family) and we didn't think they were dangerous. (again, only the small ones, preferably with enclosure)
                                Last edited by Blackcat31; 02-07-2019, 08:54 AM. Reason: removed advertising link

