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Do You Have A Trampoline?

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  • Do You Have A Trampoline?

    do you have a trampoline? is it enclosed? do you allow daycare kids on it? are trampolines regulated by your licensing dept?

  • #2
    No trampolines allowed per licensing regs.


    • #3
      Trampolines were a source of frustration here until February. KS used to avoid the subject of trampolines. They'd never give a straight answer or the same one. Some answers used to be that the trampoline had to be fenced separately away from the kids' play area. Finally, we got rules for trampolines.

      They must have an enclosure, and the steps must be removed during daycare hours. NO daycare children can have access to the trampoline.

      My daughter LOVES gymnastics, and she might want a trampoline sometime in her life (she's 3 now), but I'm not a fan. There are too many risks, which is likely why I will take her to gymnastics but never get a trampoline for my house.


      • #4
        we actually just bought this one because my husband has wanted the kids to have one and this was our compromise....its small, low to the ground, enclosed and the daycare kids will not be using it.


        • #5
          We can have them here, but only one child can be on it at a time, and it either has to have a 3 foot clearance in all directions, or an enclosure. With my own children being home during the day, we don't have one. I'd hate to tell them they couldn't use something like that.


          • #6
            We have this trampoline:

            We replace this trampoline every year because, during the summer especially, the padding around it gets very faded from the sun and the zipper gets stuck. It's $80 so it's not a big investment anyway.

            Children 18 months and up are allowed on the trampoline. They are trained to unzip, zip and then jump before unzipping again and then zipping back up unless someone is waiting in line. It's a great way to exercise and because it's so small, I have had no injuries.

            Parents sign a permission form during enrollment that allows their child to get on the trampoline, play on the swingset, participate in water play and a transportation form. I've never had a parent NOT want their child to participate. Trampolines are fun! happyface

            I'm not worried about injuries anyway. There's a risk of breaking an arm or leg or twisting an ankle, but the same could be said for riding a bike and even stepping off the curb.


            • #7
              The APA strongly discourages trampoline use for kids. Here a couple statements from the APA website: http://pediatrics.aappublications.or...103/5/e57.full

              "Trampolines are a high-risk activity with the potential for significant orthopaedic injury"

              "We reiterate the American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement advises that trampolines be used only in supervised training programs--never at home, in outdoor playgrounds, or in schools. The public should be made aware of the potential dangers of trampolines through public health campaigns, radio, and television."

              Here is a great info page about trampolines and kids from the Consumer Products Safety Commission

              Learn more about tips to keep your child safe in the house & neighborhood.

              Oh, can you tell......I am anti-trampoline (big or small ones)......YES they ARE super fun but so are a ton of other dangerous things...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                The APA strongly discourages trampoline use for kids. Here a couple statements from the APA website: http://pediatrics.aappublications.or...103/5/e57.full

                "Trampolines are a high-risk activity with the potential for significant orthopaedic injury"

                "We reiterate the American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement advises that trampolines be used only in supervised training programs--never at home, in outdoor playgrounds, or in schools. The public should be made aware of the potential dangers of trampolines through public health campaigns, radio, and television."

                Here is a great info page about trampolines and kids from the Consumer Products Safety Commission

                Learn more about tips to keep your child safe in the house & neighborhood.

                Oh, can you tell......I am anti-trampoline (big or small ones)......YES they ARE super fun but so are a ton of other dangerous things... :p
                Me, too. My sil's cousin is a quad due to a trampoline accident. CA doesn't allow them on the premises of a daycare.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                  The APA strongly discourages trampoline use for kids. Here a couple statements from the APA website: http://pediatrics.aappublications.or...103/5/e57.full

                  "Trampolines are a high-risk activity with the potential for significant orthopaedic injury"

                  "We reiterate the American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement advises that trampolines be used only in supervised training programs--never at home, in outdoor playgrounds, or in schools. The public should be made aware of the potential dangers of trampolines through public health campaigns, radio, and television."

                  Here is a great info page about trampolines and kids from the Consumer Products Safety Commission

                  Learn more about tips to keep your child safe in the house & neighborhood.

                  Oh, can you tell......I am anti-trampoline (big or small ones)......YES they ARE super fun but so are a ton of other dangerous things...
                  Interesting info....I have seen some similar info on trampolines which is why we will not be getting a full sized one, one without enclosures, one that is far off the ground or has several kids jumping at once. I feel comfortable with what we have purchased but am always curious for feedback. thanks


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    The APA strongly discourages trampoline use for kids. Here a couple statements from the APA website: http://pediatrics.aappublications.or...103/5/e57.full

                    "Trampolines are a high-risk activity with the potential for significant orthopaedic injury"

                    "We reiterate the American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement advises that trampolines be used only in supervised training programs--never at home, in outdoor playgrounds, or in schools. The public should be made aware of the potential dangers of trampolines through public health campaigns, radio, and television."

                    Here is a great info page about trampolines and kids from the Consumer Products Safety Commission

                    Learn more about tips to keep your child safe in the house & neighborhood.

                    Oh, can you tell......I am anti-trampoline (big or small ones)......YES they ARE super fun but so are a ton of other dangerous things...
                    My daughters were not allowed to go to any friends house that had a trampoline... I am TERRIFIED of them.. I flew off .. on to the ground.. on to my head/back.. when I was 12 or so years old.. knocked the wind out of me.. I thought I was dead... OR paralyzed ... walked away from that incident with only bruises.. but... I really really HATE trampolines..what I hate the most is the fact that parents are so careless with their children.. totally fine to allow their kids to go out in to the yard unattended and jump to their hearts content... !!!! un BELIEVABLE....


                    • #11
                      Utah doesn't allow them in licensed homes.


                      • #12
                        Not allowed to have trapolines, pools, wading pools.
                        Each day is a fresh start
                        Never look back on regrets
                        Live life to the fullest
                        We only get one shot at this!!


                        • #13
                          I have something like this.

                          We don't use it very often. Occasionally during the winter months I will bring it out of the basement. For as much as we use it and as much room as it takes, I really should just sell it.


                          • #14
                            I have one and only my children are allowed on it. There is no encloser on it, heck there's no padding around it either. Accidents happen no matter what you do, there are more accidents that happen on swings then on trampolines. Sorry it makes me so mad that people blame everything on trampolines when they have no idea how safe they really are. Everyone hears all sorts of stories and just assume its the trampolines fault, well unless the trampoline gets up and moves, its usually the persons fault.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                              I have one and only my children are allowed on it. There is no encloser on it, heck there's no padding around it either. Accidents happen no matter what you do, there are more accidents that happen on swings then on trampolines. Sorry it makes me so mad that people blame everything on trampolines when they have no idea how safe they really are. Everyone hears all sorts of stories and just assume its the trampolines fault, well unless the trampoline gets up and moves, its usually the persons fault.

                              There's risk in everything. Trampolines pose as much as a risk for injury as anything else

