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Permission Form for Trampoline?

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  • #16
    I'm the poster of the original trampoline thread blackcat linked to. We decided to not get one after thinking about the thread and the liability. When we refence our yard this year we're going to add a separate fenced section for a pool and trampoline for our kids so they don't miss out due to the daycare. But we felt it was too great a risk without a fence to keep the DCK's away.


    • #17
      KS used to avoid the issue. They have officially said now that we could have one--BUT not in use during daycare hours. The steps would need to be removed, enclosure locked, completely inaccessible to daycare children.

      Personally, I would not have one because of the risks. A state employee in charge of our daycares told us once that pediatric docs think trampolines are awful for children. I never looked up if that was true.


      • #18
        I have one for my kids but I am not allowed to let the daycare kids use it. It is against the rules. I also have to make sure it is secured so that they are unable to climb onto it.


        • #19
          In my state they aren't allowed, even the little bitty rebounder ones you'd use for exercise. If you have one for your own children they require you fence it off from the daycare play area.


          • #20
            Yes kids can get injured, and the older they are the more likely it is to happen. We got one last year and it was the best thing I did! I had kids 7mths to 4yrs, and I let them ALL on it! (one at a time) In order for me to be allowed to have one, it had to have an enclosure. (which it does, with a zipper door) The older kids, I would allow on 2 at a time after they got all their "jumpies" out, . I would give them a ball, and they would kick it back and forth.
            We had rules, one of them being to stay off the netting.(didn't want the netting getting wrecked because they couldn't use it if it was) Also only jump in the middle, because if they WERE to jump hard enough, their foot could get caught in the apron by the springs, causing injury, but they aren't that heavy. As well as NO FLIPS!!! Jumping, jumping jacks and if they had good muscle control, jumping and landing on their butt. Anyone not following the rules was immediately taken of the trampoline for the rest of the day. Didn't happen often!happyface
            Even the babies had fun on it, the youngest would go on it for maybe 2 mins, then want off, but the 18mth old would run in circles, and was even jumping like the big kids :: so cute. We had one injury, the oldest bent his big toe back, was fine in 5 minutes.
            Super great exercise for them. I would even get on with them hold their hands and jump them high, they loved it! But if you have one, there needs to be constant supervision. If you can't separate the yard, you have to watch the littles don't climb under it while someone is jumping. So even not having the kids on it can still be fun, cuz they like to make a little fort underneath


            • #21
              Originally posted by MrsB View Post
              Our state doesnt allow them at daycares. If they did, I would say NOOOO way. I have seen way too many kiddos get hurt. I dont want the liability! You can get permission from the parents that they can do it but it doesnt stop them from sueing you if they get hurt. I have many other activities that they can do besides the trampoline.
              Yep - not allowed. Same as a pool - as in, high fence with a locked gate surrounding the entire thing.


              • #22
                I decided to have it in our fenced backyard where the DCK aren't allowed

                Thanks for all the advice!


                • #23
                  I have seen them inground, looks awsome and would prevent falls. We have been debating about doing this for quite some time, but I am just so undecided about it. Inground prevents kids from falling off, but alot of injuries happen just jumping is my debate currently with my husband who is completely game for it!! If we did get one it would just be for my children and they probably wouldn't be allowed to use it while daycare is here. Are you going to let your kids use it while daycare is there, or does anyone who has one do this? Just wondering because I am not sure my daycare parents would go for that and I don't think that is very fare.... I don't know, but Good luck to you and keep us posted on how it all works out!


                  • #24
                    One reason I have never considered buying a trampoline, even with a net, is because of the extremely high liability involved with one. I wouldn't let anyone else use it except my own family. They are an insurance nightmare....

