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Permission Form for Trampoline?

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  • Permission Form for Trampoline?

    We just got a 14' trampoline with a safety net for my own kids. Its in our backyard, where daycare kids currently do not go. We might move it to the front and have parents sign a permission form for use.
    Does anyone allow dck use of a trampoline? What is your policy? (only 1 or 2 at a time, etc) and do you have a permission form you can share?

  • #2
    If we had one, I personally would not allow daycare children on it. Too easy to get hurt and I would be afraid about the liability. You might want to check your homeowners/daycare insurance, too. Insurance companies may frown on trampolines.


    • #3
      Our state doesnt allow them at daycares. If they did, I would say NOOOO way. I have seen way too many kiddos get hurt. I dont want the liability! You can get permission from the parents that they can do it but it doesnt stop them from sueing you if they get hurt. I have many other activities that they can do besides the trampoline.


      • #4
        Originally posted by MrsB View Post
        Our state doesnt allow them at daycares. If they did, I would say NOOOO way. I have seen way too many kiddos get hurt. I dont want the liability! You can get permission from the parents that they can do it but it doesnt stop them from sueing you if they get hurt. I have many other activities that they can do besides the trampoline.
        My state is the same way- not allowed for daycare use


        • #5
          Definitly not allowed here. I wouldn't allow neighbor kids on it either, too much of a liablility.


          • #6
            Not allowed in WI either....


            • #7
              My DH broke his wrist really bad on one when he was in highschool. Still has really bad issues with it hirting all the time. Ive never been on a trampoline as I wasnt allowed on them when I was younger. I would say too big of liability for DC kids


              • #8
                Originally posted by lymemomma View Post
                We just got a 14' trampoline with a safety net for my own kids. Its in our backyard, where daycare kids currently do not go. We might move it to the front and have parents sign a permission form for use.
                Does anyone allow dck use of a trampoline? What is your policy? (only 1 or 2 at a time, etc) and do you have a permission form you can share?
                I took apart my trampoline last year because of the danger to the dck. Even with 2 kids on it, it is dangerous and no amount of paperwork would ever relieve the pain I would have if one of my dck was to be seriously injured on it. Last summer a little girl in our area broke her neck on her friend's trampoline. They are great fun but not worth the risk. I would suggest getting a bunch of little trampolines so each kids has one to jump on. They are fun too and way cheaper My kids and dck also get a kick out of pogo sticks. They jump all over the place with them.


                • #9
                  State made me take mine down and my home owners insurance threaten to cancel if I didn't take it down. That tells you that they are a risk to the kids. The kids loved it. It had the safety net and was well supervised. We would do circle time sitting on it and roll balls back and forth. My daughter had a sleep over, they took their sleeping bags and slept on the trampoline. We used it for a lot more then just jumping. It was sad to have to get rid of it.


                  • #10
                    Here is an older thread about trampolines
                    I'm looking for a few opinions on trampolines and daycare. My kids (7 and 12) desperately want one this summer. First off, the details of my situation and the rules we will follow. Insurance WILL cover the trampoline in my yard as long as it has a safety net and bumper pads with it. I will have a one child at a time


                    • #11
                      We can have them but I wouldn't. I don't think my insurance covers that.

                      I don't think there is really any permission slip that's going to stop a parent from suing you for an injury. Supervision is always going to be a concern when there is an injury. You also have the liklihood that the decision to go after you for the cost of the injury may not be up to the parent. It may be their insurerers that want you to pay.

                      One of my daycare parents years ago let her school aged daughter go over to a neighbors to jump trampoline. The parents told her to go home and get a note from the Mom giving permission. My friend wrote a note giving permission. Little bit later the parents call and tell the Mom she has fallend off. She broke her arm.

                      The DCMom asked the parents to pay for the medical bill. The way she saw it was that it happened on their property and their homeowners would cover it. It did but surely at a heck of a price. The way the Mom looked at it was she gave permission for her to play on it but not to get hurt on it.

                      No matter what... even with them agreeing to take liability you can be on the hot seat for supervision or negligence with an injury.

                      I don't like my kids feet to be above ground unless they are horizontal in bed.


                      • #12
                        I have one, and since everyone posted such negative things about them, I will say, that its rare that children hurt themselves on it when properly supervised. I have no netting on mine so they all know that they can't bounce off the sides and act dumb because many think the netting will save them. I know a girl who broke her arm because she was climbing in one and her foot got tangled, she didn't even get to jump on it. Second, only allow one child at a time, I sit and watch them. I have also banned children from mine too because they act silly. I do have a form I found on thedaycarelady. It makes no difference if they were jumping on the trampoline or jumping in the driveway, both can cause accidents. Oh dcg broke her arm last year because she fell off of the ottomon, flukey accident but you never know.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by lymemomma View Post
                          We just got a 14' trampoline with a safety net for my own kids. Its in our backyard, where daycare kids currently do not go. We might move it to the front and have parents sign a permission form for use.
                          Does anyone allow dck use of a trampoline? What is your policy? (only 1 or 2 at a time, etc) and do you have a permission form you can share?
                          Do not allow the daycare kids to use it!!!! Too much liability and stress.

                          IF you do, make a super legal permission slip and have the parents notarize it, waiving you from any and all liability under any circumstances, and put that they acknowledge that trampolines can be dangerous and they give their permission anyway knowing so.

                          Goodness- dont let them use it though! That's a broken arm etc, waiting to happen.


                          • #14
                            My own kids realllly want one, but I still don't know if I would let them use it! I definately wouldn't let dck's use it. Way too much liability. I have ones that trip over their own feet


                            • #15
                              I have one and I considered allowing the kids to play on it but after speaking to my insurance rep, it was not a good idea.

                              It doesn't matter what kind of paper you write up, parent's have the right to sue you regardless. What my insurance agent said was that they could use the permission slip as permission for that day only with certain restrictions attached to it and even if they didn't disclose those restrictions to you, they can still hold you liable.

                              No thanks. I don't want the liability.

                              Be careful though. I was interviewing a family and the kids seen it outside. The DCM said, "I'm sure you can play on it next week when you come." I corrected her and said it was off limits to daycare kids. Her response was, "Well, we have one at home and they play on it all the time so they can play on yours."

                              My response was, "Our day consists of plenty of other activities. I'm sure they can get plenty of jumping in when they go home." ::

