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Where It Rains Alot!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
    First very beautiful day in a long, long time! We are actually going to venture outside today. Still pretty nippy though! Yesterday, it looked 80 degrees outside but when you stepped outside-bbbrrrrr. With the wind we get here it just cuts to the bone when it seems nice out.

    It sounds like you guys don't get to go out alot either with your little ones.
    This morning was beautiful and the children played outside in their cozy jackets for about an hour. They NEEDED that (and we did too). LOL!!!

    That is the downside to living in this beautiful state. TOO MUCH RAIN!!!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Lucy View Post
      Where do you live? I'm in the Willamette Valley and it is BEAUTIFUL today. Was yesterday too. But supposed to have rain by this evening.
      I live close to Salem. Where do you live? It's starting to get a little gloomy right now.


      • #18
        Still beautiful in my part of the state! We played outside for a little over an hour without jackets. Lots of muddy knees and wet bottoms but they had fun. The sad thing is though the ones that have trouble napping are now way over the top tired and can't settle down at all-. I thought they would have collapsed but no just the opposite.
        Each day is a fresh start
        Never look back on regrets
        Live life to the fullest
        We only get one shot at this!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by CheekyChick View Post
          If I had to live somewhere where there were tornado watches, I'd have to be heavily medicated.
          Oh my, I am the same way......I can totally live with sub zero temps for months on end, large snowfalls, hot, humid summer times, mosquitos so thick that when you breath you swallow them, torrential rains, loud thunder claps, and lightening storms and who knows what else, but tornados?????

          Um, no way. Nada, no thanks, nope, not in this life time......I am terrified of them!! I would have to be comatose or heavily medicated too!!


          • #20
            When I lived out in Oregon (I was in a little logging town west of Portland), my son had a yellow lined rain coat and a pair of rain pants. They are packed away right now, but will likely come out this spring for my little one. I thought I bought the pants at Fred Meyer, but I could be wrong. I might have ordered them online, really don't remember. That was 5+ years ago, and a lot has changed. My ds' raincoat and rain boots were hand-me-downs from his big sister. She received them as a gift from our daycare provider here in Minnesota before we moved to Oregon. Those were a great thing many rainy days.
            Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


            • #21
              Good thing we went outside this morning!!! It has now started blowing a cold, cold wind and the gray clouds are gathering fast. Look like a nice long weekend of rain, then on Tuesday they are calling for snow. We more than likely won't receive any though.
              Each day is a fresh start
              Never look back on regrets
              Live life to the fullest
              We only get one shot at this!!


              • #22
                Oh my goodness! After the beautiful warm sunny morning and playing outside, it is torrentially raining outside with hard winds blowing. I was soaked walking about 40 feet from my store to the car! This is why we are always inside!
                Each day is a fresh start
                Never look back on regrets
                Live life to the fullest
                We only get one shot at this!!

