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Where It Rains Alot!

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  • Where It Rains Alot!

    Some parts of the US rain alot!!!! Thats all it does where I live-rarely snows during the winter so we don't do snowgear. One town about 2 hours away last month received 10 inches of rain in 24 hours!!!

    For those places that rain alot what do you put your kids in do go outside and play in? I guess I never thought about it because honestly kids don't play outside here alot in the rain. It just honestly so wet/messy that everytime you go out you would need to change the kids because they would come in soaked. Alot of times even the kids in school aren't allowed outside because the kids would get soooo wet. What do you put on the kids then? No one really buys snowgear unless you are a skier/snowmobiler because those are the only ones who need it.

    Cheekychick, I know you are close by where I live-what do you do? Others inputs are appreciated also!
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  • #2
    What you describe is EXACTLY why my DCK's get changed into clean, fresh clothing everyday for going home time.

    We have a river and many springs on my property... Everything squishes when we walk, that is why I require Crocs (or any water shoe) in summer...

    Every trip outside means 5-6 sets of clothing to be changed and washed. I do laundry everyday.

    That is not HALF as bad as what is coming, though.... Mosquito, Snake, Black Widow, Hornet and Fire Ant season. THAT is what makes my life difficult.
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      So do you change them every time you go outside. I was thinking of starting 2-3 times a day outside but that would be alot of clothes to be changing and sending home every single day! I don't know if my parents would really like that. I have great parents but........not wanting to stir the pot.

      So Cat Herder how many times a day do you go outside? We have rainboots we wear but it would be the coats, pants, possibly shirts that would start getting wet. MMMMMM what to do, what to do?
      Each day is a fresh start
      Never look back on regrets
      Live life to the fullest
      We only get one shot at this!!


      • #4
        How about getting some rubber splash pants? Or sourcing them and getting the parents to pay for them? Spring stuff is out in the stores here. I was looking at some last night and thinking about replacing a few pairs.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Meyou View Post
          How about getting some rubber splash pants? Or sourcing them and getting the parents to pay for them? Spring stuff is out in the stores here. I was looking at some last night and thinking about replacing a few pairs.
          What are those? Never heard of those. We seriously live in an area thats its all jeans or sweats. We don't get any "special" weather that the we feel we have to have special clothes for.
          Each day is a fresh start
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          Live life to the fullest
          We only get one shot at this!!


          • #6
            Country-How about just going out once or twice a day (once on bad weather days), and just making outside time longer?

            Over the winter, I just put them in the cart and walked for 20 minutes, or took them out on the porch. I have 3 toddlers, 2 of which started walking around Christmas, so at the time, the cold weather and the lack of proper outdoor clothes AND the lack of walking made it too much of a challenge to be out.

            We are are working our way up to going outside immediately after breakfast (9:00) and staying out until lunch (11:30). Once it's warm enough, we will have all our meals outside as well. A LOT less cleanup for me!happyface

            After nap, we go have snack (inside now, outside when weather allows), and then we go outside until p/u at 4:45. I'm lucky since mine all get picked up around then, so I don't bring anyone back in. Again, one less round of cleanup, and when parents come, they are ready to go with their outdoor things on.

            If it's raining, how about going out for a while so that you time it for lunch? Start a crockpot with lunch, go out, come in soaking wet, and stip 'em all at the door. Then you can change diapers, get everyone in dry clothes (wet stuff can just go into the dryer-it's just rain), eat lunch, and then nap. I bet they'll sleep good!

            After nap, maybe save outdoor time for better-weather days?


            • #7
              Originally posted by bbo View Post
              Country-How about just going out once or twice a day (once on bad weather days), and just making outside time longer?

              Over the winter, I just put them in the cart and walked for 20 minutes, or took them out on the porch. I have 3 toddlers, 2 of which started walking around Christmas, so at the time, the cold weather and the lack of proper outdoor clothes AND the lack of walking made it too much of a challenge to be out.

              We are are working our way up to going outside immediately after breakfast (9:00) and staying out until lunch (11:30). Once it's warm enough, we will have all our meals outside as well. A LOT less cleanup for me!happyface

              After nap, we go have snack (inside now, outside when weather allows), and then we go outside until p/u at 4:45. I'm lucky since mine all get picked up around then, so I don't bring anyone back in. Again, one less round of cleanup, and when parents come, they are ready to go with their outdoor things on.

              If it's raining, how about going out for a while so that you time it for lunch? Start a crockpot with lunch, go out, come in soaking wet, and stip 'em all at the door. Then you can change diapers, get everyone in dry clothes (wet stuff can just go into the dryer-it's just rain), eat lunch, and then nap. I bet they'll sleep good!

              After nap, maybe save outdoor time for better-weather days?
              It would actually be mud also! I have no muddy area in my yard but just with the amount of rain we get the kids just seem to get muddy or just dirty.
              Each day is a fresh start
              Never look back on regrets
              Live life to the fullest
              We only get one shot at this!!


              • #8
                They're elastic waistband pants that are waterproof and they go on over their regular clothes. Most have tight elastic cuffs at the bottom they can get really wet and nothing gets in the boots. They're fantastic really. Especially for walks. They can puddle jump and stay totally dry.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Meyou View Post
                  They're elastic waistband pants that are waterproof and they go on over their regular clothes. Most have tight elastic cuffs at the bottom they can get really wet and nothing gets in the boots. They're fantastic really. Especially for walks. They can puddle jump and stay totally dry.

                  How funny! We have a childrens place that I love to go through and ours never carry anything like this.

                  The sports stores might carry something like this for adults for running but not the kids.
                  Each day is a fresh start
                  Never look back on regrets
                  Live life to the fullest
                  We only get one shot at this!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                    How funny! We have a childrens place that I love to go through and ours never carry anything like this.

                    The sports stores might carry something like this for adults for running but not the kids.
                    What's hilarious is that they're EVERYWHERE here and pretty much a given for little kids in the spring. :: I can walk into any store that carries kids clothes and buy them this time of year.

                    It's crazy that selection in stores can vary so much.


                    • #11
                      We only let them outside when it is somewhat warm with a light rain. I would never allow them out in torrential rains. They would be miserable. When they go out in light rain, I require a rain jacket, rubber boots, and waterproof gloves. They stay relatively dry and it doesn't take too long for their gear to dry.

                      BTW, Is it as beautiful where you are as where I am??? It is a GLORIOUS day.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                        So do you change them every time you go outside. I was thinking of starting 2-3 times a day outside but that would be alot of clothes to be changing and sending home every single day! I don't know if my parents would really like that. I have great parents but........not wanting to stir the pot.

                        So Cat Herder how many times a day do you go outside? We have rain boots we wear but it would be the coats, pants, possibly shirts that would start getting wet. MMMMMM what to do, what to do?
                        When it is cold/cool we go out once a day, typically for a couple hours depending on how wet it is and how bad little hands are hurting. I only keep birth through 4 years and have a huge playroom so they get plenty of physical exercise, though.

                        In the summer we can come and go as we please because they change into swimsuits instead of clothing for outside play (100+* temps are common here). We do water play/sprinklers almost daily. The only big part is all the towels, then.

                        Cheeky... I am jealous of your glorious day.... It is pitch black, windy, rolling thunder and we are under yet another Tornado watch.... Yay...
                        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by CheekyChick View Post
                          We only let them outside when it is somewhat warm with a light rain. I would never allow them out in torrential rains. They would be miserable. When they go out in light rain, I require a rain jacket, rubber boots, and waterproof gloves. They stay relatively dry and it doesn't take too long for their gear to dry.

                          BTW, Is it as beautiful where you are as where I am??? It is a GLORIOUS day.
                          First very beautiful day in a long, long time! We are actually going to venture outside today. Still pretty nippy though! Yesterday, it looked 80 degrees outside but when you stepped outside-bbbrrrrr. With the wind we get here it just cuts to the bone when it seems nice out.

                          It sounds like you guys don't get to go out alot either with your little ones.
                          Each day is a fresh start
                          Never look back on regrets
                          Live life to the fullest
                          We only get one shot at this!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by CheekyChick View Post
                            We only let them outside when it is somewhat warm with a light rain. I would never allow them out in torrential rains. They would be miserable. When they go out in light rain, I require a rain jacket, rubber boots, and waterproof gloves. They stay relatively dry and it doesn't take too long for their gear to dry.

                            BTW, Is it as beautiful where you are as where I am??? It is a GLORIOUS day.
                            Where do you live? I'm in the Willamette Valley and it is BEAUTIFUL today. Was yesterday too. But supposed to have rain by this evening.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post

                              Cheeky... I am jealous of your glorious day.... It is pitch black, windy, rolling thunder and we are under yet another Tornado watch.... Yay...
                              You poor thing. If I had to live somewhere where there were tornado watches, I'd have to be heavily medicated. I hope all is well there.

