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Time for This?

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  • #16
    i had my laptop outside today on the carport downloading music for the kids (okay...and myself) while they played/rode bikes. i wasn't posting, but i easily could have.

    i never could've done that when i worked in a "chain daycare" but i don't! i'm at home! i send the parents picture messages and they call me throughout the day if they want to. there's a lot more freedom working from home.


    • #17
      Originally posted by nannyde View Post

      Maybe I should have asked for a free upgrade!!!!
      67 posts? Ok, I will upgrade you to premium. What is the name of your daycare? You can PM me.


      • #18
        I wish I would have known

        Originally posted by michael View Post
        Low on kids? Let me know if you want me to add your daycare to the database. Anyone that regularly posts to this forum I will list for free.
        I wish I would have known,I added myself about a month ago. I have been advertising in my local paper for three weeks now and haven't gotten a single call. This economy is not helping me get out of the office job that I hate

        I had no problem getting kids the first time I opened 14 years ago, I'm really starting to get depressed.


        • #19
          Originally posted by michael View Post
          67 posts? Ok, I will upgrade you to premium. What is the name of your daycare? You can PM me.
          Yeah but they are QUALITY posts. ::

          I'm at premium from what I can see so we are good. Thanks. I sent you a p.m.



          • #20
            You can achieve a lot when you have the kids on a schedule. It also all depends on how well behaved the kids are doing on the particular day. There are some days that I do not make it on till they are gone.


            • #21
              Also wanted to mention that I have a daycare fb page and instant messenger for the parents to talk to me from work and share photos of their kids doing funny/new things. It is not uncommon for me to have 6 pages (, art projects, emails, online training sites/pre-school sites, etc) minimized at any time. Just because we are "logged in" this forum does not mean we are even "in" the forum.

              I have broadband and my computer is on 24/7...sometimes I even forget to log out of things for days at a time... (I was logged into "family fun" arts and crafts forum for almost 3 days, alot of teasing for "Insomniac of the year":: I was not even in this state at the time!)


              • #22
                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                Please do not take this the wrong way, I mean nothing by it, but I am just wondering? When do you all find time to post on here!!! Your schedules seem so organized and filled through out the day I was just sort of wondering when you are posting and checking this site and how you do it ALL! LOL
                Well, you see, when you have standards and expectations for the children in your care and you actually allow the children to meet those expectations you spend FAR less time putting out fires. And when you are not spending time putting out fires that allows more time for free play. And free play means Judy is sitting in the corner, laptop on her lap getting a little adult interaction so she doesn't go completely insane.

                Nap time is also NAP time around here. EVERYONE sleeps.


                • #23
                  Nap time, before kids get here, and when they leave.

                  PS, I'd love to list too if possible Michael, do I post enough?


                  • #24
                    I have wifi, which allows me to gave access through mycell phone, Itouvh and the lap tap!! Plus my kids aren't here until afternoon, just in time for naptime!!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by booroo View Post
                      I have wifi, which allows me to gave access through mycell phone, Itouvh and the lap tap!! Plus my kids aren't here until afternoon, just in time for naptime!!
                      yeah, i can use my phone too. plus, my schedule is not the normal 9-5 (or 6-6) or whatever. i only "work" a few days a week.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
                        yeah, i can use my phone too. plus, my schedule is not the normal 9-5 (or 6-6) or whatever. i only "work" a few days a week.
                        Yeah my dkb comes after preschool, then the new family I have the dkg at 730am and her brother after school but I only have 2 or 3 times a week, or sometimes they niether one come until 330 but are here until 8pm. Plus I can read fast, if I have the computer I can type fast as well.


                        • #27
                          during nap times, for a quick check of emails and to see whats going on....and on nights like tonight where my insomia has kicked in


                          • #28
                            i sit mine in front of the t.v. in the other room with the door closed so i can have privacy, grab a nice cold beer and glare at this computer moniter all day....

                            i'm only kidding!!! i couldn't help myself.....

                            i'm usually on in the a.m. before kids get here, maybe check in at night after they leave, and sometimes on the weekends if i have nothing going on.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by melskids View Post
                              i sit mine in front of the t.v. in the other room with the door closed so i can have privacy, grab a nice cold beer and glare at this computer moniter all day....

                              Well, thanks a lot for giving away our one and only secret.::


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Golden Rule View Post
                                Also wanted to mention that I have a daycare fb page and instant messenger for the parents to talk to me from work and share photos of their kids doing funny/new things. It is not uncommon for me to have 6 pages (, art projects, emails, online training sites/pre-school sites, etc) minimized at any time. Just because we are "logged in" this forum does not mean we are even "in" the forum.

                                I have broadband and my computer is on 24/7...sometimes I even forget to log out of things for days at a time... (I was logged into "family fun" arts and crafts forum for almost 3 days, alot of teasing for "Insomniac of the year":: I was not even in this state at the time!)
                                I do this too! I will sign on in the morning so that whenever I get a free moment like meals, snacks, or naps, I can just sit down and everything is already right there. There have been times where I have forgotten to sign off though, and I would wonder if anyone would be thinking that I had been on the forum the ENTIRE day and night! ::

