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"Boy Sounds"

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  • "Boy Sounds"

    I feel terrible for saying but I feel that I NEED to get it out I HATE the sounds boys make while free playing!!!!!!!!

    Of my 8 DCKs a day 4-5 are 4 yr BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!! I am completley at the end of my rope with car sounds, truck sounds, bomb sounds, gun sounds, fireman, police, crashing towers, fort building, car crashing, spaceman rocketships and just general NOISE that DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They are so LOUD all the time!!! They can never be quite for more then two minutes after reminder after reminder.

    The other crazything that they have started doing is finding the corner of a room and making "walls" with the larger toys and then pileing in every other toy they can find in a 3x4 space with 5 boys and just yelling and laughing at their 'madeup' words that they find so funny.

    I can't physicaly be in with them every second (I have a 100% daycare home and three other young DCKs. We do as many structured activites as possible, but their attention span in low and then act up durring the activity as well.

    I am finally admitting that I am just surviving untill they all go off to Kinder next Fall.

  • #2
    I hear ya, but barely over the siren sounds! My thing now is rude words such as idiot and kill and one kid puts "chicken" infront of everything he says! Kinda funny writing it, but really annoying!!!!!

    But the other side of it is the whining with the girls, so I guess ya cant win!
    And I HATE "I had it first!"


    • #3
      A parent will probably come on board here and tell us we are all awful...but I am right there with ya! Trains schreech...shooting sounds are never ending...trucks driving! I have my own 2 yo and 2-2.5 yo boys! They are relatively calm at the moment...hmmmm.

      In fact anyone have any good ideas on teaching indoor voice use? For the one who is constantly schreeching?
      MnMum married to DH 9 years
      Mum to Girl 21, Girl 18, Boy 14.5, Boy 11


      • #4
        :::::: There are days....

        I have to say I can take those sounds better than whiny, high pitched, sing-songy, baby talk by adults TO ME at the door first thing in the morning....

        I often wonder if they talk like to their adult co-workers, too?? :: Do you think they KNOW they do it?
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #5
          My youngest 2 are 3 1/2 and 4 1/2. I can handle the playing sounds, it's the "you farted", "you burped", "did you go pee", every 30 seconds. I've tried redirecting, having discussion on why it's not polite, time outs. Nothing has stopped it and it's getting worse.


          • #6
            LOL.. I have one that just taught himself some new sound effects and he does it all the time. I hate it.


            • #7
              I dont like the Bathroom words either, but the more I try to correct, the worse it gets, and the "Ms. Chelle! He said ______!" drives me bonkers!!!!!! My DD teacher, 3rd grade makes me mad because he likes to say "Such and such...BUT, and its a BIG BUTT!..." RAAARRRRRRRR! And the other day i guess someone tooted and everyone laughed and the teacher said "I suppose you want me to ask who farted!" Maybe Im too sensitive, but that bothers me!


              • #8
                Is it too strict to just say they have to play nicely, using inside voices and not rude language? I've been debating this because I could no longer take all the racket, running, blocks and cars flying across my living room, etc.

                I've been working very hard on "training" them to play in a "nice" manner. Is this wrong? I know boys have to be boys, but I believe that part of our society's problems is that boys are taught that they can do anything.

                My kids get outside time daily unless weather prevents, and then they can free-for-all.


                • #9
                  I have 4 boys here, and wow, the noise level gets pretty loud here. I can handle 'sound effects', it's the high pitched screams from them that get to me.


                  • #10
                    I cant get them to stop either and my own son is the worst.

                    IPOD in one ear usually helps tune it out for a bit.

                    And well Billy Idol helps me get through the day too lovethis


                    • #11
                      Only one of my three boys makes the sounds. And I think the reason why it bothers me so much with him is because he does NOT talk (age 3) and the car noises, the growling, roaring, etc are the only sounds he makes. UGH!


                      • #12
                        I watch 2 little guys, too. And they are often very loud. I think it is just normal for boys (and some girls) to play like this. Mine love to run back and forth screaming and laughing at the top of their lungs. And they LOVE to push trucks back and forth as fast as they can, also laughing loudly. I remind them to be quieter and not to run, but 2 minutes later, they are doing it a again. I think it is an inbred boy thing that cannot be squashed...! :: When it gets out of hand, I invite them to find a book and sit with me to look at it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by KEG123 View Post
                          Only one of my three boys makes the sounds. And I think the reason why it bothers me so much with him is because he does NOT talk (age 3) and the car noises, the growling, roaring, etc are the only sounds he makes. UGH!
                          I can relate- I have a 2yo DCK that isn't talking & all of the grunting & whining are wearing on my nerves

                          I keep telling myself- this is his way to communicate & I'd rather him make some noise then none. But if I had a penny for every time I said please stop whining & use your words- I would probably be able to retire!!!::::::


                          • #14
                            I have a baby FT 9mo that is the LOUDEST child ever! SHe has not stopped make noise ever, and it doesnt really bother me at all. Just "boy racket" gets on my nerves.

                            I have aslo noticed girls although they my whine a bicker they use WORDS in their play, not just constant SOUNDS.

                            I guess women are better communicaters from the start


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MsMe View Post
                              I feel terrible for saying but I feel that I NEED to get it out I HATE the sounds boys make while free playing!!!!!!!!

                              Of my 8 DCKs a day 4-5 are 4 yr BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!! I am completley at the end of my rope with car sounds, truck sounds, bomb sounds, gun sounds, fireman, police, crashing towers, fort building, car crashing, spaceman rocketships and just general NOISE that DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              They are so LOUD all the time!!! They can never be quite for more then two minutes after reminder after reminder.

                              The other crazything that they have started doing is finding the corner of a room and making "walls" with the larger toys and then pileing in every other toy they can find in a 3x4 space with 5 boys and just yelling and laughing at their 'madeup' words that they find so funny.

                              I can't physicaly be in with them every second (I have a 100% daycare home and three other young DCKs. We do as many structured activites as possible, but their attention span in low and then act up durring the activity as well.

                              I am finally admitting that I am just surviving untill they all go off to Kinder next Fall.

                              :::::: I'm sorry - not laughing AT you but with you. I hear ya honey! But you forgot the Robot sounds!!!

                              We have mostly boys this year and one class is 7 boys - no girls. It's only a 3 hour class so we can deal with it. If I had to be there all day I'd have a migraine for sure.

                              Thankfully they do respond to quiet requests with a bit of eye contact. They do require quite a bit of "roping in".

                              I've found that the loudest is usually the one that has had "sugar cereal" for breakfast.

