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At What Temperature Do You Send Kids Home?

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  • #16
    100-100.4 depending on symptoms. I have a Preemie in my care very susceptible to germs!


    • #17
      Thanks for all your input

      I think I will be changing my handbook to be a little more vague so I can base it per child and per symptoms like many of you have said.

      My own dd has hit 105* MANY times and was running around the er like nothing was wrong It usually jumps that high for her when she gets croup


      • #18
        Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
        lovethis I like that policy. I too have a hard time explaining to my dcps, and even my DH, that an elevated temperature itself is not the problem. DH tends to get antsy if our kids temps are even slightly warm. He asks, all panicked, "Does she need Motrin?!" My DD had a fever over the weekend in the AM (101.2) so we made his parents (who live 2 hrs away) stay home and not come up here to get professional photos done with the kids, and they have been calling *all week*..."How's DD? Is she still sick with that really high fever?" omg guys, no wonder your kids were so sickly as never gave their immune systems time to FIGHT anything!
        My husband is the same way. called me crazy because my son said he had a tummy ache but sent him to school anyway! He now tells me "I think Im gonna have a headache tomorrow, I need to stay home!" I went unless there was physical evidence if you know what I mean. I guess I am complaining about the same things the parents do when we call though, huh?


        • #19
          Originally posted by melissathayer28 View Post
          Wow I didn't know some schools won't send children home. Our schools will call if it's over 100/
          I have a 'sick' school ager here on Monday. The school called dad saying daughter was complaining of a stomache ache. Waitied a few hours, and still had a stomache ache (No fever, no vomit) so they called dad again. Who called me. I said as long as she is within my sick policy that's fine to bring her over. But I was stunned the school called to send her home with just a stomache ache.


          • #20
            My contract says 100 degrees F. And then they have to be no fever without tylenol for 24 hours before coming back.


            • #21
              I don't take temperatures. If a child is warm and oddly lethargic, oddly grumpy, no appetite etc they'd go. Kids can feel off if they're even 99.5. Strep and pneumonia can have very low fevers.


              • #22
                Ok, a little off here, but has anyone else been having an increase of parents that think Tylenol and Motrin CURE a sickness or fever?

                My policies say "fever free for 24 hrs without the aid of any medication like Tylenol or Motrin." And I've gotten SO many moms tell me "daycare kid had a fever this morning at 9 that's why we are late, but I gave them (insert drug here) and the fever broke/went away/kids all better, can I bring them to daycare today? No? Oh then we'll see you tomorrow at 7:30am! I'll give them more (insert drug here) tonight to make sure they don't get a NEW fever!" As the carry sick kid back to the car because the kid is to sick and tired to walk...

                Or I send home at 3 (after nap when fever spikes...) and kid is laying on the floor crying and parent takes home and texts me around 4 saying "kiddo didn't have a fever when we got home and still doesn't have one, is playing fine! Gave them (insert drug here) because they did say they're tummy hurt... See you in the morning!"

                I mean what the actual *bleep*?!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Denali View Post
                  Ok, a little off here, but has anyone else been having an increase of parents that think Tylenol and Motrin CURE a sickness or fever?

                  My policies say "fever free for 24 hrs without the aid of any medication like Tylenol or Motrin." And I've gotten SO many moms tell me "daycare kid had a fever this morning at 9 that's why we are late, but I gave them (insert drug here) and the fever broke/went away/kids all better, can I bring them to daycare today? No? Oh then we'll see you tomorrow at 7:30am! I'll give them more (insert drug here) tonight to make sure they don't get a NEW fever!" As the carry sick kid back to the car because the kid is to sick and tired to walk...

                  Or I send home at 3 (after nap when fever spikes...) and kid is laying on the floor crying and parent takes home and texts me around 4 saying "kiddo didn't have a fever when we got home and still doesn't have one, is playing fine! Gave them (insert drug here) because they did say they're tummy hurt... See you in the morning!"

                  I mean what the actual *bleep*?!
                  I can not believe the amount of people who believe that OTC fever reducers CURE illness! Not just my daycare parents, but SO many people! Or that their oils or homeopathic remedies will make their child not contagious any longer. You're not the only one who notices this!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Denali View Post
                    Ok, a little off here, but has anyone else been having an increase of parents that think Tylenol and Motrin CURE a sickness or fever?

                    My policies say "fever free for 24 hrs without the aid of any medication like Tylenol or Motrin." And I've gotten SO many moms tell me "daycare kid had a fever this morning at 9 that's why we are late, but I gave them (insert drug here) and the fever broke/went away/kids all better, can I bring them to daycare today? No? Oh then we'll see you tomorrow at 7:30am! I'll give them more (insert drug here) tonight to make sure they don't get a NEW fever!" As the carry sick kid back to the car because the kid is to sick and tired to walk...

                    Or I send home at 3 (after nap when fever spikes...) and kid is laying on the floor crying and parent takes home and texts me around 4 saying "kiddo didn't have a fever when we got home and still doesn't have one, is playing fine! Gave them (insert drug here) because they did say they're tummy hurt... See you in the morning!"

                    I mean what the actual *bleep*?!
                    When I send a sick kid home I do a small report similar to an incident report and I put "check with me on X date in regards to your child's readmittance"

                    This ensures they know that not only are they excluded for 24 hours but by "checking" with me I also may not allow back that day based on symptoms or if fever is still persistent.

                    2 weeks into opening I had a toddler who had a staph infection and DCM thought he could come back the next day after being diagnosed because he should be okay after 24 hours on antibiotics. Uhm NO! This isn't strep or pink eye this is a STAPH INFECTION. I don't think she understood how serious that can be !


                    • #25
                      100 or possibly 100.2


                      • #26
                        Speaking of essential oils...about twelve years ago, when I was a daycare parent myself, one of the centers DS had been in did something kinda weird. The owner also sold essential oils, and in her newsletter, she was touting the oils. She said that she'd had several children with respiratory illness in the previous weeks and that she'd put some oils in her humidifier or something and that they'd all been cured.

                        Now, one of those kids was my son, who, as soon as I found out that he had whooping cough (or was it RSV?) I pulled him for a week (I worked from home). He didn't reenter til his symptoms etc were fully gone.

                        But now, thinking back, I can hardly believe this owner's behavior. I know that she was including my son in her claim of the "several children" who had been cured by her oils.

                        Anyway...rant over. It wasn't the only slightly unethical thing this lady did.

