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At What Temperature Do You Send Kids Home?

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  • At What Temperature Do You Send Kids Home?

    Just wondering where every one stands. I send home at 101. But I am seriously second guessing that now. Seems kinda high??

  • #2
    I think it's a little high. I think my sons' school is 100.2


    • #3
      Above 100.0


      • #4
        I do 101.0


        • #5
          Speaking of temps, I have a school Ager and his mom called me from school asking if I could pick him up and he had 101 temp are you kidding me! I have infants plus my own children and I don't want my house to come down with what ever he has, I said no and she said wtf I will lose my job and bla bla bla! Are you kidding!how dare she curse at me. So I ask if heis coming in am and she said well of douse my son is not sick she then said I gave him motrine now and I will before bed time and then some in the am so another words she is doping him up instead of taking him to doc!!!! Won't the school still call the mom if he's not home for 24 hours after his temp is gone? And I'm truly srry to vent in you post, hope ur not mad I took it over


          • #6
            melissaythayer -- our school doesn't send home for kids who were sick, only kids who are actively sick.

            My policy simply says "fever". I don't care how high or what causes it. Obviously, if the fever is 100* and the baby is acting fine then I don't call. But a baby who is acting off and has a fever gets to go home.


            • #7
              Originally posted by AnneCordelia View Post
              melissaythayer -- our school doesn't send home for kids who were sick, only kids who are actively sick.

              My policy simply says "fever". I don't care how high or what causes it. Obviously, if the fever is 100* and the baby is acting fine then I don't call. But a baby who is acting off and has a fever gets to go home.
              Wow I didn't know some schools won't send children home. Our schools will call if it's over 100/


              • #8
                Originally posted by DaycareMama View Post
                Just wondering where every one stands. I send home at 101. But I am seriously second guessing that now. Seems kinda high??
                They go at 100 deg. I don't play with fevers. May be nothing but better safe than sorry there are some nasty germs out there.


                • #9
                  I send home at 101 SUSTAINED for 45 minutes.

                  From time to time kids can spike a healthy fever, it means their immune system is working.

                  If it is still elevated after 45 minutes, they may need more help so are sent home for bed rest and fluids; possibly even a doctors visit depending on coexisting symptoms.

                  Fever is not an illness. I have to explain that to parents alot. Fever is a good thing.... The scary illnesses are the ones that fever never/barely happens because it overwhelms them.... Cold Sepsis.

                  Rushing to break a fever (tylenol) before it has a chance to fight illness is not a good thing.
                  - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                  • #10
                    High 100's and 101 or above for sure.

                    I agree with Catherder on fevers. I tend to let my own kids burn a bit up to 101-102 unless there are other symptoms. (headache, sore throat, etc.)

                    Melissa - are you down as an emergency pick up person for that child? If you are, you should probably add to your contract that you will not pick up children that are sick. (better yet, don't be the emergency pick up person because that's the main reason they send the children home from school.)
                    Just take it in stride - that mother needs to realize the the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. (Live long and prosper.)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                      I send home at 101 SUSTAINED for 45 minutes.

                      From time to time kids can spike a healthy fever, it means their immune system is working.

                      If it is still elevated after 45 minutes, they may need more help so are sent home for bed rest and fluids; possibly even a doctors visit depending on coexisting symptoms.

                      Fever is not an illness. I have to explain that to parents alot. Fever is a good thing.... The scary illnesses are the ones that fever never/barely happens because it overwhelms them.... Cold Sepsis.

                      Rushing to break a fever (tylenol) before it has a chance to fight illness is not a good thing.
                      that's what I the time they get a fever, we've all been exposed to the actual illness.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                        I send home at 101 SUSTAINED for 45 minutes.

                        From time to time kids can spike a healthy fever, it means their immune system is working.

                        If it is still elevated after 45 minutes, they may need more help so are sent home for bed rest and fluids; possibly even a doctors visit depending on coexisting symptoms.

                        Fever is not an illness. I have to explain that to parents alot. Fever is a good thing.... The scary illnesses are the ones that fever never/barely happens because it overwhelms them.... Cold Sepsis.

                        Rushing to break a fever (tylenol) before it has a chance to fight illness is not a good thing.
                        Good point. I don't have a hard and fast rule. If they're miserable and I'm unable to care for them adequately (extra snuggling, etc) then I send them home. I will medicate at naptime sometimes so they can get a decent sleep and if I had my own kids I'd medicate at bedtime depending on how high the fever is and the other symptoms, again, for a good sleep.
                        Doing what I love and loving what I do.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                          I send home at 101 SUSTAINED for 45 minutes.

                          From time to time kids can spike a healthy fever, it means their immune system is working.

                          If it is still elevated after 45 minutes, they may need more help so are sent home for bed rest and fluids; possibly even a doctors visit depending on coexisting symptoms.

                          Fever is not an illness. I have to explain that to parents alot. Fever is a good thing.... The scary illnesses are the ones that fever never/barely happens because it overwhelms them.... Cold Sepsis.

                          Rushing to break a fever (tylenol) before it has a chance to fight illness is not a good thing.
                          lovethis I like that policy. I too have a hard time explaining to my dcps, and even my DH, that an elevated temperature itself is not the problem. DH tends to get antsy if our kids temps are even slightly warm. He asks, all panicked, "Does she need Motrin?!" My DD had a fever over the weekend in the AM (101.2) so we made his parents (who live 2 hrs away) stay home and not come up here to get professional photos done with the kids, and they have been calling *all week*..."How's DD? Is she still sick with that really high fever?" omg guys, no wonder your kids were so sickly as never gave their immune systems time to FIGHT anything!
                          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                          • #14
                            I also agree with Catherder. I don't have a set temp that sends a kid home though because each kid is definitely different. I do need to see the fever be for a consistent amount of time though.

                            My own DD was down and out at 99F while my own DS was running around like a madman at 104F so how fevers affect each individual child is definitely something I take into consideration. I watch behavior and send home when "actively sick" as another member said.


                            • #15
                              I call parents at 101, and we take it from there.

