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Annoying 13 Month Old

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  • #16
    Maybe I shouldn't have used the word Annoying. But, I just don't know what to do about this little guy. There are times when he can't be roaming all around when, I need to use the restroom, change another's diaper and preparing meals. Most of the time, he does have free roam in the two daycare rooms. I never thought to have terminate over this. That is totally ridulious.


    • #17
      Originally posted by GretasLittleFriends View Post
      Assuming (yes I know I shouldn't) you do daycare out of your home, Tennessee Rule 1204-04-04-04 1c states "Babies and toddlers shall have additional equipment for comfort and safety, such as
      cribs, high chairs, etc."

      Tennessee Rule 1204-04-04-05 3c states that "Each child under 15 months of age and any child unable to walk shall have his/her own
      crib or playpen and bedding for napping."

      If my licensor saw an infant in my care not sleeping in a crib, I could be and would be reprimanded.

      A child care providers main duty is to ensure the child is cared for in a safe environment while the parents are away.

      To me it sounded like Melissa Ann was trying to figure a way to keep this child safe while he is in her care. Whether it's a quick trip to the bathroom, hot items in the kitchen, or other daily activities the child needs to stay safe.

      As far as finding the child annoying, I think there is nothing wrong or offensive about it, and is definitely not grounds for immediate termination. Children can be annoying, frustrating, trying, irksome, bothersome, irritating, handfuls or bundles of energy. It doesn't matter which word you use to describe, those can all be used interchangeably. Just because a person finds another person annoying, it doesn't mean that the second person is ALWAYS annoying.

      If I couldn't use the bathroom for two minutes because a child in my care was a bundle of energy and I couldn't be assured of his safety, even though I was doing everything I could think of to keep him safe for those few moments, I'd probably be annoyed too. That doesn't mean I'd terminate him, I'd seek advice and suggestions from others.
      the two best daycare centers i've seen in my life (in my opinion) use nests - which is where i got the concept, and there is nothing illegal about them.


      • #18
        I agree with some of the previous posters. I'd strap him into the high chair and give him some toys to play with when you have to take a potty break. I don't see the issue with doing this for all of a minute or two to get a bathroom break in. The last thing any of us wants to see when coming out of the bathroom is a toddler swan diving off the back of their couch.

        For cooking, if your daycare room can't be seen from your kitchen then that's a safety issue as well. When I'm cooking I set all of my kids up at the table (in my eat in kitchen) drawing or doing some other activity. So if I kept a toddler he'd go into a high chair doing the activity or another age appropriate activity too. Also I'd get some seperate toys and activities that are only for high chair time to keep his interest. And just because he's in a high chair and we are cooking doesn't mean we aren't interacting with him. It's a good time to talk to him, sing songs, Mother Goose rhymes, etc.

        As for nap, I think I'd sit next to him and rub his back and make sure he stays down until he is asleep. While you're doing that anyway it may be a good time to transition to a mat or cot since you just do the same thing for that as well. In my state we have to do the transition at 12 months, so I know it can be done. It may be challenging at first, but should pay off in the end.

        Good luck with this little guy!


        • #19
          Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
          the two best daycare centers i've seen in my life (in my opinion) use nests - which is where i got the concept, and there is nothing illegal about them.
          We need a varience just to use a pack and play...nothing illegal in your area doesn't mean nothing illegal in someone elses!


          • #20
            Originally posted by jen View Post
            nothing illegal in your area doesn't mean nothing illegal in someone elses!
            True. We aren't allowed to use pack n plays for sleep here at all. We have to go straight from cribs to cots or mats.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Daycare Mommy View Post
              True. We aren't allowed to use pack n plays for sleep here at all. We have to go straight from cribs to cots or mats.
              WOW!!! WHEre do you live???


              • #22
                Originally posted by jen View Post
                We need a varience just to use a pack and play...nothing illegal in your area doesn't mean nothing illegal in someone elses!
                I cannot imagine that the "nests" would be illegal in any state. They are simply a basket that is floor level that the children can crawl into and sleep/rest in whenever they feel like it.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                  I cannot imagine that the "nests" would be illegal in any state. They are simply a basket that is floor level that the children can crawl into and sleep/rest in whenever they feel like it.
                  We would need a varience for a child under 12 months of age to sleep in ANYTHING other than a crib...actually we no longer need variences for pack-n-plays but a nest would be a no go without a varience. Heck, I needed a varience and a note from a doctor for an infant to sleep in a medical device that propped him up for acid reflux.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                    I cannot imagine that the "nests" would be illegal in any state. They are simply a basket that is floor level that the children can crawl into and sleep/rest in whenever they feel like it.
                    thank you - it's nice to have someone that knows what they are talking about on multiple issues.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
                      thank you - it's nice to have someone that knows what they are talking about on multiple issues.
                      LOL! Are you assuming that I wouldn't know what the regulations are in my state??? OMG! You seriously need to get over yourself.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by jen View Post
                        LOL! Are you assuming that I wouldn't know what the regulations are in my state??? OMG! You seriously need to get over yourself.

                        i wasn't even talking to you, or about you for that matter. i didn't say anything about anyone (other than crystal) and you are not the only commenter on this thread. seriously, get over yourself.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
                          thank you - it's nice to have someone that knows what they are talking about on multiple issues.
                          QualiTcare-- I have read several of your post and you really do think you are above everyone else!!! Everyone has a diifernet way of doing things every state is different.. You can state your opionions without sounding like your way us the only way...


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
                            wow - i'm appalled - BABY TRAPS is what i call things like high chairs and bouncy seats.

                            my infants (when i have them) don't even sleep in a crib, but they sleep in a "nest." Google it if you don't know.

                            i'm here to care for the children and cater to their needs - not force them to sit still and/or take naps if they aren't ready.

                            afterall, i do get paid to do this.

                            highchairs are for feeding, not restraining, but i don't even like the traditional highchairs.

                            Consider it a "time out" chair for kids that won't behave then.
                            Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                              I cannot imagine that the "nests" would be illegal in any state. They are simply a basket that is floor level that the children can crawl into and sleep/rest in whenever they feel like it.
                              So they're kinda like a dog bed?

                              What happens when a clumsy kid steps on an infant or toddler in their doggie bed on the floor?
                              Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
                                i wasn't even talking to you, or about you for that matter. i didn't say anything about anyone (other than crystal) and you are not the only commenter on this thread. seriously, get over yourself.
                                You inferred (and quite plainly) that you and Crystal are the only ones who knows what they are talking about in this thread.

                                Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
                                thank you - it's nice to have someone that knows what they are talking about on multiple issues.
                                Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!

