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How To Explain How Many DCK's I Have To Parents

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  • #16
    I have said, in the past, that I can have a maximum of 4 daycare children at any one time and left it at that.

    I hate that question during interviews. Or, "What are the ages of the kids you watch?" I hate that one too, especially when I have a variety of part-timers.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #17
      During interviews I just list off that I have X full timers, X part timers, and X drop-ins. I let them know because my sign in sheet has all the kids listed first and last name mainly because that was what was required for state pay and it's also right by the door so in an emergency someone can grab it and do a head count very quickly and be able to contact each child's parents should something happen to me.

      If any current parent questions a new kid I just let them know the new kid's status so they know about how often they'll see this new face.
      Celebrate! ::


      • #18
        As a parent doing interviews, I always thought asking the quantity and rough ages of children currently in care was standard (oops!). When my daughter was younger, I didn't want her to be the only little one and getting trampled or bossed by a bunch of older kids and now that she's 2.5 I don't really want her to be the oldest and playing by herself while the provider takes care of a bunch of infants.

        That being said I would be fine with a rough estimate and a simple explanation (I take part time and drop in kids so my numbers vary day to day and you might occasionally see a new face. I will usually have at least X children and never more than Y children. Right now I regularly have A infants, B young toddlers and C who are almost ready for preschool).


        • #19
          I used to have this issue too. I would say that I have total number of X amount of kids who are not all here on the same days. The average I have here is X number and the most I would ever have is X.

          Most parents want to know the max number of kids you would have on a certain day.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Mommy2One View Post
            As a parent doing interviews, I always thought asking the quantity and rough ages of children currently in care was standard (oops!). When my daughter was younger, I didn't want her to be the only little one and getting trampled or bossed by a bunch of older kids and now that she's 2.5 I don't really want her to be the oldest and playing by herself while the provider takes care of a bunch of infants.

            That being said I would be fine with a rough estimate and a simple explanation (I take part time and drop in kids so my numbers vary day to day and you might occasionally see a new face. I will usually have at least X children and never more than Y children. Right now I regularly have A infants, B young toddlers and C who are almost ready for preschool).
            Thank you so much for your response. For me it is not that the question is strange. I understand compleetly why parents ask it. Just not always sure how to answer B/C things could change even just from the time I answer the question to the time their child starts.


            • #21
              As long as we stay "legal", it is not their business. Asking a provider how many kids she cares for is the same as asking a parent what they make per hour/salary at their job. I was taught that those are personal questions and it is rude to ask them. When I am asked that question, I simply say I have a small group and most are not full time clients.

              It is a fine line in my opinion.

              I recently did drop in care for 1 child for 1 day. A couple days later a mom asked me if there was a new kid, as her daughter said yyy was here. I personally don't believe it is her business at all if I have another child here 1 day or 1 hour. Of coarse I told her that I only helped the family out for 1 day, but it really wasn't any of her business. Funny how some people think My Business is their business, but it is not.


              • #22
                I recently took a group picture for the holidays, so whenever someone comes for an interview and asks how many children I watch, i just say it varys by day, smile, then point to the pic hanging on the wall


                • #23
                  In WI it says right on our Certificate, which we are required to keep posted, how many children we are Certified for. My certificate says clearly on it 6 children. I would show them my posting spot which has pictures of the kids, my certificate, the current newsletter and the calendar and a copy of my handbook and tell them to feel free to check the bulletin board regularly for notices, upcoming events, etc. Then I would point out the spot on the Certificate and explain what it means (that I can have six children in attendance at any given time, including my own). I'd then hope they'd take the time to look at all the other neat stuff I have posted there! ROFL!!!!

