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Shouldn't The DC Be Liable For This???

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Mary Poppins View Post
    I worked at a dc center years ago and instead of a drunk guy, there was a creepy one who would park outside and watch through the huge plate glass window, mostly at night when he could see right in. I often had to close up alone and actually quit because he freaked me out!! Everyone at the place had called on him (including me!) but LE said because it was a public parking area he could do it and they couldn't stop him!
    There's something wrong with that - your town has no loitering laws/ordinances? I hope they researched his background. Anyone lurking/loitering outside a Daycare repeatedly is a pedophile suspect in my book.


    • #17
      Cath....I have never heard of a magazine like that!!! But some of the small towns around here publish EVERY police call in the weekly paper. My sister was published for her dog getting picked up running loose and another time when she locked herself out of the house and had to call for help. Its a VERY small town, ha ha! One time I had a yard sale at her house and someone called the cops to come tell me that my signs were not in the correct places.


      • #18
        Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
        Cath....I have never heard of a magazine like that!!! But some of the small towns around here publish EVERY police call in the weekly paper. My sister was published for her dog getting picked up running loose and another time when she locked herself out of the house and had to call for help. Its a VERY small town, ha ha! One time I had a yard sale at her house and someone called the cops to come tell me that my signs were not in the correct places.
        We have one here...its called GOTCHA! ::


        • #19
          Too funny ::::::

          I hope they catch on!!
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #20
            I have on more than one occasion had a parent try to pick up their child while intoxicated. We are required to release the child and if concerned call the authorities. I have a policy in my handbook that addresses the issue and that I will do my best to prevent the child leaving. I'm open second shift and get a lot of bar waitresses so I see probably more than most.

            One time the mother chose to sleep it off in her van in my driveway. One time a parent crashed on my couch till morning and ate breakfast with us. Once my husband and step son kept a dad "busy" until the child's grandparent was contacted and arrived to pick up both. On many occasion I have had parents, mostly moms, that call me in the middle of the night to tell me that they will just pickup in the morning when they've sobered up. One time a dad showed up right at dinner so I made him join us and he ended up staying for a couple of hours till he wasn't as high.
            I see little people.


            • #21
              We are required to have in our policy statement that we will not release a child to a parent that appears under the influence.

              That said, there could be many reasons, as someone else said, that someone APPEARS under the influence. Unless I smelled alcohol, I would not assume that. I certainly wouldn't say "Hey, you are drunk..a******, you are not taking your child". I would probably say something like "gee, are you ok? Are you not feeling well?"

              I grew up with an alchoholic father, so I guess I learned to "play the game" on how not to piss them off a long time ago. Letting someone "save face" in the moment goes a long way to curtailing any extreme reactions. The time for giving them what-for is later, after the situation is over.

              Stall tactics, call another family member or police, invite them to dinner, or whatever it takes!

