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Soy Milk …

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  • Soy Milk …

    I have one child that I provide soy milk for. At snack time, I only offer water to drink. The children are out of school today. Therefore, last night I bought

    a container of soymilk to use at breakfast/Am snack and lunch this morning. The next time I will be serving this child, a meal is in February when everyone

    has president’s week off. Does anyone know if I can freeze it until then, and have it still be safe to use.

  • #2
    I have no idea if you can freeze it or not. :confused:

    But, when I had SA who drank soy milk, I got tired of wasting it too...I would buy a half gallon, and then it would sit forever in between the time they were actually here. So, I broke down and bought the soy milk single serve boxes (like juice boxes). They were alot more expensive, but considering they were only here once in a while, I wasn't wasting gallons of it anymore.


    • #3
      You can freeze pretty much anything and it will still be safe, but the consistency quite often changes as the water separates from the solids when you thaw the product.

      I looked it up online and I'm afraid that that is what happens to soy milk. It may still be usable for things such as milk gravy or cream soups, but not for drinking. Sorry.

      Here's the link so you can check it out for yourself! Another idea - order those little boxes online through another source, like Amazon. Even with shipping they tend to be a lot cheaper than in the store if you buy several at once, and often at Amazon they qualify for free super saver shipping! I get a lot of my gluten-free products there! There is also a powder soy and rice milk available, but it is hard to find in grocery stores. I used to be able to get it, but now no longer can around here. Again, Amazon had it with free SS shipping for a lot less than I was paying in the store! Less is good!


      • #4
        Can you serve it to the other children you have in care? Provided that none of them have any soy allergies, of course.

        I only serve soy/almond or coconut milk and soy milk is a favorite with most of the kids.


        • #5
          I use it to make stuff like Mac and Cheese or scrambled eggs. It gives it a fun vanilla flavor. I know freezing it ruins the consistency of it, so I wouldn't freeze it.


          • #6
            I think that I will be using to make eggs or gravy or whatever I am making next. I will not be serving any day care kids milk after today untill the next

            school break in Febuary. Unless I get the two pre-k children I am interviewing tommorow. But they will not start untill the 16th the container says to use it

            within 10 days of opening. I was just hopping I could freeze it and use it latter. I will look into buying the single serving ones but I think all the rest of

            the single schools days (not a whole week) or holidays that I am closed. Thank you to everyone for the advice.


            • #7
              It's great for making smoothies as well!

