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I Don't Get It

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  • I Don't Get It

    Why would parents go to Disneyland without their child??? Dcg is the sweetest most precious little thing, perfectly well behaved. She's the only child they have too. I can understand needing to get away for a weekend alone with the hubby, but not to Disneyland!!!! I personally would feel horrible if I went somewhere like that without my children.

  • #2
    Originally posted by 3kidzmama View Post
    Why would parents go to Disneyland without their child??? Dcg is the sweetest most precious little thing, perfectly well behaved. She's the only child they have too. I can understand needing to get away for a weekend alone with the hubby, but not to Disneyland!!!! I personally would feel horrible if I went somewhere like that without my children.
    Disneyland? that IS wierd!


    • #3
      Originally posted by 3kidzmama View Post
      Why would parents go to Disneyland without their child??? Dcg is the sweetest most precious little thing, perfectly well behaved. She's the only child they have too. I can understand needing to get away for a weekend alone with the hubby, but not to Disneyland!!!! I personally would feel horrible if I went somewhere like that without my children.
      I agree. I wouldn't go either without my kiddos. I wouldn't see the point in it personally. I have heard that children really aren't ready for DisneyLand until they are about 6-7 but to go alone, seems strange. Why not choose somewhere romantic and relaxing..a nice spa or something. Disneyland is very expensive too.


      • #4
        Originally posted by small_steps View Post
        I agree. I wouldn't go either without my kiddos. I wouldn't see the point in it personally. I have heard that children really aren't ready for DisneyLand until they are about 6-7 but to go alone, seems strange. Why not choose somewhere romantic and relaxing..a nice spa or something. Disneyland is very expensive too.
        All of this!


        • #5
          I had a friend who honeymooned at Disney, I thought that was weird. This tops that.


          • #6
            I know this sounds strange but when I lived in southern Cali we wt to Disneyland all of the time without our kids

            We lived about 15 min from there

            We held season passes and we took the kids a lot
            But we could not ride all of the rides when we had the kids with us.

            Plus Disneyland is a great date place to go with your hubby. It really brings out your youth.


            • #7
              It's not weird at all. My dd and sil enjoy going to DL alone. Sometimes my dd and I go without the kids.

              Little ones can't go on any of the big rides, so one adult would have to ride alone.

              We take the littles a couple of times a month. My dh and I took all 4 grandkids last Sun and gave the parents a free day. My dd takes her's at least once a month. So it's not as if they never get to go.


              • #8
                Oh, Disneyland can be VERY romantic. You should see the storybook weddings they DIE for.


                • #9
                  I guess it depends on how far you live and how wealthy you are. For me it's a very long way so it would cost thousands for air fare and hotel stays so it would be something I would go all out for and do with my kids. Now Six Flags on the other hand is just an hour away from me and I can see going there without the kids for a day of the big rides.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                    Oh, Disneyland can be VERY romantic. You should see the storybook weddings they DIE for.
                    OMG my cousin got married there 10 years ago... I would have died to have her wedding... Nothing like a fairy tale come true....But let me tell you this, it cost them a fortune and that was with an employee discount... Her and her husband met at disneyland, they both worked in the parade.... Such a storybook wedding for sure....

                    OP: sorry not trying to jack your thread.....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by small_steps View Post
                      I guess it depends on how far you live and how wealthy you are. For me it's a very long way so it would cost thousands for air fare and hotel stays so it would be something I would go all out for and do with my kids. Now Six Flags on the other hand is just an hour away from me and I can see going there without the kids for a day of the big rides.
                      OT - I'm about 30 mins away. It's so much cheaper for me to take the kids to DL than it is to go to Chuck E Cheese. We have annual passes w/parking. If I choose not to buy anything that day, it's only the cost of gas. Our last trip to CEC cost $60.


                      • #12
                        I went on my honeymoon to Disney World. LOVED it. Huge Disney fan. And my own parents went to Disney World without my brother and I when we were very little for their own second honeymoon. I see absolutely nothing wrong with it.

                        Now, if this child is of the age where she can enjoy the majority of either park, then I can see how that would be maddening. I wouldn't go without my kids now because I want to share the experience with them...when I can afford it of course...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by daycare View Post
                          I know this sounds strange but when I lived in southern Cali we wt to Disneyland all of the time without our kids

                          We lived about 15 min from there

                          We held season passes and we took the kids a lot
                          But we could not ride all of the rides when we had the kids with us.

                          Plus Disneyland is a great date place to go with your hubby. It really brings out your youth.
                          If we lived as close as a few of you do, I wouldn't think twice about it... but we are in Arkansas, so it's a LONG way to disneyland. The trip alone is a huge expense in airfare and hotel/food costs, not to mention the entry fees. Its thousands of dollars we are talking here. It just seems strange to me. :confused::confused::confused:


                          • #14
                            I couldn't go without my kids, personally....I'd feel guilty and I'd MISS them terribly. We have taken them many times over the years and we have awesome memories.

                            But, if I lived near DL and had annual passes, I could see going without them occasionally.

                            Wierd, me and hubby just had this discussion last night because one of our single DCM is taking her kids for Christmas and she was telling me that over Thanksgiving their Dad went with his girlfriend and her two kids, but left his own two (7 and 3 years old) way I could do THAT.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                              Oh, Disneyland can be VERY romantic. You should see the storybook weddings they DIE for.
                              I've seen pictures of those weddings, they are fabulous... however, she isn't getting married or going on a honeymoon... and I just found out I was wrong, she and the hubby didn't go together. He just picked up dcg and I said, "Um, at drop-off, her aunt said you and dcm were on your way to disneyland."

                              He rolled his eyes and replied, "No, dcm is on her way with her friend... I'm staying here with the kids."

                              I really didn't know what to say! Still think it's weird LOL

