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Is It Just The Time Of Year Or What?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
    At least they didn't ask for a 1/2 price discount for "Tis The Season". Yep, its happened and it was a flooring moment.
    She did in august before I even took her kids on. Did I give discounts cause Im not licenced and daycare is expensive?

    I said nope to sibling discounts and any discount she wanted so she figured she would only pay me for the hour her son is here afterschool on tuesdays and the 2 hours that both kids are here every 2nd wednesday.

    So im gonna raise my daily and hourly rate across the board.

    Funny, she is a pharmacist and her hubby works for an oil and gas company.

    I am gonna hit their wallet and if they dont like it, they can leave I guess.


    • #17
      Originally posted by mrsp'slilpeeps View Post
      She did in august before I even took her kids on. Did I give discounts cause Im not licenced and daycare is expensive?

      I said nope to sibling discounts and any discount she wanted so she figured she would only pay me for the hour her son is here afterschool on tuesdays and the 2 hours that both kids are here every 2nd wednesday.

      So im gonna raise my daily and hourly rate across the board.

      Funny, she is a pharmacist and her hubby works for an oil and gas company.

      I am gonna hit their wallet and if they dont like it, they can leave I guess.

      I say set a FLAT part time rate and a FLAT full time rate

      For example:

      Part time 1 to 3 days a week- 75 a week
      Full time 4 to 5 days a week- 125 a week


      • #18
        Oh, honey, I'm so sorry you're going through this! (((HUGS)))

        I agree with the idea of raising your rates and either requiring a set schedule or a flat rate. I charge $30/day for part time and only about $24/day for full-time. For a partial day (up to 4 hours) I charge $20.

        How much more do you need to be making each month to make ends meet? Can you take a couple of overnight kids or second shift kids?

        Can you apply for any state assistance (food stamps, etc)?
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #19
          I charge 30 dollars a day for full time
          55 for 2 kids full time

          20 dollars for anything under 4 hours, I DON'T DO hourly anymore, I had parents who would leave their kids here for 3.5hours and want to pay for 3 hours, so I did change this.

          also, I only charge 5 dollars for one hour for afterschool kids, after that, its 20 dollars.

          I also don't take kids for 1 day a week, way too much head ache and totally not worth it. And I find that I dread those children. Also, you need to get the parents to give you a schedual every week and slot in children so you can have full days. I have partimers that come come everyday for half a day.

          also start advertising, buy a shirt with your name on it, pin buisiness cards everywhere, esp. grocery stores. And get a sign and put it on your front yard, this is the best advertising for me, and because i live in a small town everyone knows that i'm the daycare lady. Yes there are 2 in homes that charge less then me, but you get what you pay for.


          • #20
            I know how tough it is. I have 1 ft family and 3 pt families. You need to find out what the going rate is for dc in your area and go from there. I would go to a flat rate. I have my families pay for enrollment not attendance and I have never had a complaint. You could have the dc families bring there own meals, that would take some of the burden off trying to feed everyone. Alot of providers in my area are going to that.

