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Is It Just The Time Of Year Or What?

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  • Is It Just The Time Of Year Or What?

    Seriously, do these parents honestly think that $120.00 for the month is gonna pay for anything?

    I am beyond broke, cant even afford to throw both my son's a birthday party, and then there is christmas........

    I may even have to consider using the food bank this month, just to make sure I can feed your kids. Not even worrying about my own.

    Sorry for the pity party, but my hubby just told me to get rid of the part time families and find full time ones, but no one has ever inquired me about full time care.

    Im so sick of this.

  • #2
    I have all part time families - but a weekly minimum equal to 3 1/2 days whether they come 1 or 3 days. I don't always fill their off days (they do have set days) so if they need care on another day, it's an extra $40 but parents love that I'm available to do that. I had one fam pay my minimum for 1 day of care the first 3 months. They knew daddy had to work overseas for a few months, and used me all 3 days (sometimes 5 if gma was on vacation) during those months. Same rate.


    • #3
      I'm so sorry you're going through this. Believe me. I've been there. The worst part was we made too much money to qualify for the food bank! Just wanted to send you good thoughts.


      • #4
        It is hard. I wouldn't get rid of any kids, but I'd replace them if I could.

        If you can't make ends meet, maybe stop doing any childcare, and work opposite shifts from your husband so you aren't putting the kids in daycare. Even an $8 an hour job is better than nothing if you aren't paying for childcare.

        As for the party, can you do just a nice free party? We never had expensive parties as kids, just the free ones that only required dinner and a cake.


        • #5
          My parents pay me a daily rate of $30.00 a day, cause some days the kids are only here 1 day a week.

          They dont pay me when their kids are not here, they dont think they should have too, same as holidays, and if they call in sick they expect to be credited next month.

          If I could get a job outside the house, I would. But my hubby gets sent out of town with no notice, does not have a set work schedual, and if I had to work during school holidays, I have no one to watch my own kids.

          I am stuck, I have had to take extra kids to fill spots for extra money. I have 9 dck's, but never here all together on the same days. I have told these parents that I have all of these kids but I am never over my daily limit.

          I guess I could think about working an evening job, but there is always that fact of my hubby's work.
          And what would these parents think about me working at night? ( i live in a small town so you are always guarenteed to bump into someone)


          • #6
            It sounds like you may need to come up with a new way of doing business. I have only part-time kids and I make around $2000 a month (if you factor in that I'm not paying for childcare for my daughter). They pay when they're sick and they pay when they take vacations. They also have to sign an agreementfor specific days they need care and pay for those day whether they're here or not. Without these rules I'd be broke too

            I'm so sorry you're going trough this but you can turn it around!!


            • #7
              So if I have a dcb who is only here for 45 min on tuesdays what do I charge her? She pays me $5 for the hour. His sister is $30 a day cause she is wth me all day. Then on some wednesdays they are only here for 2 hours.

              Im just confused on what to charge these families cause some are only here for 1 day a week.

              Or do I just tell all of these families that I will no longer be doing a daily rate?

              I dont know what to do.


              • #8
                I know that if I start charging $400 a month per child, I will lose all of my kids.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                  It sounds like you may need to come up with a new way of doing business. I have only part-time kids and I make around $2000 a month (if you factor in that I'm not paying for childcare for my daughter). They pay when they're sick and they pay when they take vacations. They also have to sign an agreementfor specific days they need care and pay for those day whether they're here or not. Without these rules I'd be broke too

                  I'm so sorry you're going trough this but you can turn it around!!
                  I agree. It may be time to make some changes.

                  You can tell them "A minimum of two days per week even if the child isn't here".

                  I'd be flexible on what two days though. I'd even be willing to make it four days one week, and no days the next week. As long as they pay, I'll accommodate them.

                  But, you need to have an income. There's nothing wrong with doing that in this economy.

                  I'd still try to find more reliable families to make this job more worth while. It's a great job, but you can't enjoy doing it if you are stressed and feeling taken advantage of.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mrsp'slilpeeps View Post
                    So if I have a dcb who is only here for 45 min on tuesdays what do I charge her? She pays me $5 for the hour. His sister is $30 a day cause she is wth me all day. Then on some wednesdays they are only here for 2 hours.

                    Im just confused on what to charge these families cause some are only here for 1 day a week.

                    Or do I just tell all of these families that I will no longer be doing a daily rate?

                    I dont know what to do.
                    Do you have a part-time rate? I think you should get rid of the hourly rate. For example I charge $25 for up to 4 hours. After that it's a full day rate of $40 per day (one family pays $47 per day). One family wanted care for 5 hours so I charged them a full day rate because it was over the part-time 4 hours. You really need to be a stickler. If they want their kid in your care for 45 minutes they need to pay you $15-$20 (your part-time rate) whether the kid is there for 10 minutes or 4 hours.

                    They also need to sign a piece of paper saying which days they need care. When they're not there they still are required to pay. Payment is based on enrollment not days they are or are not there. You can be flexible with days but they need to agree to a set amount that doesn't change. I would also start asking for 2-3 month in advance post dated checks so you don't have people not showing and not paying you. If you want to be more flexible you could charge a "drop in rate" of $40 per day. This will give parents an incentive to sign saying what days they want rather than pay an extra $10 per day for random drop offs.

                    Bottom line is that some parents will be mad and may leave, but in the end you'll get better clients I think and will enjoy your job and make a good wage. You are providing a service for children and you deserve to make a decent wage. It angers me that you're having trouble putting food on the table. Set up a plan to get through while you're making these changes. Can you offer night time babysitting or something that's seperate from the daycare business? Are there agencies you can contact that can help you get more kids or place kids in your care?

                    What do you think?


                    • #11
                      As far as you working an evening job and the parents finding out.....seriously, it is none of their darn business. None at all.

                      You need to look out for yourself. Hardest thing to do in the business. Still struggling with that after 13 years.

                      You need to rewrite your contract, and if you don't have one, get one.

                      Part timers.... 2 day minimum per week=guaranteed $60 per week per family. No half day rates.
                      Schoolagers....minimum $25 per kid, and go from there. If you can't make $25 per kid it is not worth having them.

                      Pay whether you are here or not, vacations, holidays, sick days included.

                      Sibling careful with this. You can loose a lot of money giving them, unfortunately where I live, it is expected.

                      I have a 5 day rate, a 4 day rate, and a 3 day rate. I hav a 3 day minimum. The less days here the more per day. Schoolagers are $35 per 1st kid for 4 or5 days--$55 for 2 kids for 4 or 5 days. Or $25 per week minimum for 1 schoolager 3 days or less. It does get confusing, I come up with a rate based on families needs and that is my weekly rate. School cancellations get added fees.


                      • #12
                        First, for the party, I make cupcakes or cake for my kids. We invite a few of their friends and family. Nothing elaborate. Cake, ice cream, chips.

                        Second, what you do outside of your daycare hours is none of the parents business.

                        Third, if you do not have a contract, get one ASAP. This is necessary. I have a 3 day min. that is paid even if a child is here less then 3 days. I do not charge for holidays or my vacation. However, if a child is not in childcare for any reason, sickness or other arrangements, I still get paid. For the families vacation, they get 1 week at 1/2 rate after that full payment is required.

                        You could tell them that their rate does not include meals and that they need to provide lunch for their child. Not sure how that would work.

                        I do hope things improve for you. But, you need to be in charge of your business, not the parents.


                        • #13
                          Revamp your contract and give notice to your existing families.

                          They need to give you their schedule for the next week on Friday. If they want Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, they pay $90 that Friday for those 3 days next week. If Sally is sick on Tuesday, too bad, so sad. Days are non transferable. If they want to add another day to make up for Tuesday, that'll be another $30 payable at the time of drop off.

                          Any child there whether it be 45 minutes or 4 hours is charged at a 1/2 days rate.


                          Regardless of part time or not, you get paid holidays. Take Thanksgiving for example: You were closed Thursday and more than likely Friday.

                          If you had 1 child there Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, you charge $150 for the entire week.

                          If you had a child there only Monday, you charge $90 to include Thursday and Friday.

                          I really think you are selling yourself short.


                          • #14
                            (((((Hugs))))). I want to cry when I read about people that work hard and still can't make ends meet. I feel your pain. I've been there. Hang on for dear life, that's all we can do. The first year we were open as a child care center, I cared for kids from 730am to 530pm and delivered pizzas from 6-11pm. It nearly killed me. I'm not a religious person, but I do believe this: "the meek shall inherit the earth." If you do have to go to the food bank, know there is no shame in that and you will likely be surrounded by loving, non-judgemental people who care.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mrsp'slilpeeps View Post
                              Seriously, do these parents honestly think that $120.00 for the month is gonna pay for anything?

                              I am beyond broke, cant even afford to throw both my son's a birthday party, and then there is christmas........

                              I may even have to consider using the food bank this month, just to make sure I can feed your kids. Not even worrying about my own.

                              Sorry for the pity party, but my hubby just told me to get rid of the part time families and find full time ones, but no one has ever inquired me about full time care.

                              Im so sick of this.
                              At least they didn't ask for a 1/2 price discount for "Tis The Season". Yep, its happened and it was a flooring moment.
                              Each day is a fresh start
                              Never look back on regrets
                              Live life to the fullest
                              We only get one shot at this!!

