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UPDATE: Overly Medicated Child

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Crystal View Post
    FTR, I am not trying to be argumentative with anyone. I TRULY feel that it is highly risky to discuss this on a public forum.It HAS happened in the past, that a provider has given NO identifying info and the parent has found it - on THIS forum, SEVERAL times since I have been a member.

    OP, I am just trying to protect you.
    I think the risk is low AND you have a situation where the response has been pretty negative to all the meds given to this kid.

    I think it's SUCH an important convo to have because we need to hammer home the concept that parents can't give you permission to do the wrong thing.

    This thread and the ones about it before are a classic text book case of a parent wanting a provider to do something that is NOT in the best interest of the kid. It's also a CLASSIC case of medicating teething and a kid "needing" meds and admittance into day care with tylenol on board based on teething.

    Tylenol and "teething" are the gateway into bringing a sick kid into child care. It's a HUGE problem in centers and home child care. My hope is that infant and childrens tylenol is taken OFF the market just like the cold medicine. It needs to be by perscription only and usage needs to be tracked. I hope that for childrens advil too.


    • #32
      [/QUOTE]This thread and the ones about it before are a classic text book case of a parent wanting a provider to do something that is NOT in the best interest of the kid. It's also a CLASSIC case of medicating teething and a kid "needing" meds and admittance into day care with tylenol on board based on teething.

      Tylenol and "teething" are the gateway into bringing a sick kid into child care. It's a HUGE problem in centers and home child care. My hope is that infant and childrens tylenol is taken OFF the market just like the cold medicine. It needs to be by perscription only and usage needs to be tracked. I hope that for childrens advil too

      Yes. When the current provider told me about him being sick (before he went to the hospital) the mom was telling her he was just teething and needed more meds. Um..teething doesn't bring on a 103 fever! For someone that is going into nursing, it's sad that she didn't know that. And the meds she was wanting him on were crazy. She never even told me dosages or when she last gave anything, just kept texting me throughout the day to remind me that he needed tylenol, lidocaine, or whatever other concoction was in his bag.

      I will no longer give meds at my house. Too much of a risk for me. Seems like I learn something from every family that I work with!
      Last edited by nannyde; 11-23-2011, 03:40 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Crystal View Post
        Nah. I don't say ANYTHING here that could be deemed confidential. I NEVER talk about my families or ask for advice about my families here. EVER. I know better.
        I think I have many times ashually...but for me it's unavoidable..I'm a open book. If you meet me in person you'd know what I mean by that. I tell it like it is, I don't hold back...well, I do stop to think first of course...but I generally am prob. one of those providers that should be quiet more often but don't. I am super easy going but I do have a back bone..sometimes...::!! I talk talk talk everyone's ears off..yes...I'm that type of provider::


        • #34
          This thread is really important because there are many parents and providers that do not know the dangers of medicines. It's like there's an over the counter med for everything!
          Parents generally do what their parents did. Tylenol and orajel for teething... Dimatap or whatever for runny nose.... etc. and now there have been so many studies done where some of these meds can cause brain bleeds, liver damage... I just don't give any baby any meds unless it's by prescription and that's only antibiotic or breathing meds. and I do a case by case basis.

          Hope the little guy is o.k.
          keep us updated


          • #35
            You are not a doctor

            I just had my daycare call CPS on me for this very same thing. I was giving my 1 year old ibuprofen and Tylenol to reduce his fever under the direction of an ER doctor who told me the exact dosages and times to give them to him. Being over the counter meds, the boxes also say "not for children under 2." Again, I was following the directions of a doctor. You know, those people who go to school for so many years to know what they are talking about? I was also giving him a prescription expectorant because the doc heard fluid in his lungs and a prescription antibiotic because he had an ear infection. Lastly, I was giving him dimatapp cold and allergy because his sinuses were stuffed up and I was also giving that over the counter med to my son under the direction of a doc even though the box it came in said: not for children under two.

            I do not have my daycare give my child his meds because its a hassle. Its easier for me to go there on my lunch break and give him his meds myself. But did you ever think that maybe your not giving the child the meds he needs is why he never got better? It's hard enough having a sick child. A parent does not need the additional hard ship of having a moron at the child's daycare turn them into CPS for following doctors orders.


            • #36
              If he's sick enough to be taking all of those meds then he shouldn't be in Daycare.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                I just had my daycare call CPS on me for this very same thing. I was giving my 1 year old ibuprofen and Tylenol to reduce his fever under the direction of an ER doctor who told me the exact dosages and times to give them to him. Being over the counter meds, the boxes also say "not for children under 2." Again, I was following the directions of a doctor. You know, those people who go to school for so many years to know what they are talking about? I was also giving him a prescription expectorant because the doc heard fluid in his lungs and a prescription antibiotic because he had an ear infection. Lastly, I was giving him dimatapp cold and allergy because his sinuses were stuffed up and I was also giving that over the counter med to my son under the direction of a doc even though the box it came in said: not for children under two.

                I do not have my daycare give my child his meds because its a hassle. Its easier for me to go there on my lunch break and give him his meds myself. But did you ever think that maybe your not giving the child the meds he needs is why he never got better? It's hard enough having a sick child. A parent does not need the additional hard ship of having a moron at the child's daycare turn them into CPS for following doctors orders.
                Do not feed the troll.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Happy Hearts View Post
                  Do not feed the troll.


                  • #39

                    Alas.. I have been edited.


                    • #40
                      My thoughts on this... First... Call CPs asap

                      Secondly, no identifying information has been given about the family so no laws on confidentiality were broken. That would be like me giving an example of a patient I took care in the hospital related to their kidney transplant. As long as I don't give out identifying information, it's completely legal.

                      If the parents were on the board and saw this they would have no recourse because no laws are being broken. Sure, they might not be happy about it, but ohh well.

                      Thirdly, it seems to me that the OP talking to the current provider had every right to ask questions since she has a case against the mom with cups already and it did in fact relate to the health and safety of the child involved.

                      Lastly... C a l l CPS.l. Do it ASAP.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        I just had my daycare call CPS on me for this very same thing. I was giving my 1 year old ibuprofen and Tylenol to reduce his fever under the direction of an ER doctor who told me the exact dosages and times to give them to him. Being over the counter meds, the boxes also say "not for children under 2." Again, I was following the directions of a doctor. You know, those people who go to school for so many years to know what they are talking about? I was also giving him a prescription expectorant because the doc heard fluid in his lungs and a prescription antibiotic because he had an ear infection. Lastly, I was giving him dimatapp cold and allergy because his sinuses were stuffed up and I was also giving that over the counter med to my son under the direction of a doc even though the box it came in said: not for children under two.

                        I do not have my daycare give my child his meds because its a hassle. Its easier for me to go there on my lunch break and give him his meds myself. But did you ever think that maybe your not giving the child the meds he needs is why he never got better? It's hard enough having a sick child. A parent does not need the additional hard ship of having a moron at the child's daycare turn them into CPS for following doctors orders.
                        I don't allow children to attend on any fever reducers for ANY reason. I don't care if jesus himself prescribed it. Your kid is way way too sick to be in child care. Period

                        Did you know BEFORE you had a kid that it would be hard?


                        • #42
                          There were times when my daughter was on a lot of meds...Zyrtec, Zantac, two different nebulizers, singular, and that was when she was WELL. When she was sick, three or four more were added to her regular medications. I didn't trust anyone to give those medications. Only me.

                          The times she wasn't sick, and still was taking four or five medications for maintenance, I don't see any reason at all she could not have gone to daycare. Those were not sick meds, those were helping to keep her well.

                          I think it's a bit strange to say kids on several meds shouldn't go to daycare... Maybe referring to sick meds???

                          I do agree however that in a daycare setting on general, Tylenol and ibuprofen shouldn't be needed to be administered in a regular basis.

                          Also important to say, my daughter was on several meds over the years that were labeled for kids over two or over six. Her pediatrician gave me a list of several decongestants and OTC meds that had her weights and dosages on them. Just because it says not for under two or six doesn't mean they can't be given at dosages that a doctor says to give. And usually you don't have to take a child in to the doctor to get a recommendation for the dosage of dimetapp.

                          A being said, since I wasn't in the situation I'm unsure as to what meds and what dosages this mom was giving this kid. But eight different meds to be given only when they are sick does seem a bit much. But to be fair, there were several times my daughter was on her five prescription meds, then got sick and was on four more.


                          • #43
                            2011 thread

                            Originally posted by Happy Hearts View Post
                            Do not feed the troll.

