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UPDATE: Overly Medicated Child

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  • #16
    Originally posted by littlemommy View Post
    I posted a month or so ago about terming a child due to his mother overly medicating him. It was reported to CPS, and I've wondered how things have gone for him, but had no way of finding out due to confidentiality.

    I know the daycare provider he is going to now, and I talked to her today. Before she started watching him, I told her how DCM constantly wanted him on meds and that I was not comfortable with that. She said that she would give it a try-she was desperate for enrollment.

    Today she told me that he was sick with a fever for a while and just wasn't himself, but mom kept saying it was teething (what she always told me, too.) He was in the hospital here with a fever of 103, and doctors couldn't figure anything out. They sent him to a children's hospital 2 hours away, where his fever went up to 106 for a few days. Doctors figured out there that his kidneys were severely infected.

    Can that be from her over-medicating him? That was my first thought. The boy is rather small for his age, very picky eater, very whiny/clingy, and either slept all day long or not at all. Not sure if those can be from the infection or not.
    It's been "forever" since I took any health/biology etc. so I'm confused. I could understand how over medicating could lead to kidney failure but how does it lead to a kidney infection? Would this be b/c of the antibiotics not working anymore b/c they've been overused?
    (I feel so ignorant!)
    I feel so sad for this poor guy and I hope his mom doesn't get away with the harm she's done to this precious child. Please keep us posted on how you follow up and how he's doing.


    • #17
      I would call the hospital and leave an anonymous message for the doctor. You don't need the doctor's name, just leave a message with the nursing station.


      • #18
        Leaving a message for his doctor is not a bad's are mandated reporters too.

        I had one situation similar to this where the mom was giving Tylenol every morning before drop off because baby was fussy, and again every evening. We had to talk about it but thankfully, she stopped immediately, not knowing that Tylenol is not a cure-all and not safe for constant use. Some people think that Tylenol is just as safe as a bandaid.


        • #19
          This is a VERY confidential case you are discussing on a public forum. I mean no offense, but I HIGHLY recommend you request this thread being removed.


          • #20
            Ashually, I think that if we as the provider where in that same situation and was told by another provider about their daycare child being in the hospital for kidney failure and you had known the history of the child it would be that provider and your self responsibly for notifying CPS of it. They need to have something on file bc it wasn't just a accident this child went to the hospital it was bc the parent continued to give that child med. after med. which is just plain not safe. Given the history of this child it's the responsibility of the provider and I think also the old provider since she too also knew this childs history. I would call the hospital my self and ask if that child was still there and if so I would advise them of the inform. she knows she can mention her connection to the patient. We as providers spend quiet a bit of time w/ children. We see and hear and know what is going on. She could be a big help. Trying to sensor or remove this post should NOT be done as OP is asking for our help on this very serious matter...something that anyone of us could be faced with down the line. It's about a childs life at stack and if you could help even a little bit then you should no matter the consequences.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              This is just an educated guess, but since he's a small kid and the mom was medicating him a lot, maybe she was giving him too much at each dose? Tylenol and Motrin can both cause kidney damage if used too much. Another thought here is that the infection wasn't properly treated if the child wasn't on antibiotics for the infection and all that the mom was doing was trying to reduce the fever. It would make sense that the infection would get worse.
              She was also giving him over the counter cough medicines that are not for kids under six.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Christian Mother View Post
                Ashually, I think that if we as the provider where in that same situation and was told by another provider about their daycare child being in the hospital for kidney failure and you had known the history of the child it would be that provider and your self responsibly for notifying CPS of it. They need to have something on file bc it wasn't just a accident this child went to the hospital it was bc the parent continued to give that child med. after med. which is just plain not safe. Given the history of this child it's the responsibility of the provider and I think also the old provider since she too also knew this childs history. I would call the hospital my self and ask if that child was still there and if so I would advise them of the inform. she knows she can mention her connection to the patient. We as providers spend quiet a bit of time w/ children. We see and hear and know what is going on. She could be a big help. Trying to sensor or remove this post should NOT be done as OP is asking for our help on this very serious matter...something that anyone of us could be faced with down the line. It's about a childs life at stack and if you could help even a little bit then you should no matter the consequences.
                Actually, it does need to be removed. Like I said....this info is HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL. The child's new provider shouldn't even be discussing it with the old provider. This OP was not asking for help here. She was sharing confidential information and asking if the child's condition may be related to something she previously reported. The answer is simple. Remove this post and contact CPS about the new turn of events.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                  Actually, it does need to be removed. Like I said....this info is HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL. The child's new provider shouldn't even be discussing it with the old provider. This OP was not asking for help here. She was sharing confidential information and asking if the child's condition may be related to something she previously reported. The answer is simple. Remove this post and contact CPS about the new turn of events.
                  Removing it needs to be Michael's decision but I'm fine with it staying. I don't see the risk you see I guess. There's no identifying info that I can see. Am I missing something? Is the OP out here with her real name?

                  I think the importance of this thread is that when there are serious issues that are complex and occur over time... they need to be discussed so that providers can see that there isn't one step answers... or one step conculsions. When it comes to health and safety stuff... where we SAY there could be something life threatening... it's important to discuss the next phase where there is ANOTHER indication that it may be life threatening.

                  It's not just words that it "may" harm the child. We have to really consider that it could be real and is really harming the kid.

                  The part of confidentiality... well you are probably right that the two providers shouldn't be talking to each other BUT .. in the real world... when a provider gets the $hit scared out of her... she's likely to talk... specially when it's something that could eventually rock her world and where a baby is concerned.

                  I don't think it's too likely that the parent will come across this and figure it out BUT ya never know. I guess we can cross that bridge if we get to it.

                  I'm not the one who decides these things so it's not up to me anyway but I'm just not seeing the high risk here. If we deleted every post where a provider is currently doing something we deem as unprofessional we would have a lot less threads here.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                    Removing it needs to be Michael's decision but I'm fine with it staying. I don't see the risk you see I guess. There's no identifying info that I can see. Am I missing something? Is the OP out here with her real name?

                    I think the importance of this thread is that when there are serious issues that are complex and occur over time... they need to be discussed so that providers can see that there isn't one step answers... or one step conculsions. When it comes to health and safety stuff... where we SAY there could be something life threatening... it's important to discuss the next phase where there is ANOTHER indication that it may be life threatening.

                    It's not just words that it "may" harm the child. We have to really consider that it could be real and is really harming the kid.

                    The part of confidentiality... well you are probably right that the two providers shouldn't be talking to each other BUT .. in the real world... when a provider gets the $hit scared out of her... she's likely to talk... specially when it's something that could eventually rock her world and where a baby is concerned.

                    I don't think it's too likely that the parent will come across this and figure it out BUT ya never know. I guess we can cross that bridge if we get to it.

                    I'm not the one who decides these things so it's not up to me anyway but I'm just not seeing the high risk here. If we deleted every post where a provider is currently doing something we deem as unprofessional we would have a lot less threads here.
                    Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                    Actually, it does need to be removed. Like I said....this info is HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL. The child's new provider shouldn't even be discussing it with the old provider. This OP was not asking for help here. She was sharing confidential information and asking if the child's condition may be related to something she previously reported. The answer is simple. Remove this post and contact CPS about the new turn of events.
                    Nope, I don't think so...Nan's write there was nothing indicating who the OP is or the other provider nor the family involved her. Should the other provider discuss her new guys biz. That's up to her if she wants to share. Personally I have a provider friend we talk all the time out about our kids and families. The SAME thing I do here. Is it confidential...sure...everything we say on here or to others CAN BE DEEMED CONFIDENTIAL.


                    • #25
                      First of all I just want to thank all of you ladies for your support. This has been emotionally hard on me because I feel like I am the only one sticking up for this poor child.

                      I came here to get opinions and advice, because I know his new provider does not see exactly how dangerous this all is. She feels bad for the boys mother because she is a single mom, and the provider is older and wants to "play mom" to her. Provider has told me that she wants to give her advice and not get her in trouble, but wants to be a motherly figure to her.

                      I don't want people to get in trouble, or have kids taken from their parents, but I want to know that I have done everything I have done to help. I don't see any harm in posting on here, as I am not giving out any names. I'm here for advice and people's opinions, just as you all are.


                      • #26
                        I told my friend provider what happened before I terminated because I knew this mother had been in contact with her (she was her "backup" provider.) I haven't asked how he's been or anything, she just called me to tell me what happened.


                        • #27
                          I think the provider did the right thing by telling the old provider. The rules in my state say:

                          The provider shall not disclose any records on children in care to any persons other than the parents of the child, the agency, the department, caregivers and medical or public safety persons if information is necessary to protect the health and safety of the child.

                          It clearly states that sharing what she did was necessary to protect the health and safety of the child. I know the OP's state rules may differ but I can see where she feels she is clearly protecting the child's health and safety.


                          • #28
                            FTR, I am not trying to be argumentative with anyone. I TRULY feel that it is highly risky to discuss this on a public forum.It HAS happened in the past, that a provider has given NO identifying info and the parent has found it - on THIS forum, SEVERAL times since I have been a member.

                            OP, I am just trying to protect you.


                            • #29
                              Thanks Crystal. I understand that there is a chance she could run across this, but I don't see how I could get in any trouble. I'm just trying to get advice and look out for this kid.

                              FWIW, if CPS has contacted her about the matter, she would know right away that it was me that called in, since I termed her and told her that I wasn't comfortable with him being on that much medication. She would definitely know it was me.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Christian Mother View Post
                                Nope, I don't think so...Nan's write there was nothing indicating who the OP is or the other provider nor the family involved her. Should the other provider discuss her new guys biz. That's up to her if she wants to share. Personally I have a provider friend we talk all the time out about our kids and families. The SAME thing I do here. Is it confidential...sure...everything we say on here or to others CAN BE DEEMED CONFIDENTIAL.
                                Nah. I don't say ANYTHING here that could be deemed confidential. I NEVER talk about my families or ask for advice about my families here. EVER. I know better.

