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I Didn't Bring His Lunch Because He Wants To Eat At Home!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by nannyde View Post
    I don't agree. It shouldn't even be discussed with a child that age. All she had to do was bring a lunch and say "if he doesn't want the meal... can you save it for him for pick up?"

    That way he could decide to eat with the kids or decide to wait when it was TIME to decide.

    I'm not buying it anyway. I think the Mom was running late or arguing with him and she decided to throw words at the provider instead of getting the lunch together or bottom line it with the kid.

    I'm not saying she shouldn't have made a lunch anyway.

    I'm not even saying I think HE SAID he didn't want a lunch. I'm just saying that if the parent was making a point to the child, it's her decision, and I would allow that. It's only til 1:00...not 3:00, and he was having a snack.

    I am more than willing to let both child and parent learn the hard way how to make good decisions. If the parent won't bring shoes on a wet day, they take home wet muddy socks to wash. If the child won't wear shoes, and the parent caved in, they take home wet muddy socks.

    I went to school a few times without a coat because I refused... I was cold, and wished I'd had my coat. I forgot my lunch money at home a few times when it was a good lunch, and I had to run home at lunch and eat a PBJ.

    Five year olds are capable of learning how to think ahead. (IF indeed he did argue with his mom about lunch..and if you read my first response, I don't really believe he did argue..I think his original story was the thruth)

    Maybe she plans to take him out for Pizza? On Tuesdays, I have a one and three year old who have to wait for lunch because they go out for pizza every tuesday... so, the others eat lunch while they watch a show. They survive and are fine.


    • #17
      Originally posted by nannyde View Post

      He's too young to make decisions about whether or not a meal is available and when and with who he will eat.

      It shouldn't have been discussed with him. The provider has meal times at her house and the parent should have provided the meal whether the child talked to her about it or not.
      I agree. I would either call her and say bring lunch or do you want me to fix him something this one time and you can pay me 5$ tonight? From now on you must bring even if he says he don't want it now.


      • #18
        A 5 year old is capable of making a choice about a meal ... on a full or empty stomach and the ramifications are almost always going to be polar opposite of what he/she said 3 hours earlier.

        Same for my 7 year old. I can tell her to skip breakfast because we'll eat in an hour and for that entire hour she will ask me 45 times if it's lunch time even though she can read.

        If your kid just ate a good breakfast and has a full belly, and you ask about lunch, you're going to get the "I can wait." "I'm not hungry." etc. Truth is, he/she will be hungry in 2-4 hours GUARANTEED!

        It's no different in school. They eat at the same time each day and they have food placed on their tray for them. It's up to them to eat it but if you are placing food in front of a kid, chances are, he/she will eat. The only difference with school kids is they know it'll be a long time before they get to go home and have a snack.

