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I Didn't Bring His Lunch Because He Wants To Eat At Home!

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  • I Didn't Bring His Lunch Because He Wants To Eat At Home!

    So the parents provide lunch. Dck is leaving at 1pm. His mom tells me he said he wanted to wait til then to eat, so she didnt bring his lunch. 5 min after she leaves "Im hungry" "we will have snack in a bit, but I dont know what you are going to do at lunch when all of your friends are eating and you dont have a lunch." of course, tears! why would she listen to the kid 5 hours before time that he doesnt want to eat here!!!!????
    So i have to now tell her next time bring it anyway and I will send it home if he doesnt eat!

    Now he's telling me he didnt say that, he just didnt tell her what he wanted!
    Im not going to provide lunch for the kids.

  • #2
    Just make sure he eats a big snack (maybe serve it late) and then make sure he has something fun to do while the others eat. It would be unfair to him to have him sit with them while they eat.

    I'll bet the "no lunch" thing was more mom's idea than the kid's idea.


    • #3
      If she is so into "doing what HE wants" call her up when you serve the other kids and tell her to pick him up now because he said he is ready to eat. Omgosh - these parents!!! ~Joy


      • #4
        I would call her at eleven and tell her he is hungry and that she either needs to come and pick him up for the day or bring by his lunch.


        • #5
          I would feel so bad if I had to think my child was sitting there watching other children eat because he didn't have a lunch. I think parent's don't think things through. Of course he is going to want food when the other kids have their food. I used to work for a center that didn't provide lunch and parents would say they were going to pick up before lunch so they didn't bring the kid a lunch (happened several times with same child), and then they wouldn't pick up when they said and he'd be without a lunch at 3 & 4 years old. Too sad. i always scrounged around and found him something to munch on.


          • #6
            I bet the no lunch thing was in hopes that if he needed to eat, you would provide for that day. One less thing for mom to do in the morning.

            I like your idea of requiring the lunch and sending him if he doesn't eat it.


            • #7
              BUT..if he did say "No, I don't want a lunch" or wouldn't answer his mom, I'd let him suffer a little bit. I have no problems letting the child learn the hard way that he either better answer her, or stop saying "no".

              It's not like it's all day... it's only til 1:00. He'll live and I wouldn't feel that sorry for him. I'm all for tough love.


              • #8
                Why punish the child?

                I would give him another healthy snack while the other kids ate lunch. I would never withhold food from a child.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by youretooloud View Post
                  BUT..if he did say "No, I don't want a lunch" or wouldn't answer his mom, I'd let him suffer a little bit. I have no problems letting the child learn the hard way that he either better answer her, or stop saying "no".

                  It's not like it's all day... it's only til 1:00. He'll live and I wouldn't feel that sorry for him.

                  He's too young to make decisions about whether or not a meal is available and when and with who he will eat.

                  It shouldn't have been discussed with him. The provider has meal times at her house and the parent should have provided the meal whether the child talked to her about it or not.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nannyde View Post

                    He's too young to make decisions about whether or not a meal is available and when and with who he will eat.

                    It shouldn't have been discussed with him. The provider has meal times at her house and the parent should have provided the meal whether the child talked to her about it or not.
                    I think a five year old is old enough to make a decision about a meal. A five year old is old enough to make those choices, and learn if it doesn't work out.

                    If the provider makes him something, it should just be vegies and a piece of fruit....but, I bet he'll choose to eat her food more often, and if it's easier for mom.


                    • #11
                      I would not take this out on the kid, this was a BAD parent decision.

                      I would call the mom and say johnny does not have any food, would you like to pick him up or would you like me to feed him? There is a $15.00 food fee if I feed him all day.

                      I could not let any child sit in my home and watch others eat because the parent decides to try to teach their child a lesson on my watch.


                      • #12
                        I don't see where an age is given, and honestly if I was mom I would have provided something and rather gotten it back then give the kid nothing. Kids don't understand how their bodies work at young ages we need to look out for them.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by youretooloud View Post
                          I think a five year old is old enough to make a decision about a meal. A five year old is old enough to make those choices, and learn if it doesn't work out.

                          If the provider makes him something, it should just be vegies and a piece of fruit....but, I bet he'll choose to eat her food more often, and if it's easier for mom.
                          I don't agree. It shouldn't even be discussed with a child that age. All she had to do was bring a lunch and say "if he doesn't want the meal... can you save it for him for pick up?"

                          That way he could decide to eat with the kids or decide to wait when it was TIME to decide.

                          I'm not buying it anyway. I think the Mom was running late or arguing with him and she decided to throw words at the provider instead of getting the lunch together or bottom line it with the kid.


                          • #14
                            He's 4. I gave him half a pb&j and Ill tell his mom next time bring just in case. She said he didnt want to bring something and yea, Im all for tough love too, but its too long for him to make a choice that he cant change in the next 5 hours. Besides, not this lady, but I could see this coming back to bite me with others Ive had!


                            • #15
                              shes an old friend so I could see here asking me to make something before she would make him starve because she didnt have time to make something

