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Has The Recession Hurt Your Business In Any Way?

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  • #16
    We're down about 50% and I heard another Center in our area is the same.

    Sign of the times. Guess we'll not be getting any raises this year - I'll be happy if I have a job by January.


    • #17
      Yes, but I'm not sure if it's because I'm only open 7-4:30 and ages 2-5y or not. I have 7 (1 spot to fill) so I can't complain but it does worry me that it's been since July that I've been trying to fill this spot and I've had one interview.

      Next year I lose 1 to K5 and maybe 2 (to all day K4 - parents may keep them here though, they aren't sure yet) so I'm hoping I don't have to take younger kids or stay open later. It's a year away but I'm still worried about it.


      • #18
        Being picky has hurt me more than the recession! ::

        I've been open just over one month and already mutually termed one VERY part timer whose mom wanted her to have more dc buddies (yet knew I was brand spanking new when she started her and apparently didn't realize that filling slots takes TIME - ugh - valuable lesson learned there!) and I had 3 pt'ers who were due to start a couple of weeks ago but after being yanked around by the dcm and then told they had recently had impetigo and lice I decided erm, NO!

        They were sorta termed preemptively.

        So yeah, I've got a few spots open and I am reserving them for just the right families. If it takes a year or more to fill them, I don't really care.

        Luckily the hubs makes a great living and I'm not in this for the money (not that I wouldn't mind some ) anyway.


        • #19
          It hasn't affected me personally, but I have noticed that two long time centers here have sent out notices that they are closing up shop. I don't have any idea of it's due to the recession or lack of children, though.

          We live in what appears to be recession proof area. Housing prices and jobs have remained stable here for some reason.


          • #20
            I'm not sure about my area. I was excited to hear a medium-sized daycare of about 45 or more kids closed with a week's notice the week before I was advertising. Sadly, I think they all found fast back-up care because none of my calls came from my business cards from Halloween 8(

            I advertised online and got a few emails and calls, BUT most said they were "just looking" and didn't need anything immediately because they have family, yet didn't want to schedule an interview. Why waste my time? Others said they would get back to me, but never did. I know I should call them back to double-check, but I really want a fresh start and don't want to deal with parents who rely on me to do everything. KWIM?

            So, I'm thinking it's about 1 out of 10 calls that will actually interview. LOL. I guess I just need to get more established. I'm picky too though, I don't want to be open until 5, so I'm really trying to get those who work an early shift and can be done before 5. Two of my seven-child-limit will always be gone before 4 pm because of mom being a school teacher. LOVE IT.

            No kids start here for another month so I will have very little finances to work with for awhile. I have plenty of time to "plan" things though! Sadly I think I will have to skip Thanksgiving Day projects because I will not have any kids enrolled this week. I will just start working on a December theme. :: Too bad I hand made all this FALL themed projects that are going to be hung up tonight, just to take them down in a few weeks with no kids here to see them. Does it look bad to have put all the work into the season with no kids enrolled yet giving tours or does it look good to parents?

            Sorry to ramble on! I think that the recession hasn't affected us too terribly bad here, but out town is a decent size.


            • #21
              I would say it has around here..I just knew I'd be full and I'm not even at half capacity yet. A long term provider in the area has always been full bc everyone knows about her but she had a couple openings lastbi heard. I have people call and get info who shopping around, every once in awhile one of those will come for a visit and only had a couple sign up since staring in August..if can't get at least three kids by the new year I may have to closenit down and go back to work outside the home which I'd really rather not do so I am staying focused and positive as much as I can!


              • #22
                I know that I'm being a bit picky.

                I had a call a few weeks ago for a kindergartener. I declined because I like to have one day a week to go places without having to rush home.

                I had a drop in call for last Friday when I was closed.

                I had a call a few weeks ago for 3 SA's. 3 1/2 hrs 2 days a week and 6 the other. I quoted $160 for pick up at school 10 miles away, homework, snack, AND dinner 3 nights a week. YMCA charged her $90 for everything but dinner.

                The rest of my calls have gone like this, "Hello" "How much do you charge?" "What hours do you need?" "6-6" "I charge $*** per week. Would you like to schedule an interview?" "No." Click


                • #23
                  Originally posted by sharlan View Post

                  The rest of my calls have gone like this, "Hello" "How much do you charge?" "What hours do you need?" "6-6" "I charge $*** per week. Would you like to schedule an interview?" "No." Click

                  At least yours open with HELLO! The last one I took just opened with "how much do you charge?". In a really obnoxious voice, too!

                  I should've said "well, baby, it depends on which CL ad you're responding to..."



                  • #24
                    Nope, not here. Thank God for that one


                    • #25
                      It hit me hard! I lost all but one last year because of the subsidized program closing. Another daycare in my area had to close so I got there 2. I have advertised like crazy. I'm not getting any calls. I need to move out of this state!
                      I was always full and with a waiting list, it is really bad here.


                      • #26
                        I was wondering how many here has had their childcare hurt by the recession. In less kids, less pay, more hours to accommodate clients, etc. I was just wondering because prices for childcare seems to be all over the place and some people struggle to get clients and others don't.
                        All of that here. Daycares are closing, those licensed for 12 are only getting about 6 kids and letting the assistants go, I've been down about 1/3 for 3 years and hubby lost his job 3 years ago. I just read on the site that for every four children in MI needing childcare there are six spots. People are moving out of state or a family member is laid off and watching the children.
                        I see little people.


                        • #27
                          It hasn't hurt my enrollment or my rates, but the real estate crash here in SW Florida has totally devalued the value of my school building. Like by half. Its horrible. BUT, with that said, if it weren't for the housing bubble of 2005, I would never have been able to re-finance my regular house to buy the school building. So a bit of pro and con there.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                            I was wondering how many here has had their childcare hurt by the recession. In less kids, less pay, more hours to accomodate clients, etc. I was just wondering because prices for childcare seems to be all over the place and some people struggle to get clients and others don't.

                            What is your story with the recession?
                            I am full and also have a waiting list, so that part is good. The only thing I can think of is that parents are "forgetting" to pay me. I think I put an end to that for now, but if I hadn't told them all that I would enforce my late fee without question they would continue to try it.

