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Has The Recession Hurt Your Business In Any Way?

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  • Has The Recession Hurt Your Business In Any Way?

    I was wondering how many here has had their childcare hurt by the recession. In less kids, less pay, more hours to accomodate clients, etc. I was just wondering because prices for childcare seems to be all over the place and some people struggle to get clients and others don't.

    What is your story with the recession?
    Each day is a fresh start
    Never look back on regrets
    Live life to the fullest
    We only get one shot at this!!

  • #2
    Definitely hurting the providers in this area. I only advertised a couple of times in 20 plus years. I was always full and had people asking for care that I turned down.

    Now, I've been advertising for a year, spending $$$$, and have only picked up 2 part timers. None of the providers that I've spoken to are at capacity. Most of them only have 2 or 3 kids.


    • #3
      I have to honestly say no at this point I am full with a waiting list , get calls weekly, and just raised my rates. I do know that providers just a town away don't have it so good though. I personally think there are just too many providers in the area though hardly any ever have infant openings.


      • #4
        I havent changed my prices/policies yet, and so far if I have lost a child due to job loss I filled the spot.

        EXCEPT for one family. They had a 2 year old ( here since birth ) and mom was due in December. He has been laid off for a month now. I let them off without a 2 week notice, and gave them 2 weeks to find a job, without filling their spot. I have one child who is just here until the baby is born, so I had spots for both boys. So now I have one opening, but my waiting list people had all found some other solution. Back to advertising.


        • #5
          No change here, really, but our area has been this way since the 80's when they shut down most of the mills, plants and factories.

          It is like the rest of the country just came down to where we are...:confused:

          On the other hand, the "Urban Sprawl" folks that moved out here in droves to the pop-up "McMansion" subdivisions (no money down, balloon loans, built on repossessed farm land) have been hit HARD.

          I think those are all the "SAHM looking to keep a couple kids" in our local paper.

          They are shutting down public transportation routes, into the city for work, out here left and right....
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #6
            There are a LOT of providers in my area. I struggle and my prices are far too low.

            There are a few higher (fairly) priced home daycares in the more expensive areas of my city but typically it's right around what I charge or sometimes even lower. It's crazy.

            It seems like there's a pretty diverse income range in my immediate area.


            • #7
              It's definitely hurt me. I STILL have no DCK's. I've had two interviews since June.

              I've notice that the rates in my area have dropped to ricidulous levels. That has been happening for a couple of years not, but it's at an all time low now. I honestly don't know how even providers who are full are making it!


              • #8
                The recession is forcing a lot of people back to school, which sometimes means night classes, so there is a need for daycares outside of the normal time frames. The DHS lady here said there is a major need for more daycares in the area and thanked me for starting one. Hopefully i can get full when i start
                "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
                Acts 13:22


                • #9
                  I haven't raised my rates in over 6 years.

                  I have a hard time getting anybody except teacher's kids, and college student's kids.


                  • #10
                    I'm still new to the field so the recession is the only thing I know. I'd love to have full time families (I only have one, an infant starting in January), but I realize that that is how things are now. People find families/friends to watch their kids for free some days then bring them to me some days. Stinks but that's how it is.


                    • #11
                      5 yrs ago, I charged $90 a week, which was really cheap. All of my families had been with me 6 or more years. I called around a year ago and everyone told me that they were charging $150 - $175 a week. I saw an ad yesterday for $65 a week and 24/7 care.


                      • #12
                        No change here. I was able to do a price increase in October and no issue. Same families, same jobs, same income.


                        • #13
                          I haven't noticed a decrease in the need for child care.
                          However,I never had any part time kids in my care.Now I have 6 part time kids whose grandparents take care of them twice a week to save in daycare costs.It actually benefits me because I charge a lot more per day than full time.
                          So instead of 185,week for full time they pay $40/day,or $120/week.
                          I've been fortunate enough to be able to fill all the spots,otherwise I don't think I'd be too happy about part time.


                          • #14
                            It's really hit my area. I have all part time and only charge hourly. A couple of years ago I had all full time and was paid salary. They all aged out for school and the only one who stayed was part time and I haven't had a full time call since. I hope things go back to the way they were.


                            • #15
                              I am full but its because our local factory has had no layoffs and 3 daycares in town have went out of business in the last 6 months. So I am about the only game in town

