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So Sad And So Wrong, What Should I Do?

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  • #16
    The grading/punishing is totally inappropriate; however, I know several kids who could easily glue the proper number of seeds to correlate with the numbers. I don't think the activity was inappropriate at all - it seems completely right for 3 or 4-year olds.


    • #17
      I agree that the project was ok, but she has special needs, does not have any ability to even communicate.

      This is her first time in a learning enviornment and it was way above and beyond what she herself is capable of.

      I have kids here that can count 30+ items at age 3.

      I just can't believe they are punishing her for this...


      • #18
        You said your niece is currently being evaluated for Autism. If she is working with a developmental physcologist, can you ask your SIL to PLEASE PLEASE, JUST FOR ME BECAUSE YOU LOVE ME, take the binder to the next appointment? If she won't believe you, she may believe the "expert".


        • #19
          Just curious, why isn't she with you?


          • #20
            Originally posted by daycare View Post
            I agree that the project was ok, but she has special needs, does not have any ability to even communicate.

            This is her first time in a learning enviornment and it was way above and beyond what she herself is capable of.

            I have kids here that can count 30+ items at age 3.

            I just can't believe they are punishing her for this...
            Have the parents check out their local public schools,
            If she is autistic or learning delayed, she totally qualifies for free special ed. preschool.
            They will teach her life skills, potty training, proper eating, socialization, and also educate her. They are trained to help her and they have small groups.
            They will even trasport her to and from home.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Crystal View Post
              Just curious, why isn't she with you?
              my SIL lives with my in-laws and it would be almost 3 hours total driving time daily to bring her here with me.

              Plus, I honestly in my heart of hearts do not think that I could meet her needs. I don't have any special training in what she has and even the few days she was with me, it was the hardest 3 days of my life.

              She is being evaluated with the school district in a few weeks here. I had to set it all up for them because they dont think that she needs it.

              I really have had a lot to do with my Niece since I found out about the abuse and have even forced my SIL into parenting classes, but they just seem to still be in such denial about her issues.

              I have to be her voice because no one else is.....Which this frustrates me even more..


              • #22

                How wrong. I don't believe in worksheets for littles anyway. I send home one worksheet a week, and thats basically just so the parents have something to go on when they review what we did over the week.

                NO worksheets in the classroom. My director visited another daycare once and heard the children regurgitating alphabets, and decided that our children weren't "learning" enough. She tried to force us to have then sitting down for long periods pouring over worksheets, and kept saying "they can play at home". Fought that tooth and nail.

                This woman probably thinks she's making up for all the lack of stimulation and experiences your niece got at home from being parked in front of a DVD all day. But she's going about it all wrong. Your niece may have the concentration and brainpower to complete worksheets correctly, which is great. But her social skills are being ignored, and when she's sent to time-out for getting it wrong, she's being taught to feel inept all around.

