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Outdoor Play Equipment

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  • Outdoor Play Equipment

    I need some advice on what to get for my little ones for outside. I have a sandbox, small slide, riding toys...and a huge park/playground right out my back gate, but that is too big for the 1-3 year olds. I don't have much room in my backyard, and was thinking of a little tikes type of structure. Does anyone have any advice on what you have used and is best and used most by this age group? I don't want to spend the money on something and and they don't even play on it! Thanks!

  • #2
    You are so lucky to have a park right out your back gate. I wish we had a park within walking distance!! Anyway, I have the Little Tikes Clubhouse Swingset. We got it several years ago and it still looks like new. I think it is perfect for 1-3 year olds. My 3-5 year olds have kind of outgrown it. They still play on it but it is kind of small for them. I plan on getting a new larger structure this summer. If you have enough room, I think is a good starter set for the young ones.


    • #3
      I have a climber (the 4 sided one) with a slide and a castle with a slide. A basketball hoop, teeter totter, small Little Tykes slide, and lots of balls. No more riding toys, tired of the fighting and they won't ride them in the grass, and crash into my stuff on the patio, so did the next best thing and got rid of them. Plenty for 4 or 5 preschoolers to play with.


      • #4
        That age group seems to be extremely fascinated with the little playhouse we have....they're in and out, open and close the door, etc.

        The other thing they play with alot is the Little Tykes slide.

        That is, unless there's a cardboard box to crawl in, or a rock to try to eat, or they haven't noticed the doghouse.

        Kids would rather play in the doghouse lately than their playhouse.:confused:
        Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


        • #5
          Thanks for all the help! I'll probably check out Craigslist and see if there is anything like these on there, save me from spending so much money--these things are expensive!


          • #6
            Originally posted by momofsix View Post
            Thanks for all the help! I'll probably check out Craigslist and see if there is anything like these on there, save me from spending so much money--these things are expensive!
            Craigslist ROCKS!


            • #7
              I love Craigslist and use it for everything!! We've even bought and sold cars on CL.


              • #8
                Yes, Craigslist is my best friend. You can find anything on there. I'd be careful however when buying cars. Buy them locally if on Craigslist and ALWAYS ask to see the car in person first. My fiance works for the DA in our county and says that they just busted two seperate people for car sale fraud on craigslist. They would post cars (one would sell vintage cars, and the other really nice not too old cars) for really good prices but people that lived in the county or even state would contact them and as soon as they asked to see the cars they wouldn't respond back. Some people thought this was odd and shady and reported it so they had an undercover pose as as someone from out of state to do the trasaction and it was all a fake!! They were "selling" the car (had photos posted of the supposed car and everything) to multiple people but it was a phantom car. Didn't even exsist. Just be careful on craiglist is all I'm saying. Always ask to see a big ticket item and NEVER do a wire transaction. Meet with the person face to face. And always take someone with you ladies!! But that's another story he told me . Sorry to get WAY off topic .


                • #9
                  I'm so excited! I've been looking for equipment too b/c my yard is tiny. I just found someone on Craigslist selling both of these new in the box and he sold the 2 to me for $250. Yippeee!! The kids have something to play on now!!


                  • #10
                    We have a few Little Tykes type slides/swings for the kids for the back yard once the fence is up. Found them on Craigslist!!


                    • #11
                      I discovered this site that sells daycare furniture also sells playground furniture as well. They have nice stuff but most of it is out of my price range. It's a good place to see what's available though and pick up some ideas on what might be good. I'll have to check out Craigslist too, I hadn't even thought of that.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by emosks View Post
                        We have a few Little Tykes type slides/swings for the kids for the back yard once the fence is up. Found them on Craigslist!!
                        so your the one taking all the good CL deals! JK


                        • #13
                          I haven't purchased any equipment just yet, but I have been looking at things that might be safe for the younger children. There is a company that seems to have some great stuff. The things that I have been looking closely at are their merry go rounds, the climber, and the riders that come in all different animal designs. The company is called AAA State of Play.


                          • #14

                            Hi! I have little ones in my group too, and I have just gotten balls, etc. for them. I used to have outside equipment but they didn't play on it. But they will play for a long time with balls. You can buy them cheap too! I have like 8 different kinds and two great big ones. Even the older kids play with the balls more than anything else. Wal-mart has the big ones for $2.50 and the small ones for around $1.

                            Do my parents care? No! As long as they are having fun and are safe, it hasn't made a difference that I don't have big fancy equipment. Don't let people make you feel like you have to go big; kids prefer simple things that allow them to use their imagination!


                            • #15
                              We have been looking for some smaller equipment for our little ones. We don't have a large yard to fit a full size playground. We have been looking at medium sized climbers, smaller playground slides, and teeter totters. There are several companies that sell smaller equipment at reasonable prices.

