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2 Year Old Still Nursing

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Lucypch View Post
    I'm sorry she lied to you or feels embarrassed. It's really sad that mothers feel embarrassed to share that they are doing something wonderful for their little ones and unfortunately our society does not support nursing. Ask her how others put her little one to sleep. Maybe her partner can put baby to sleep here and there and can work with you to figure out what works.
    One of my DC kids I had to just rock him until he feel asleep then place down. Now I just ask him to lay down pat his back and play music.
    I'm consistent with him and he knows the routine well enough now.

    Good luck. I know naps can be frustrating sometimes.
    This is not a pattern of embarrassment. It's a pattern of lying. If the provider goes to her time and again and says the kid can't put himself to sleep at TWO and she reponds with "he does GREAT with me and even begs to go to bed" and leaves out the "he's falling asleep at the breast suckling" part... that's not embarrass... that's DECEIT.

    The parent obviously GETS that the chances of a provider taking or keeping a kid that is THAT old who can't fall asleep on their own without suckling... is VERY low.

    The parent did that for THEMSELF. They did it to have child care. It's not about what society THINKS or about the kid... it's about being able to have day care. I am suspicious that this kid wasn't booted out of child care previously and the parent learned that she can't divuldge the truth or she may not even get someone to take him.

    If you have a kid that can not function without you then YOU have to stay with the kid. Putting that on someone and lying about it for months is just wrong. I don't care if the lie is about breastfeeding or anything else. It's just a lie.


    • #17
      well unregistered, I nursed my dd till she was 3yrs old, you got a problem with that. Your the dumbass who doesn't know the benefits of nursings and obviously you are not a parent but some lurker because if you were a parent then you would understand that nursing is as normal as a child who needs his bottle. Bite me!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        UH why do parents feel the need to baby there children a 2 year old does NOT need to nurse to me thats gross if they can just walk up and ask for the boob then they dont need to be nursing babies do not NEED breastmilk after the age of 1 years old I dont see nothing wrong with breastfeeding till age 1 or even 18 months but after that I really dont see the point in it. I think some moms are more attached to the nursing then the child actually is. Poor child she is just making things harder for him at your house during nap time and making things harder on you.
        I think you are right, my experience has been the children that have been breastfed too long have been difficult and emotionally regressed. And the parent is typically in denial about that.

        She should have stopped before putting her child in daycare, and If a parent wants them to have breast milk they can transfer it to a bottle.

        The mom wants the provider to fix this child's issues so she doesn't have to. If the child is that bad, I would consider terming and, of course because the parent wasn't up front to begin with. The trust is gone.


        • #19
          Originally posted by countrymom View Post
          well unregistered, I nursed my dd till she was 3yrs old, you got a problem with that. Your the dumbass who doesn't know the benefits of nursings and obviously you are not a parent but some lurker because if you were a parent then you would understand that nursing is as normal as a child who needs his bottle. Bite me!
          Like regular members, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

          I think for a lot of people (possibly the unregistered poster in this case) it has more to do with either never have been a BF'ing mom themselves or lack of education on the subject but either way, name calling does not help the education process or help with comprehension.

          To each his/her own as far as how long a child is or isn't breast fed. I have seen both sides. I think the problem with the OP though was the fact that mom didn't disclose the whole truth and left the provider in the dark about bedtime routines.

          FWIW~ I am a parent and I knew nothing, zero, zilch about breastfeeding until I became a child care provider and enrolled a parent who breastfed her child.


          • #20
            She is gonna pay for that later in life big time. Shes nothing but a human pacifier. Im all for bf but come on now, at that age the child should be nodding off on his own. I have had quite a few parents withhold info from me. Its so annoying!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Nellie View Post
              I have a 18 month old son who still uses a bottle. I know that he shouldn't use it. I don't let him use it in front of others because I don't want to hear "oh your too big for a bottle."
              I remember with my first the pediatrician told me at 15 months he should be off the bottle and he was very attached to his bottle at that time. (I weaned him at 12 months) At about 18 months he didn't ask for the bottle one day - I put them away and he never asked for them again! I was like "Whew! That was easy!"

              I wish everything in Motherhood was that easy.


              • #22
                Nobody has lied to me about nursing their babies/toddlers to sleep, only because I pretty much assume it happens. Once in a great while, I will come across someone who doesn't nurse baby to sleep...but it has been a fairly reliable assumption on my part so far.

                I have had many of parents lie about paci use at home..."we only use a paci at night and at naps". Come to find out months later that it was only wishful thinking or day or two at restricting paci use....I still would have restricted paci to naps anyway, why lie about it?


                • #23
                  With all due respect to my colleagues: I, too, find breastfeeding after a child is a year "disgusting". I totally agree with one of the other posters who said that a nursing mother is just a human pacifier. I also agree that at that age (2 and up), the mother needs it more than the child.

                  According to studies that were posted in this thread, its natural for a 5 year old to be nursing. Hmmm Maybe to avoid this next time, no matter what you enroll, just ask the parents if their requires a boob for sleeping! ::


                  • #24
                    Wow I hadn't been able to check on the forum in a day. I didn't realize this discussion got so heavy.

                    Nan is right. I really don't care if someone wants to breastfeed till 5 or whenever. But she should have been honest about the nap time routine at home.

                    It really bothers me. She lied to me. She had every opportunity to tell me about the nursing. I don't care if she was embarrassed. But everyday when I would talk to her about the nap time crying, she never said a word. Just said well good luck today.

                    She used me to wean her child. So all the mothers on here (I have four myself so don't judge) that are using this post as a way to promote your agenda for breastfeeding till age 5, what you should be posting about is how to PROPERLY wean your child from breast feeding BEFORE you take your child to daycare.

                    I breastfeed all four of my children. But I never expected another person to wean my child.

                    Infact she hasn't weaned him at home he is still nursing. He is just really unhappy while he is here around nap time. Sure he goes to sleep, but he is really unhappy. Why would you want that for your child. Why wouldn't you want to give your child every opportunity to be happy while in another's care.

                    And why would you lie about it?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Growing1atime View Post
                      Wow I hadn't been able to check on the forum in a day. I didn't realize this discussion got so heavy.

                      Nan is right. I really don't care if someone wants to breastfeed till 5 or whenever. But she should have been honest about the nap time routine at home.

                      It really bothers me. She lied to me. She had every opportunity to tell me about the nursing. I don't care if she was embarrassed. But everyday when I would talk to her about the nap time crying, she never said a word. Just said well good luck today.

                      She used me to wean her child. So all the mothers on here (I have four myself so don't judge) that are using this post as a way to promote your agenda for breastfeeding till age 5, what you should be posting about is how to PROPERLY wean your child from breast feeding BEFORE you take your child to daycare.

                      I breastfeed all four of my children. But I never expected another person to wean my child.

                      Infact she hasn't weaned him at home he is still nursing. He is just really unhappy while he is here around nap time. Sure he goes to sleep, but he is really unhappy. Why would you want that for your child. Why wouldn't you want to give your child every opportunity to be happy while in another's care.

                      And why would you lie about it?
                      Any chance he went to another day care before you? Another two or three maybe?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Growing1atime View Post
                        Wow I hadn't been able to check on the forum in a day. I didn't realize this discussion got so heavy.

                        Nan is right. I really don't care if someone wants to breastfeed till 5 or whenever. But she should have been honest about the nap time routine at home.

                        It really bothers me. She lied to me. She had every opportunity to tell me about the nursing. I don't care if she was embarrassed. But everyday when I would talk to her about the nap time crying, she never said a word. Just said well good luck today.

                        She used me to wean her child. So all the mothers on here (I have four myself so don't judge) that are using this post as a way to promote your agenda for breastfeeding till age 5, what you should be posting about is how to PROPERLY wean your child from breast feeding BEFORE you take your child to daycare.

                        I breastfeed all four of my children. But I never expected another person to wean my child.

                        Infact she hasn't weaned him at home he is still nursing. He is just really unhappy while he is here around nap time. Sure he goes to sleep, but he is really unhappy. Why would you want that for your child. Why wouldn't you want to give your child every opportunity to be happy while in another's care.

                        And why would you lie about it?
                        I agree with you. He should have been weaned at home but there is nothing wrong with nursing when he is with mom. I would have confronted her about it and told her that in order for him to nap he needs his boobies, so for now on, you are going to call her at work and tell her that she needs to sooth him to bed. call her a couple times at work when its nap time, I bet you she will fix the problem.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                          well unregistered, I nursed my dd till she was 3yrs old, you got a problem with that. Your the dumbass who doesn't know the benefits of nursings and obviously you are not a parent but some lurker because if you were a parent then you would understand that nursing is as normal as a child who needs his bottle. Bite me!
                          I am ALLOWED my own opinion YES I think nursing a 2 year old or beyond is gross. No need for name calling dont even know why you feel the need to defend yourself.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                            Any chance he went to another day care before you? Another two or three maybe?
                            Who knows at this point

                            She said that this was his first daycare.


                            • #29
                              I don't think you should ask a parent to wean just because they are going to childcare. You can find other ways to get the child to sleep.
                              My son is 3 I still nurse him to sleep and he goes to school. When he's at school he naps just like all the other kids. His school says he's a great naper. I have never told them he nurses to sleep because I didn't think it was necessary.
                              I just finished putting a DC kid for a nap and he nurses to sleep with his mom.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Lucypch View Post
                                I don't think you should ask a parent to wean just because they are going to childcare. You can find other ways to get the child to sleep.
                                My son is 3 I still nurse him to sleep and he goes to school. When he's at school he naps just like all the other kids. His school says he's a great naper. I have never told them he nurses to sleep because I didn't think it was necessary.
                                I just finished putting a DC kid for a nap and he nurses to sleep with his mom.
                                I agree. Nursing is between mommy and child. My inlaws would throw a fit if the knew my 21 month old is still nursing. Not that it's any of their business, and it really shouldn't matter to anyone else. When DS is with other people, he naps fine, so it's not an issue.

                                However, in the original poster's case, it is becoming an issue because the kid is not napping. I'm sure it will just take some getting used to for the kid, especially because this is his first daycare experience anyways!

