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Why Does It Bother Me SO MUCH....

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Yes, dear, you ARE whining. You can do something about it, but you haven't so you have nothing to complain about. That means you are WHINING. You could choose to ignore her until 7, as I suggested, but instead you chose to let her in and then come here so you have something new to WHINE about.

    I think your being very disrespectful to this person. Your continuing to badger her. This forum is for everyone to come to and be treated with respect. If you don't get her point then just back out of this thread and move on.


    • #77
      Originally posted by daycare View Post
      would you like some cheese with that whine!@! Its that time of the month.... I have not seen one in while, but looks like its troll season....
      LOL I was actually cracking up at her response!!


      • #78
        Originally posted by Kaddidle Care View Post
        Did anyone notice it's a full moon?
        I think it is !! ::::::::


        • #79
          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          Yes, dear, you ARE whining. You can do something about it, but you haven't so you have nothing to complain about. That means you are WHINING. You could choose to ignore her until 7, as I suggested, but instead you chose to let her in and then come here so you have something new to WHINE about.
          well, geez, sounds like you're whining about her whining. Don't you have anything more important to "fuss about"


          • #80
            Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
            Yes, dear, you ARE whining. You can do something about it, but you haven't so you have nothing to complain about. That means you are WHINING. You could choose to ignore her until 7, as I suggested, but instead you chose to let her in and then come here so you have something new to WHINE about.
            I just had to go check my webster dictionary on this, here is the real definitions of whining and complaining.

            Whine – to utter a high pitched sound, as in pain or fear.

            Complain – to express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment


            • #81
              The funny thing is....if a daycare provider opened her door 5 minutes late it would be unprofessional and 5 minutes WOULD be a big deal.
              I just would not answer the door.


              • #82
                OMG yes you are soooo right,.,... great point you have..


                • #83
                  For pete's sake people, I started out nice, but was called out even though my post was in agreement with several other people's posts. You think I shouldn't defend myself and just take it. NO, I don't think so. I have the right to my opinion just like you do and just because mine was worded a little differently, you attack.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    For pete's sake people, I started out nice, but was called out even though my post was in agreement with several other people's posts. You think I shouldn't defend myself and just take it. NO, I don't think so. I have the right to my opinion just like you do and just because mine was worded a little differently, you attack.
                    I was nice too. I was just pointing out the double standard.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by snowball View Post
                      the funny thing is....if a daycare provider opened her door 5 minutes late it would be unprofessional and 5 minutes would be a big deal.
                      I just would not answer the door.


                      • #86
                        This may sound sharp, but you reap what you sow.


                        • #87
                          IMHO, this would be a non issue for me. If parents show up 5 mins early and catch me in my bathrobe, oh, well, no biggie. Now, if they show up 5 mins after closing, that's a big deal.

                          For the OP, the 5 mins is a big deal, she's entitled to that.

                          The joy of this profession, whether it be babysitter or provider, we operate under our rules, as long as we follow state guidelines. If parents don't like it, then they can make other arrangements.


                          • #88
                            I don't unlock the front door, turn on the playroom lights or open the curtains before 7:30am. If they're out there early and want to come in I have no way to know that. ::


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Meyou View Post
                              I don't unlock the front door, turn on the playroom lights or open the curtains before 7:30am. If they're out there early and want to come in I have no way to know that. ::
                              Same.....then I do my rain dance and keep my fingers crossed for hail....::::

                              Just kidding....

                              My clients rates include $1 per minute early/late arrival fee based on their arrival times (driveway alarm) I meet them at the door grinning like a Cheshire Cat.
                              Mamma wants some new sweaters this season....

                              It is up to me whether or not I cut them a break depending on if it is a rare occurance or becoming a pattern. Early or Late times are also noted on the sign in sheet in red ink. Sometimes perceived peer pressure also helps keep folks in check.
                              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                                Early or Late times are also noted on the sign in sheet in red ink. Sometimes perceived peer pressure also helps keep folks in check.
                                Ha, I do that do too!

                                I also do it for forms that need to be returned by a certain date and find the habitually late parents are a lot faster at complying when their names are highlighted.....

