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Nap Time Music?

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  • Nap Time Music?

    I'm wondering if you guys use nap music and, if so, what type? I've always put on the classical channel on the TV, which soothes most of them to sleep eventually. Over the weekend I said I was going to take a nap and hubby thought he was funny putting on nap music. I got excited though and said, "What channel is that???" hahaha It was 'soundscapes' and quite soothing.

    Today, I put it on and the kids were OUT. Just curious if you guys do natural sounds like that or classical.

  • #2
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Soundscapes channel! I was actually just telling DH that even when they are all fidgety it makes them sleep within 5 minutes.


    • #3
      I either do natural sounds (I have a continuous sound machine) or a baby lullaby cd. They have to have the noise at naptime and all are great sleepers while here .


      • #4
        I love white noise for the younger kids, the older have lullabies, classic music with waves or nature noise in the background.


        • #5
          I purchased cd's from dollar tree that are a mix of classical and nature sounds. Loved paying only $1! I put the cd on "repeat all" until I wake them up.
          I love my job!


          • #6
            i don't use music cause my kids sleep in 3 different rooms and i'm not buying a CD player for each room. One room i have a fan but the other 2 rooms have nothing and they sleep great


            • #7
              When I do music, I do something like soft, soothing piano with raindrops in the background, or harp with ocean sounds, or wahtever. Sounds like the "soundscapes" you're describing

              But right now all my nap cd's are scratched and unplayable so no nap music at all


              • #8
                I use white noise for the duration of my daycare naptime. I recorded a loud, long version of white noise off of YouTube and I made a CD that has 24 tracks of the "white noise" that repeats over and over and over. It's amazing!

                With the exception of new friends who aren't used to our routine, I've had no naptime troubles. Kids who hum themselves to sleep = drowned out by the white noise. Kids who sing themselves to sleep = drowned by the white noise. Kids who talk in their sleep = drowned out by the white noise Kids who......... you get the picture


                • #9
                  Most of the time I just plan Christian music like Shawn McDonald, Chris Tomlin, Brandon Heath...I also have a couple of mixed Christian music CD's that play off my computer. I also like nature sounds or Woodwind flute music. I went to Sedona for my anniversary and brought back a cd from there that the kids listened to and they where out in no time. But they've all been really good nappers.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by littlemommy View Post
                    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Soundscapes channel! I was actually just telling DH that even when they are all fidgety it makes them sleep within 5 minutes.
                    Iwas going to say something about the soundscapes channel......I recently started putting this on during nap.....and then I had kids peeing in their beds that usually don't! It makes me wonder if it's all the running water sounds!


                    • #11
                      I don't use music a lot but when I do I use natural sounds like rain, ocean waves and tropical forest type CD's.

                      We use audio books each day at nap. The kids lay so still while listening to the story. They seem to look forward to it every day.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MissAnn View Post
                        Iwas going to say something about the soundscapes channel......I recently started putting this on during nap.....and then I had kids peeing in their beds that usually don't! It makes me wonder if it's all the running water sounds!
                        Haha! Not so funny for you but it gave me a good morning chuckle! We play this channel at night in our bedroom too. I'll have to take note if there are water songs playing when I get up 5 times a night for a (pregnant) bathroom run!


                        • #13
                          My kids always sleep with baby lullaby music. They love it!


                          • #14
                            White noise--a CD of radio static for 80 minutes. They all sleep great. I have contemplated getting a second CD player to play some soft music/soundscape type thing in addition to the white noise, but that just seems complicated to me, so we stick to white noise.

                            I did have one parent question it...they had never heard of white noise and wanted me to play classical music instead. I explained the reasons for it and that it's a well-known and supported tactic for improving sleep, and they still wanted me to change for everyone. I politely declined.
                            Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                            • #15
                              I just started playing a cd with sleep relaxing music. I tried white noise for a couple days but it drove me crazy!!!! I stay in the room till everyone is asleep. Also, all the kids kept saying was put the music on-they knew that it was coming from the radio and it should be playing music-. Since I added black out curtains and the cd, they are asleep in a matter of minutes!!!
                              Each day is a fresh start
                              Never look back on regrets
                              Live life to the fullest
                              We only get one shot at this!!

