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No Interest in Learning

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  • #16
    I do things like count out how many grapes I give , how many toys I take out .
    I have foam shapes that we play match with etc....
    They are all games for the kids but they see and hear me counting or saying the color , shape and number .I write my name and the kids names in chalk outside , they see the colors and the letters . They do learn by these games .

    I have found that some kids will resist the more you try to teach them and it is a battle you will not win . I try to make any learning fun because if it is fun they will want to play ( learn ) .

    We planted flowers this spring . I went through my whole speech about how flowers grow and the type of flower we planted helps to keep bugs away . Fast forward to 2 weeks ago where a dcg saw my flower and began telling her mom all about the type of flower and how it keeps bugs away . The mom looked at me and rolled her eyes . I said " yes , she is right those flowers do keep bugs away " . Even though it did not seem dcg was listening she was .


    • #17
      Originally posted by SJT43015 View Post
      Have any of you had a child that absolutely shows no interest in learning? I'm trying to have a structured learning time for a few hours a day doing various things. I watch a 3 year old girl and no matter what I do, she will not sit and participate. We've worked a lot with my 2.5 year old son and he knows his letters and numbers really well.

      When I try and work on letters and numbers with her, she just says she doesn't know. I even do three letters at a time with flashcards and go back to the first letter and she says she doesn't know and gets up and won't sit for circle time.

      I'm really at a loss at how to teach her. Her mom said that they have foam letters and she'll throw a few in at bath time and work with her, but it doesn't seem like she's picking anything up.

      I really want to help her prepare for preschool like I do with my own son, but I've never met a child who is so resistant to learn anything at all.

      Any suggestions? Maybe something fun that got the kids wanting to learn. Right now, I'm just trying to get her to do letter and number recognition to start.
      This is really tough! But I have had almost similar problem and tried a number of fun activities like story telling, songs, games and after sometime he started taking interest. So, I would suggest the same things for this little girl. May be if something catches her interest she will start learning fast. All the best.


      • #18
        I have a 4 year old dcboy who has no interest in learning whatsoever. He will not listen to books, he won't even look at a book. He doesn't know how to color or hold a crayon even after working with him over a year. He only wants to watch tv and play. But when he does play you have to watch him carefully because he doesn't play with toys nicely. He uses them to hammer on each other or hit others. He has major speech delays and you cannot understand him when he talks. I have no idea how to get him interested in anything.


        • #19
          There are ways to teach that are more fun than flash cards. Pinterest has a lot of ideas. For kids who aren't interested in reading, you could try doing a magnet or felt board activity to go along with a book. They pay attention because they are waiting for their turn to stick their picture on the board.


          • #20
            Originally posted by sally View Post
            I have a 4 year old dcboy who has no interest in learning whatsoever. He will not listen to books, he won't even look at a book. He doesn't know how to color or hold a crayon even after working with him over a year. He only wants to watch tv and play. But when he does play you have to watch him carefully because he doesn't play with toys nicely. He uses them to hammer on each other or hit others. He has major speech delays and you cannot understand him when he talks. I have no idea how to get him interested in anything.
            I see this is a few weeks old, but the first thing that springs to mind is "turn the TV off!"

            Play starters..."hey, DCB, how about you build a block tower? Like this....(start a tower, then stay nearby). Wow! That's really tall!"

            Giving him tasks like stringing beads, puzzles, etc.

            He sounds like he needs a speech evaluation.

