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No Interest in Learning

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  • No Interest in Learning

    Have any of you had a child that absolutely shows no interest in learning? I'm trying to have a structured learning time for a few hours a day doing various things. I watch a 3 year old girl and no matter what I do, she will not sit and participate. We've worked a lot with my 2.5 year old son and he knows his letters and numbers really well.

    When I try and work on letters and numbers with her, she just says she doesn't know. I even do three letters at a time with flashcards and go back to the first letter and she says she doesn't know and gets up and won't sit for circle time.

    I'm really at a loss at how to teach her. Her mom said that they have foam letters and she'll throw a few in at bath time and work with her, but it doesn't seem like she's picking anything up.

    I really want to help her prepare for preschool like I do with my own son, but I've never met a child who is so resistant to learn anything at all.

    Any suggestions? Maybe something fun that got the kids wanting to learn. Right now, I'm just trying to get her to do letter and number recognition to start.

  • #2
    In my opinion it sounds like she's not ready. I'd stop doing flash cards and just let her play.


    • #3
      Instead of flashcards you can try colorful counters, tracing letters in salt trays and a multitude of other intrinsic methods. We love Mat Man and Letter/Number Hopscotch, here....

      "Drill and Kill" learning is no longer the recommended method.... There are simply too many learning styles for it to help everyone. :hug:

      This kid may simply not be a visual learner. lovethis
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
        Instead of flashcards you can try colorful counters, tracing letters in salt trays and a multitude of other intrinsic methods. We love Mat Man and Letter/Number Hopscotch, here....

        "Drill and Kill" learning is no longer the recommended method.... There are simply too many learning styles for it to help everyone. :hug:

        This kid may simply not be a visual learner. lovethis
        We played color hopscotch the other day. Each block was a different color chalk. Great way to teach colors.

        Op, I agree with catherder. Try incorporating learning into play. Dr. Suess makes an alphabet twister that my 3-4's love.


        • #5
          Flash cards and drilling is not considered developmentally appropriate.

          I think you'll have more success with games, songs, reading stories, playing with letters, pointing out words you see "hey, I see a stop sign! S T O P...that's STOP! Make math and literature a part of your day. Let them help you make something, and allow them to measure. Count aloud as they do. Count grapes or animal crackers at snack. Help them learn to serve themselves lunch, clean up their spot, wipe the table, care for a pet or plants, build things with cardboard boxes and blankets. Most of all, give them plenty of time to play!

          Here's a blog with lots of ideas:

          I guess I wonder why anyone needs to be "ready" for preschool. PRE school is supposed to get them ready for Kindergarten, but what do you need to know before preschool?


          • #6
            I remember the days before preschool when kindergarten was to get you ready for school.
            I guess I wonder why anyone needs to be "ready" for preschool. PRE school is supposed to get them ready for Kindergarten, but what do you need to know before preschool?
            And then the days when preschool was to teach socialization and get you ready for kindergarten. Soon the children will have this in the womb and they will be required to come out knowing colors, numbers, letters and how to get along.
            I see little people.


            • #7
              My niece has her own things she wants to learn. Mostly the stuff she already knows. Probably normal though.
              "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
              Acts 13:22


              • #8
                Just keep trying and introducing. If she picks it up great, if not she will in time. I agree play is very important. My little group wants to learn more that is why I offer it. If the interest was not there, it would be just an all play day and learn through play (and they do that too)

                Don't stress yourself out about this. What a Kindergarten teacher wants a child to be able to know the most is social and self help skills.

                All children learn differently and at their own rate- I agree with the flash card drilling. Flash cards are fun if you use them as a game but when you put the pressure to know on a child that young it can deter learning. You want a child to have a love for learning not be opposed to it.



                • #9
                  Well why does she need to she is 3. She should be playing not sitting.

                  So, my son and I went dumpster diving at Karl's (the local appliance store)  No worries, when you call and ask them to save some boxes the...

                  CNN report on the schools in Reggio Emilia, Italy, and why they are considered the world's best preschool model.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by misslori50 View Post
                    Well why does she need to she is 3. She should be playing not sitting.

                    So, my son and I went dumpster diving at Karl's (the local appliance store)  No worries, when you call and ask them to save some boxes the...

                    I believe, as well, in the power of play. It is my goal to set up the environment and let them play and learn in the process. Yep, they can learn academically through play! Story in point....I had a 4 yr old dcb once that continually talked about his grandpa/mom/dad and milking cows on their farm. Not occasionally but all the time....even if I was talking. He just seemed to jabber all the time. Anyway, I told my assistant that I was worried because I felt he wasn't learning anything and kindergarten was coming up for him. Well, to my surprise, he was telling his mom through all his talking at home what he had learned at daycare. So, never underestimate the power of play. He was more than prepared for school and is now in 4th grade. Even when it looks like they aren't getting it, they very well may be!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dapb45 View Post
                      I believe, as well, in the power of play. It is my goal to set up the environment and let them play and learn in the process. Yep, they can learn academically through play! Story in point....I had a 4 yr old dcb once that continually talked about his grandpa/mom/dad and milking cows on their farm. Not occasionally but all the time....even if I was talking. He just seemed to jabber all the time. Anyway, I told my assistant that I was worried because I felt he wasn't learning anything and kindergarten was coming up for him. Well, to my surprise, he was telling his mom through all his talking at home what he had learned at daycare. So, never underestimate the power of play. He was more than prepared for school and is now in 4th grade. Even when it looks like they aren't getting it, they very well may be!
                      love it. they are constantly learning. set up a learning enviroment


                      • #12
                        I'm saying this in a nice way.......but three year olds do not need to know their alphabet or numbers, and I am a former kindergarten and preschool teacher.

                        The world is full of so many things for three's to be learning about and exploring. The alphabet and numbers are boring! KWIM?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                          I'm saying this in a nice way.......but three year olds do not need to know their alphabet or numbers, and I am a former kindergarten and preschool teacher.

                          The world is full of so many things for three's to be learning about and exploring. The alphabet and numbers are boring! KWIM?
                          It's pretty easy for 3 year olds to learn colors and numbers while learning only through play. All of my 2's know their colors through play and can count to 10 from a snack counting game we play each afternoon. The kids made up the game and I've just been following their lead.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Meyou View Post
                            It's pretty easy for 3 year olds to learn colors and numbers while learning only through play. All of my 2's know their colors through play and can count to 10 from a snack counting game we play each afternoon. The kids made up the game and I've just been following their lead.
                            Colors, yes! I agree with!


                            • #15
                              Also, counting in a fun way is different than drilling kids on number and alphabet recognition.

