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Reggio Emilia & Emergent Questions

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  • #16
    I have my art set up just like crystal.

    I've said it once before, and I'll say it again....if I could get rid of every single other toy in my house and turn the whole thing into an art studio, I would do it in a heart beat! Art is my THAAAAANG LOL

    We start EARLY. By 6 months old they are fingerpainting with REAL fingerpaint. It's non toxic, and I guarantee they're only gonna taste it once. They are in their highchair, and I give them SMALL amounts to start. Same with the homemade playdough, crayons, etc.

    By having the materials accessible everyday, and modeling appropriate behavior CONSTANTLY, its not so much of a big deal to them. Its not taboo. The kids know its there, they know how to use it, and they know how to take care of the area. By two years old, I can completely trust them if I walk away for a minute to do something else.

    I am alone with 6 kids too. 10 when the SA are here. They don't all choose the art area at the same time, (other areas are open, and because of size restrictions of my home, it can only accomodate 2, maybe 3 at a time anyway) so its not like I have half a dozen kids running wild throughout the house armed with paintbrushes and glue bottles. Paint is out everyday, and no one even bothered with choosing it this morning.

    It IS alot of work at first to get them in the "groove" , but in the end, to me, its well worth the effort. My kiddos are all so creative, and produce beautiful art that is individual to their personalities and self expression. No two pieces EVER look the same, and I LOVE that!

    BTW, my art area is right next to my couch, and no one has painted on it yet


    • #17
      Originally posted by melskids View Post
      I have my art set up just like crystal.

      I've said it once before, and I'll say it again....if I could get rid of every single other toy in my house and turn the whole thing into an art studio, I would do it in a heart beat! Art is my THAAAAANG LOL

      We start EARLY. By 6 months old they are fingerpainting with REAL fingerpaint. It's non toxic, and I guarantee they're only gonna taste it once. They are in their highchair, and I give them SMALL amounts to start. Same with the homemade playdough, crayons, etc.

      By having the materials accessible everyday, and modeling appropriate behavior CONSTANTLY, its not so much of a big deal to them. Its not taboo. The kids know its there, they know how to use it, and they know how to take care of the area. By two years old, I can completely trust them if I walk away for a minute to do something else.

      oooohhh...that is so where I WANT to be! I am frustrated I can't get there! Honestly, I get sooo bored some days, and I am constantly rearranging, I think, to cope.

      I think I need to spend a little time contemplating all this. I mean, honestly, I cant blame it all on the kids! Yes, they are a handful, and 4 from one family adds a bigger challenge, but I am the adult here, for gosh's sake!Yelling at myself on the inside....

      I am alone with 6 kids too. 10 when the SA are here. They don't all choose the art area at the same time, (other areas are open, and because of size restrictions of my home, it can only accomodate 2, maybe 3 at a time anyway) so its not like I have half a dozen kids running wild throughout the house armed with paintbrushes and glue bottles. Paint is out everyday, and no one even bothered with choosing it this morning.

      It IS alot of work at first to get them in the "groove" , but in the end, to me, its well worth the effort. My kiddos are all so creative, and produce beautiful art that is individual to their personalities and self expression. No two pieces EVER look the same, and I LOVE that!

      BTW, my art area is right next to my couch, and no one has painted on it yet
      oooohhh...that is so where I WANT to be! I am frustrated I can't get there! Honestly, I get sooo bored some days, and I am constantly rearranging, I think, to cope.

      I think I need to spend a little time contemplating all this. I mean, honestly, I cant blame it all on the kids! Yes, they are a handful, and 4 from one family adds a bigger challenge, but I am the adult here, for gosh's sake!Yelling at myself on the inside....


      • #18
        Originally posted by Ariana View Post
        My kids that are under 2 just enjoy drinking the pen
        I've had that happen too, another thing with the mat is that you need to let it dry completely you will get mold, I went and opened mine and there was mold on it. I do love the mat.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Ariana View Post
          My kids that are under 2 just enjoy drinking the pen
          :::::: Thanks!! That is what I thought .

          Mine do the same with markers if I take more than 3 steps in the opposite direction.

          Color wonder were too expensive to go through that many in such a short period of time.

          I did try many things, though....
          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


          • #20
            Originally posted by melskids View Post
            I am alone with 6 kids too.

            How many infants usually, though?

            I think that is what really keeps me from pursuing this full force.... I usually have between 1 and 3 at a time.

            My problem was not so much the writing on walls (washable paint) but demolition in general. Papers tossed/crumpled/torn/shredded, crayons snapped in half/thrown/stomped/eaten, and markers taken apart/chewed.

            I take 3 steps towards the baby area, enter the diaper changing area and all double hockey sticks breaks loose....:::: My clients do NO art with their kids....they feel that is what they pay ME for. It is an uphill battle.

            I will have to incorporate it for ratings very soon, though. I just got the "warning shot" email saying 2013. I will be following this stuff like a hawk.

            It is HARD for old dogs to learn new tricks.... I AM trying, though. If you know some great "starter" art stuff...PLEASE tell me about it.

            Edit: For ALL 2 and under.
            - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


            • #21
              I do art everyday with everyone over 1 year, but it is supervised art. I do not have art materials freely out.

              I have a childsize table that they also use for dramatic play, but during art time, it is the art table. I call 2 at a time over to the table and we do an art project.

              We do crayons, markers, colored pencils, dot markers, paints, chalk, sickers, gluing things--like cotton balls and tissue paper.

              Currently everyone I have is under 3. I like having a supervised art period. It allows me to work with the kids with language skills as well--they ask for particular stickers, find their name, try writing a letter in their name, identify colors, shapes, etc.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Catherder View Post

                It is HARD for old dogs to learn new tricks.... I AM trying, though. If you know some great "starter" art stuff...PLEASE tell me about it.
                The BIG crayola washable crayons, with paper already peeled off, and spiral notebooks, one per child. Plus close supervision--do it all at one time if you can.

                Immediately redirect and squash anything inappropriate--"we do not break crayons, we do not eat crayons, leave the paper on the table, crayon ONLY paper, etc".

                Then once they understand crayons, you can ease into other stuff.
                Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                • #23
                  I have a an art area in the playroom. Crayons, markers, scissors, pastels, hole punchers, glue bottles, glue sticks, white paper, colored construction paper, colored pencils, play dough and accessories, and a divided tray of collage materials are open every day. My easel is set up with paint and paper every day too.
                  I introduce the art area early. I fingerpaint with them at 6-7 mos. and let them scribble with crayons. I do let them tear and crumple paper but sometimes I tape the paper to the table so they can paint or draw without tearing it up. My easel is low enough that the little ones can help themselves. I've never had anyone go around and paint furniture (one did bend down and paint the floor) but if they start to walk away I just redirect them. Another kind of "introductory" activity for the little ones is to gather a basket of collage materials (feathers, craft sticks, pieces of tissue paper, big buttons, etc.) and lay out a sheet of contact paper sticky side up. Let them choose items to stick to the contact paper to make a collage. All they have to do is drop the item on the paper! Bingo dotters and roller paints are fun and fairly mess-free too if you need a low-key place to start. Just remember that for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, it is about the process of creating, not the finished product. Then just relax and have fun!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Catherder View Post

                    How many infants usually, though?

                    I think that is what really keeps me from pursuing this full force.... I usually have between 1 and 3 at a time.

                    My problem was not so much the writing on walls (washable paint) but demolition in general. Papers tossed/crumpled/torn/shredded, crayons snapped in half/thrown/stomped/eaten, and markers taken apart/chewed.

                    I take 3 steps towards the baby area, enter the diaper changing area and all double hockey sticks breaks loose....:::: My clients do NO art with their kids....they feel that is what they pay ME for. It is an uphill battle.

                    I will have to incorporate it for ratings very soon, though. I just got the "warning shot" email saying 2013. I will be following this stuff like a hawk.

                    It is HARD for old dogs to learn new tricks.... I AM trying, though. If you know some great "starter" art stuff...PLEASE tell me about it.

                    Edit: For ALL 2 and under.
                    Putting it out everyday is half the battle I think. Someone else may have said that.

                    That being said, is it necessary to have free art for toddlers? I'd posted before...I'm not gonna do it. I think it's silly. I'd work them into it a bit at a time.

                    Magna love them...not permanent but very popular. Ours are getting worn out but it's always a favorite. Does that count?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BigMama View Post
                      I have a an art area in the playroom. Crayons, markers, scissors, pastels, hole punchers, glue bottles, glue sticks, white paper, colored construction paper, colored pencils, play dough and accessories, and a divided tray of collage materials are open every day. My easel is set up with paint and paper every day too.
                      I introduce the art area early. I fingerpaint with them at 6-7 mos. and let them scribble with crayons. I do let them tear and crumple paper but sometimes I tape the paper to the table so they can paint or draw without tearing it up. My easel is low enough that the little ones can help themselves. I've never had anyone go around and paint furniture (one did bend down and paint the floor) but if they start to walk away I just redirect them. Another kind of "introductory" activity for the little ones is to gather a basket of collage materials (feathers, craft sticks, pieces of tissue paper, big buttons, etc.) and lay out a sheet of contact paper sticky side up. Let them choose items to stick to the contact paper to make a collage. All they have to do is drop the item on the paper! Bingo dotters and roller paints are fun and fairly mess-free too if you need a low-key place to start. Just remember that for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, it is about the process of creating, not the finished product. Then just relax and have fun!
                      I am TOTALLY about the process, not the product. With my old group, I did maybe 2 product-based projects a year, like a Christmas present for parents. Even then, I tried to be as hands-off as possible.

                      In general, I am totally about the process, not the product. I have 4 very creative children of my own, and my 10yo sons room most of the time looks like the Nutty Professor's Lab, because of all the projects in there..

                      I guess my issue is more with this particular group of kids. THey simply cannot be trusted to follow boundries, and every day is such a battle to just manage behaviors, that I can't get to the good stuff! Makes them sound really terrible, when they really aren't terrible. It's 4 from one family, though, so any bad behavior one has, all mimic.

                      I'm sorry this is so long, I think it's become a venting zone for me now!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Catherder View Post

                        How many infants usually, though?

                        I think that is what really keeps me from pursuing this full force.... I usually have between 1 and 3 at a time.

                        My problem was not so much the writing on walls (washable paint) but demolition in general. Papers tossed/crumpled/torn/shredded, crayons snapped in half/thrown/stomped/eaten, and markers taken apart/chewed.

                        I take 3 steps towards the baby area, enter the diaper changing area and all double hockey sticks breaks loose....:::: My clients do NO art with their kids....they feel that is what they pay ME for. It is an uphill battle.

                        I will have to incorporate it for ratings very soon, though. I just got the "warning shot" email saying 2013. I will be following this stuff like a hawk.

                        It is HARD for old dogs to learn new tricks.... I AM trying, though. If you know some great "starter" art stuff...PLEASE tell me about it.

                        Edit: For ALL 2 and under.
                        i currently have 2 infants, 8 and 10 months old.
                        2 two year olds
                        2 three year olds

                        your statement i bolded says it all right there... i NEVER walk away from the infants or toddlers when they are using the art supplies.

                        if your using FFCERS, i believe it says art should be available everyday to preschool age, but only 3 times a week, or maybe only once, to infants and toddlers. i'd have to look again. point is, you can start slow, a couple times a week until youre more comfortable and the kids get used to the materials being out.

                        infants sit in their highchairs, and i usually only give them 1 or 2 crayons at a time, or a teaspoon of paint at a time.

                        they snap crayons and crumble/tear paper. its all part of the process.

                        i gradually let them go to the "big kids" art table and the easel somewhere around 18 months old, but i still stay right with them until they understand how to use materials properly. (just like silversabre mentioned)

                        don't get me wrong, i'm not gonna lie. its ALOT of work. but like i said, its my thing, and i feel its all worth the effort.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by melskids View Post
                          i currently have 2 infants, 8 and 10 months old.
                          2 two year olds
                          2 three year olds

                          your statement i bolded says it all right there... i NEVER walk away from the infants or toddlers when they are using the art supplies.

                          if your using FFCERS, i believe it says art should be available everyday to preschool age, but only 3 times a week, or maybe only once, to infants and toddlers. i'd have to look again. point is, you can start slow, a couple times a week until youre more comfortable and the kids get used to the materials being out.

                          infants sit in their highchairs, and i usually only give them 1 or 2 crayons at a time, or a teaspoon of paint at a time.

                          they snap crayons and crumble/tear paper. its all part of the process.

                          i gradually let them go to the "big kids" art table and the easel somewhere around 18 months old, but i still stay right with them until they understand how to use materials properly. (just like silversabre mentioned)

                          don't get me wrong, i'm not gonna lie. its ALOT of work. but like i said, its my thing, and i feel its all worth the effort.
                          Oh, wow!!! Yeah!!! I already do THAT. I thought they wanted it out, displayed at eye level and "accessible" at all times....

                          We still have not had a "Q&A" session; QRIS. Between CDA, QRIS, FCCRS, ECERS, Emergent Curriculum, Evaluating/Documenting Development, Portfolios and everything else thrown at me at once, I live in a state of confusion lately.

                          Thank you for being so patient.

                          I do LOVE the contact paper idea with the feathers and stuff... That sounds like such a fun activity, Big Mama.
                          - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by BigMama View Post
                            I have a an art area in the playroom. Crayons, markers, scissors, pastels, hole punchers, glue bottles, glue sticks, white paper, colored construction paper, colored pencils, play dough and accessories, and a divided tray of collage materials are open every day. My easel is set up with paint and paper every day too.
                            I introduce the art area early. I fingerpaint with them at 6-7 mos. and let them scribble with crayons. I do let them tear and crumple paper but sometimes I tape the paper to the table so they can paint or draw without tearing it up. My easel is low enough that the little ones can help themselves. I've never had anyone go around and paint furniture (one did bend down and paint the floor) but if they start to walk away I just redirect them. Another kind of "introductory" activity for the little ones is to gather a basket of collage materials (feathers, craft sticks, pieces of tissue paper, big buttons, etc.) and lay out a sheet of contact paper sticky side up. Let them choose items to stick to the contact paper to make a collage. All they have to do is drop the item on the paper! Bingo dotters and roller paints are fun and fairly mess-free too if you need a low-key place to start. Just remember that for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, it is about the process of creating, not the finished product. Then just relax and have fun!
                            Oh the contact paper sounds awesome! I'd never thought of that. Of course, my group isn't quite sure what a collage is...they always want to pull the pieces back off :: same with stickers. Silly children.
                            Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                              Oh, wow!!! Yeah!!! I already do THAT. I thought they wanted it out, displayed at eye level and "accessible" at all times....

                              We still have not had a "Q&A" session; QRIS. Between CDA, QRIS, FCCRS, ECERS, Emergent Curriculum, Evaluating/Documenting Development, Portfolios and everything else thrown at me at once, I live in a state of confusion lately.

                              Thank you for being so patient.

                              I do LOVE the contact paper idea with the feathers and stuff... That sounds like such a fun activity, Big Mama.
                              i hear ya. we're going through all that right now too. sometimes it all makes my head spin LOL

                              i'll have to read through the FFCERS again, or crystal may know, but i thought for infant and toddlers, it only had to be offered. it has to be accessible to preschoolers though. maybe i'm wrong, i read more dang information lately , coming from all different directions, and most times it doesnt all line up together. so i forget where i read what.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by melskids View Post
                                i hear ya. we're going through all that right now too. sometimes it all makes my head spin LOL

                                i'll have to read through the FFCERS again, or crystal may know, but i thought for infant and toddlers, it only had to be offered. it has to be accessible to preschoolers though. maybe i'm wrong, i read more dang information lately , coming from all different directions, and most times it doesnt all line up together. so i forget where i read what.
                                yes, it only needs to be offered for toddlers.


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