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What Do You Think - Abusive Care?

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  • What Do You Think - Abusive Care?

    I used to use and unregistered home daycare in Texas, but one day I showed up early and was horrified at what I saw.

    The husband and wife running the day care were not doing anything they said they do. The husband was seen picking up a 20 plus pound kid by the arm raising him above his own head and tossing the poor child in a playpen. I started asking questions rightr away and was told he is a really bad kid he bite someone so he has to stay in the playpen until it is almost time for his mom to get here mind you this child ius under two years old. the child was in a diaper that was hanging past his knees, wet and dirty I changed the poor child myself and they told me you wasted a diaper, we change him once a day. All the kids get to eat is a half a sandwhich and water all day. They stick the kids in a bedroom and that's where they stay all day long !!! Their own kids are sick and always screaming. Needless to say I no longer use them.

    I feel I should tell the other parents what is going on and report her but don't know how to fog about it. They live in an aparttment complex that does not allow for home daycare should I notify them as well?

    What do you think?
    Last edited by Michael; 02-02-2010, 01:00 PM.

  • #2
    How horrifying! You absolutely need to notify the county right away- Most states its handled on a county level as part of social services- so the number should be in the book (though I expect our terrific moderator will post a link - he always does THANK YOU THANK YOU) Those poor children- And those providers should probably be in jail. You could just call 911 during the day when you know they have kids. I expect when the visits happen and the cops show up the landlord will get notified in due course.


    • #3
      Look your county up here:

      Texas State Child Care Licensing Agency
      Department of Protective and Regulatory Services
      P.O. Box 149030
      M.C. E-550
      Austin, TX 78714-9030
      Phone: Day Care Hotline: (800) 862-5252
      or (512) 438-3269
      Fax: (512) 438-3848
      Last edited by Michael; 02-02-2010, 01:04 PM.


      • #4
        That is horrible. I am wondering how a place like that could manage to look good even if you would only come at normal pick-up/drop off times? Yes you need to report them, and if you have a way to contact the other parents let them know as soon as you can!


        • #5
          Umm. Yes. REPORT.


          • #6
            Why would you even question what to do if you seen a man pick up a child by their arm and toss into a playpen? I would have took my own child out to my car and called 911 right then and there!!


            • #7
              The complex where they live you have to be buzzed in to the gate to get through so they always has the kids ready and and meet you at the door.

              I just saw and found all this out and was not sure as to WHO to contact to report it too. Calling 911 although I saw what they did I have no proof it would be my word against theirs.

              Thank you Michael I did call and file a report. I am trying to get ahold of other parents too but have had know luck yet. When I do will that bring a slander suit against me as well?

              I will never ever take my child back there, When I interviewed her she meet me away from the home, but she seaamed to love kids and was very nice, She know just what to say to make you feel comfortable with her. And too Think she has 4 kids of her own 2 of which just moved with her. They had been living with other family. That should have been my sign.
              Last edited by Michael; 02-02-2010, 01:59 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Nanie View Post
                The complex where they live you have to be buzzed in to the gate to get through so they always has the kids ready and and meet you at the door.

                I just saw and found all this out and was not sure as to WHO to contact to report it too. Calling 911 although I saw what they did I have no proof it would be my word against theirs.

                Thank you Michael I did call and file a report. I am trying to get ahold of other parents too but have had know luck yet. When I do will that bring a slander suit against me as well?

                I will never ever take my child back there, When I interviewed her she meet me away from the home, but she seaamed to love kids and was very nice, She know just what to say to make you feel comfortable with her. And too Think she has 4 kids of her own 2 of which just moved with her. They had been living with other family. That should have been my sign.
                Slander? We are the advocates for these children and reporting something that could be harmful is in the child's and public's interest. Your actions are not malicious but intended for public concern.
                Last edited by Michael; 02-02-2010, 02:09 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Nanie View Post
                  The complex where they live you have to be buzzed in to the gate to get through so they always has the kids ready and and meet you at the door.

                  I just saw and found all this out and was not sure as to WHO to contact to report it too. Calling 911 although I saw what they did I have no proof it would be my word against theirs.

                  Thank you Michael I did call and file a report. I am trying to get ahold of other parents too but have had know luck yet. When I do will that bring a slander suit against me as well?

                  I will never ever take my child back there, When I interviewed her she meet me away from the home, but she seaamed to love kids and was very nice, She know just what to say to make you feel comfortable with her. And too Think she has 4 kids of her own 2 of which just moved with her. They had been living with other family. That should have been my sign.
                  If you buzz in then how were you able to get up there and see what happened when you did?

                  Not meeting at her house would have been a little odd to me. When I was looking for child care for my son going to the home to see if was a big part of it. I wanted to make sure the house was safe for my son, like one house had 25 year old baby beds that she used and big glass cabinets. Another had large vases on the end tables.

                  How do you know who the other parents that go there are?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Persephone View Post
                    If you buzz in then how were you able to get up there and see what happened when you did?

                    Not meeting at her house would have been a little odd to me. When I was looking for child care for my son going to the home to see if was a big part of it. I wanted to make sure the house was safe for my son, like one house had 25 year old baby beds that she used and big glass cabinets. Another had large vases on the end tables.

                    How do you know who the other parents that go there are?

                    I was able to drive in right behind another car so I didnt have to buzz in. I would normally see a some of the parents from time to time and I know a feww of their names and I am looking them up. And I can wait outside the apartment complex for them and try and talk to the that way. I did also call the complex to report the daycare that is against their rules but they said they didnt know of any home day cares there. These people do not even talk the children outside and the windows are always covered so they wont find out about all the kids there. I found out to late.


                    • #11
                      It sounds like you knew from your first meeting, just didn't visually see it. Why would you take your child somewhere that you didn't investigate? Why if there were several children would you leave your child? Did you call and check references? Did you get background checks to make sure one of them never molested a child?

                      Personally, that poor baby in that diaper, I would have never just left him. I would have taken myself and my child out to safety and called the cops. How could you just leave that child there? Could you imagine if another mother did that to your child?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by gbcc View Post
                        It sounds like you knew from your first meeting, just didn't visually see it. Why would you take your child somewhere that you didn't investigate? Why if there were several children would you leave your child? Did you call and check references? Did you get background checks to make sure one of them never molested a child?

                        Personally, that poor baby in that diaper, I would have never just left him. I would have taken myself and my child out to safety and called the cops. How could you just leave that child there? Could you imagine if another mother did that to your child?
                        The fact that Nanie came to this forum and asked our advice is a huge step. Many would not even have bothered and just let it go. She even made a call to county. I think she did the right thing.
                        Last edited by Michael; 02-04-2010, 11:50 AM.


                        • #13
                          I agree with Micheal, she did the right thing, and as for taking the baby in the diaper? Hello? She could have been charged with kidnapping or whatever else, SHE was not the daycare provider the parents left their child with.
                          The response of the apartment complex manager though i find concerning and if it was me i wouldnt let that one go, I'd call again and tell them that i have documented both conversations with them so that when the state investigates this illegal and unethical daycare it will be known that the complex had received a complaint but chose to ignore it. That should light a fire under their butts..
                          Don't beat yourself up for the mistakes you made in choosing that daycare, learn from it and next time go to the home and make suprise visits. I commend you for not just turning away after removing your child and for trying to shed light to the community about this place.


                          • #14
                            Thank you, I was really starting to doubt myself as a good parent after reading some of your replies. I am not a perfect parent nor do I know any perfect parents I am really tring to do the right thing. I have made contact with a couple of the parents and they are going to POP in and try and get through the gate without contacting the care providers so they can also see what is going on. I did call the Complex AGAIN and they said we will check into it. I keep going. I wish I could take all the kids out of there but I can't. I can only do what I can do legally and part of that is reporting it and making people aware. Thak you to those that were not judguing and really tring to help me.
                            Last edited by Michael; 02-04-2010, 09:23 PM.


                            • #15
                              I agree with the others, reporting is the right thing to do. Years ago when I was looking for daycare and if I called a provider and they said that I couldn't come and see their daycare during business hours, I never called them again, sounds suspicious to me. I have an open door policy here, although when all the kids are here I do lock the door just for safety purposes, but my parents can come any time. I have had parents come on their lunch break to sit with their kids for 20 min. Letting the other parents know what is going on and letting them go and witness it unexpectedly the way you did may be the only way these people will get "uncovered" for what they are doing and be punished, good luck I hope you can find them soon for all those kids sake.

