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Payments for Sickness

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  • Payments for Sickness

    I pay my day care provider in full at the start of each month. I have been notified by them that if the provider is sick, and they can't find a sub, they will close, and no fees are refunded as they are treating it as a sick day for themselves. They're only open 2 days per week, and their rates are relatively high. They also want me to pay when they go on traing that coincide with a day I have paid for, and also request that terminations of care for my child can only be accepted in the month a month before the withdrawl (say September for a November wthdrawl).

    Are these 'contractual' obligations legal, because they don't seem fair to me?
    Last edited by Michael; 01-28-2008, 10:33 PM.

  • #2
    Daycare Contractual Obligations

    Even though your state has guidelines for daycare facilities the arrangement you make is with a private business. If you sign their contract you can bet they will hold you to it unless they are unlawful conditions. We must all make sure we read the contract that we are signing. Complaining later does not help but asking questions first does.


    • #3
      I agree with you. Except that the owners are "adding" new conditions as they go along. That's why its now a problem. It doesnlt matter what teh riginal contact says, I really have no way to disagree with any new condition being added - well, except with feet.


      • #4
        Contract Keeps Being Updated at Daycare

        In our opinion they cannot do this unless you both sign and addendum to your original contract. It is not a contract if they keep changing it. It is a contract if you keep paying for the changes even if you didn't sign for the changes but pay as they ask. We suggest you take your business elsewhere and file a complaint with your state's licensing agency. Their business ethics, though not illegal, are unscrupulous. They seem to have you over a barrel. It is time for you to take back control of the situation.


        • #5
          Thank you!

