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Daycare Provider High On Marijuana

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  • Daycare Provider High On Marijuana

    Hi, I'm new here but I'm doing some research because of an incident this morning. I dropped my two year old off at day care as usual and the place totally reeked of pot. The daycare provider was also visibly high. I feel like such a horrible parent and I can't believe I left her there. I'm trying to get off work as early as possible to go back and pick her up, but I wanted to do some research to find out the laws behind this.

    This can't be legal right? And if I want to pull her out today, because I'm honestly concerned for her safety, I don't feel I should have to give them any notice or pay them for any extra time. Can someone help me out with this, PLEASE?

  • #2
    Well, I would say that you need to leave work NOW and go get her, and once you have her, you need to call licensing and/or CPS. Of course it's not legal...
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      Too late now, but you should have walked out the door with your child and called CPS. After the fact may be too late, the evidence will be gone by now.


      • #4
        I wouldn't have left her there in a million years. I'd have called CPS and the police.

        I hope you were able to get your child and that this "provider" is taught a lesson! Never, ever take her there again!


        • #5
          You left your daughter there? What the heck are you on yourself?

          You have got to be a troll!


          • #6
            wierd responses...

            Unless she has medical marijuana permission, smoking or possessing marijuana and paraphanelia (sp) (anything used to smoke it) is totally illegal.

            If she does have a prescription, and you are in a state where that is legal, she is probably fine.

            You, on the other hand, are admitting to leaving your child with someone who was obviously under the influence, and I am pretty sure that is illegal everywhere.

            Is this a joke?

            FWIW I totally support legalization of medical marijuana and the use by women who are suffering from cancer, glaucoma, morning sickeness or any other condition which may be eased by this beneficial substance.


            • #7
              *sniff sniff* I smell something fishy...

              No parent leaves their child with someone who is clearly impaired....

              Don't feed the trolls....


              • #8
                Originally posted by jen View Post
                *sniff sniff* I smell something fishy...

                No parent leaves their child with someone who is clearly impaired....

                Don't feed the trolls....
                Totally agreed!


                • #9
                  And what are you on, crack?!

                  You left your child with someone not is sound mind to care for a child.

                  that is neglect!


                  • #10
                    MUD ::


                    • #11
                      I find it hard to believe that you would even have to ask these questions. You could of research the laws after you left there with you child. Shame on you for leaving your child in the first place.


                      • #12

                        I truly would like to believe that this (^^^) is the case, however, some people have NO common sense and don't think things through very quickly. I just really hope that isn't the case here.
                        Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


                        • #13
                          Surely that can't be legal ever... right?

                          One day, I did have a mom ask me if I'd been drinking. She said she thought she smelled alcohol, and I looked guilty. I looked kinda guilty because she came in early, and I had a mouth full of Lifesavers cremes. (they stopped making those BTW). They were butter rum candy, but I never thought they smelled like alcohol, I thought they smelled like butterscotch.

                          At least she had the common sense to question me right then. So, I could stick out my tongue and show her the two candies in my mouth.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by GretasLittleFriends View Post

                            I truly would like to believe that this (^^^) is the case, however, some people have NO common sense and don't think things through very quickly. I just really hope that isn't the case here.
                            I really can't respond to the stupidity of the OP but LOVE this picture! Had to nick it. Thank you!::


                            • #15
                              I am the OP, and I completely expected this response. You are all totally right, I can't believe I left her there for even a minute. I could make excuses, like it was 6 in the morning and blah, blah, blah, but you are all totally right. I did leave work directly after posting my original post and picked her up, so she ended up being there for about 1/2 hour.

                              Even though you all probably think I'm a total idiot right now, and I think the same thing, thank you for your responses, they only confirmed what I was feeling.

